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Why Malaysia might not Buy Tejas.

Malaysia will likely buy 12 JF-17s plus an option of 24 more..
Only Hasina govt is a potential buyer of this little junk. Bjp govt should market it to hasina only.
A correction: India doesn't want even a "pigeon" in BD's hands!!! And, it's after 100% neutralizing BD's entire command structure!!! If needed, the entire corps of senior officers (Lt Col and up) can be killed within half an hour inside their own bases and by the very soldiers they command....

A BD soldier's mindset: Soldiers are brothers to one another, we need the blood of the officer!!!! And, they have implemented it time and again in verbatim!!! And, it includes highly trained and skilled ex-PAF war veteran pilots with citations...
The problem is mix of Israel , U.S.A technology. Tejas is potent fighter in light class category, but Cost is big issue.
U.S.A engine, Israeli electronics and Russian Israeli missiles. I can say this is expensive fighter in light weight class category.
How did you come to that conclusion.
I do not accept your argument because IAF doesn't want it IN doesn't want it. So why would they not want a potent fighter

which part of it is bharati? landing gear?
Nope the paint brush made from holy cow tail
How did you come to that conclusion.
I do not accept your argument because IAF doesn't want it IN doesn't want it. So why would they not want a potent fighter

Nope the paint brush made from holy cow tail

For them, cow is holy. How can even someone think about peace and dialogue with this nation? To me it seems illogical.
The problem is mix of Israel , U.S.A technology. Tejas is potent fighter in light class category, but Cost is big issue.
U.S.A engine, Israeli electronics and Russian Israeli missiles. I can say this is expensive fighter in light weight class category.

I agree.

Though, it's fine for India at the moment, because as long as it owns the IP, R&D agencies and industry can come up with the sub systems. It's really mark 2, or a Mark 1A with homemade subsystems that are important.
HAL is marketing Tejas Heavily to Malaysia but they have over looked one major issue and that might be the biggest problem in selling Tejas to any Muslim country.

The first problem in selling Tejas is the RADAR which is of Israeli origin and Malaysia don't recognizes Israel as a country.

As reported by Janes.com

India selects IAI/Elta Systems radar and EW suite for Tejas LCA Mk 1A

India's state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has signed a deal with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)/Elta Systems for 83 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars and an equal number of electronic warfare (EW) suites to be fitted onto the Mk 1A variant of the indigenously developed Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

Industry sources told Jane's that the deal for ELM-2052 fire control radars and pod-mounted ELL-8222WB (wide band) self-protection jamming pods was "quietly" signed in late October after IAI/Elta emerged as the lowest bidder for the two compatible systems.

The IAI/Elta products were selected over systems fielded by rivals Thales and Saab, which had also responded to HAL's December 2016 request for quotation for AESA radars and EW suites.

The second issue in line is the Derby BVR missile which is also of Israeli origin and again Malaysia don't recognizes Israel.

Indian aircraft LCA Tejas launches Derby BVR missile


There is a huge diplomatic problem from India to sell Tejas to Malaysia and the jet might be out of the Malaysian procurement race even before it is considered.

Malaysia’s Mahathir dubs Israel ‘a state of robbers’

Malaysian premier says his country enjoys friendly relations with every country except for Israel

The LCA currently has an Indian radar and EW suite.

Also, if the Malaysians ask for AESA, it can be easily replaced with a French one, along with other French and Indian avionics. The same was done for their version of Su-30MKM also.

You don’t sell jets rejected by your own airforce, with only 4 in service(under going tests).

Not unless you are selling to “wakanda” post apocalypse.

IAF operates more than 4. By next month, IAF will have all 16 IOC aircraft.
By the way... do you know that it was Malaysia, who invited India to Participate... We have lots of MiG 21s waiting to get replaced...

I was told by a Malaysian friend once that they like to have some amusement in every event.
I agree.

Though, it's fine for India at the moment, because as long as it owns the IP, R&D agencies and industry can come up with the sub systems. It's really mark 2, or a Mark 1A with homemade subsystems that are important.

By the time the Malaysians will take deliveries of their first jet, it will be possible to replace all the Israeli stuff with Indian stuff, like the Uttam radar. LRDE plans to make Uttam production ready 2 years after flight tests begin. By the time the RFP is released, both Uttam and UEWS will become available.
I will play the devil's advocate here and make the case for Tejas as compared to JF-17 for this Malaysia deal:

Malaysia is not looking for a true multi-role aircraft, having a good interceptor or air-superioirity weapon in their new procurement is not on top of their list. They want it for ground attack and for anti-tank role (as stated by Dr. Mahatir himself). Tejas, with all the inspiration it took from the Mirage 2000, is a better option for ground attack and can carry more payload. So, notwithstanding that JF-17 might be a better multi-role fighter and has more of a proven service record, the Tejas might have a fighting chance.
By the time the Malaysians will take deliveries of their first jet, it will be possible to replace all the Israeli stuff with Indian stuff, like the Uttam radar. LRDE plans to make Uttam production ready 2 years after flight tests begin. By the time the RFP is released, both Uttam and UEWS will become available.

They shouldnt bet on possibilities, especially from a new defence producer.
Once they’ve fully sold it to thr IAF.
They shouldnt bet on possibilities, especially from a new defence producer.

There is a certain amount of risk when it comes to after sales support. But the aircraft will be considered as long as it clears the tech specs required.

The problem is the Malaysians haven't properly differentiated between the advanced trainers and fighters. So the RFP will reveal all.

Also, it's possible that BAE will compete with the Advanced Hawk that they have designed together with HAL. So HAL has two hands in the pot.
The LCA currently has an Indian radar and EW suite.

Also, if the Malaysians ask for AESA, it can be easily replaced with a French one, along with other French and Indian avionics. The same was done for their version of Su-30MKM also.

IAF operates more than 4. By next month, IAF will have all 16 IOC aircraft.

You do realise it isnt a plug and play service wrt to Radars. Its the heart of the fighter. Changing radar means changing FCS, integration, target acquisitions and weapon testing process again. Radars work only as well as their algorithms for processing. As of now Uttam is being tested, integrated in an prototype. What's its status, no-one know for quite some time now. Even now if UTTAM integration is successful, then it has to proceed with compatibility, power testing and weapon integration and firing. It will take atleast 3-4 years.

As of now, Malaysia has invited Tejas just for more opinion process. It will be a good platform for HAL to invest in marketing and technical proposals. Other than that, with Israeli HMD and radar its not going to work with them. Yea we need to test an new HMD too.
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