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Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas

Qamar, the specific and irrefutable evidence of human shields
The only irrefutable evidence of human shield use we have on that corner of the world is on Israel's part. Some relevant sources for you:

- Amnesty International:
“Amnesty International on Thursday accused Israeli forces of war crimes, saying they used children as human shields and conducted wanton attacks on civilians during their offensive in the Gaza Strip. “
“It could not support Israeli claims that Hamas used human shields. It said it found no evidence Palestinian fighters directed civilians to shield military objectives from attacks, forced them to stay in buildings used by militants, or prevented them from leaving commandeered buildings”

- The United Nations:
“We found no evidence that Hamas used civilians as hostages. I had expected to find such evidence but did not. We also found no evidence that mosques were used to store munitions. ”

A variety of sources prove that this has been an Israeli tactics for many years already.
2013: Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.| Reuters
2010: Israeli soldiers who used Palestinian boy, 9, as a human shield avoid jail | World news | The Guardian
2009: Israeli Soldiers ‘used child human shield’ – UN report — RT Russian politics
2007: Israel accused of using Palestinian children as human shields | World news | theguardian.com
2005: Mofaz: IDF to appeal 'human shield' ruling - Israel News, Ynetnews
Breaking the Silence › Testimony - A moving human shield

Israel likes to make this sort of accusation against all its other nemeses. My guess is that they help Israel put a spin on its intentional massacres of civilians and shed the blame for them on its enemies. They tried to do that with Hezbollah to justify its slaughter of civilians in Lebanon (around 1,000 innocent lives), but here, too, the Israelis ended up refuted, and by Western groups:
Human Rights Watch did not find evidence, however, that the deployment of Hezbollah forces in Lebanon routinely or widely violated the laws of war, as repeatedly alleged by Israel. We did not find, for example, that Hezbollah routinely located its rockets inside or near civilian homes. Rather, we found strong evidence that Hezbollah had stored most of its rockets in bunkers and weapon storage facilities located in uninhabited fields and valleys.

As for this...
and also a violation of geneva convention is using civilian areas to fire rockets from and using civilian areas for storing rockets. (I don't even want to go into firing rockets at civilian targets, or that pakistani army also destroys houses of taliban commanders).
Again: no evidence of that. Our only "undeniable evidence" are your words, better yet, the IDF's words, because that's the only source you have on the subject, let's not pretend otherwise. Many people believe the stories about "Hamas human shields", about "rockets being launched from schools and hospitals", only because of the sheer amount of times that these claims have been made in the Western media without skepticism. Goebbels explains.

But the evidence the IDF's presented in support of this claim is not very impressive, otherwise it wouldn't have been forced to retract its claims when refuted. Just like the IDF's claims that Hamas uses civilians as human shields are intended to justify civilian slaughters, its allegations that Hamas is firing from populated civilian have the same purpose. Just proof is the fact that the IDF bombs houses, schools, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure despite total absence of military targets. An example:
Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet, when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people, including an entire family of seven young children.
The UN was particularly incensed over targeting of the schools, because Israeli forces knew they were packed with families as they had ordered them to get out of their homes with leaflet drops and loudspeakers. It said it had identified the schools as refugee centres to the Israeli military and provided GPS coordinates.
[The head of the UN Palestinian refugee agency, John Ging] said UN staff vetted those Palestinians who sought shelter at the school. "So far we've not had violations by militants of our facilities,"

So there you have - a wealth of evidence on violation of the Geneva conventions, not by Hamas, but by Israel. You could condemn these real violations with the same passion that you do Hamas' imaginary ones, but I won't hold my breath for that.
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what can you do the world stands beside israel no muslim country in the world is coming at your aid what do you suggest do you want hamas to keep on going with its rockets so that Israelis can retaliate yes of course you do you want more civlians casualties and death !
Again yet another post suggesting : " We live in a jungle, not in a civilized world ". For your information, MANY people support the Palestinian cause, it's just the western media doesn't like to reveal it. The Western leadership will always side with Israel due to the influence of the Jewish lobby, nothing more.
Either both side accept ceasefire, or go for a full scale invasion. This madness has to stop.
Either both side accept ceasefire, or go for a full scale invasion. This madness has to stop.
A full scale invasion to murder hundreds to stop madness? Oh the Irony....
You do realize that like, 99% of the deaths are Palestinians and you're still rooting for Israel? You're still thinking Palestine is the aggressor?
A full scale invasion to murder hundreds to stop madness? Oh the Irony....
You do realize that like, 99% of the deaths are Palestinians and you're still rooting for Israel? You're still thinking Palestine is the aggressor?

They should have accepted a ceasefire.

Still they're firing 150 rockets a day. No country would put up with that.

Just like Egypt goes into the Sinai and bombs Bedouin.
They should have accepted a ceasefire.

Still they're firing 150 rockets a day. No country would put up with that.

Just like Egypt goes into the Sinai and bombs Bedouin.
They said they didn't get any official papers for the ceasefire.
You're saying that Palestine shouldn't retaliate at all? In all honesty? They should put up with the Israeli blockade, building of illegal settlements, as well as the Israeli aggression and kidnapping of Palestinians?
A full scale invasion to murder hundreds to stop madness? Oh the Irony....
You do realize that like, 99% of the deaths are Palestinians and you're still rooting for Israel? You're still thinking Palestine is the aggressor?

Are you discounting the role of Ummah in a full scale war?
There will be no full scale war as long as Israel has nukes + US backup.

Pakistan has nukes. As i said, either total ceasefire or an invasion. I heard in news that Israel accepted Egypt's proposal for a ceasefire, what happened to that?

The best solution for the problem will be to ban HAMAS, and station an 'Unified army of Muslim nations' in Palestine.
They said they didn't get any official papers for the ceasefire.
You're saying that Palestine shouldn't retaliate at all? In all honesty? They should put up with the Israeli blockade, building of illegal settlements, as well as the Israeli aggression and kidnapping of Palestinians?
So you believe Hamas over your own country? are you MB supporter?

There are no settlements in Gaza and there was no blockade between 2005-2007 but the rockets continued.

Do you also support Bedouin in the Sinai firing rockets at Egypt and bombing you?

Pakistan has nukes. As i said, either total ceasefire or an invasion. I heard in news that Israel accepted Egypt's proposal for a ceasefire, what happened to that?

The best solution for the problem will be to ban HAMAS, and station an 'Unified army of Muslim nations' in Palestine.
Hamas rejected the ceasefire and then pretended that they didn't hear about it despite the Egyptians mediating and the Arab league accepting the ceasefire.

There will be no full scale war as long as Israel has nukes + US backup.
Let's not forget what happened when you tried your wars in the past.
Brother you don't need to be a muslim to stand against this Genocide. All you need to be is a human. I am afraid your thoughts are against humanity. Check What a former ISRAELI Army Officer is saying about this Genocide and feel some shame.

Good hearted human beings such as the former Captain of the Israeli Army are coming out and speaking the truth. See the video, and then reply if you changed your mind bcz if u wouldn't then it's obvious that u r not a human being.

When Muslim terrorist calls for Jihad and cleanses Kashmiri pandits from Kashmir leading them to live a refugee life people justify it as freedom struggle...Killing of Kashmiri pandits was a genocide as there was no armed resistance to fight the murdering terrorist. What Israel is doing is war on terrorism....Hamas is a organization with its own army conducting rocket attacks in Israel and Israel is retaliating. If there was no Hamas and Israeli army killed civilian it would be "Genocide". It is clear that the attacks by Israel are not unprovoked. Furthermore Hamas doesn't even want a cease fire ... they want a full scale war. The only way to stop these unfortunate incident is for Hamas to give up arms and sit for a serious negotiation.
When Muslim terrorist calls for Jihad and cleanses Kashmiri pandits from Kashmir leading them to live a refugee life people justify it as freedom struggle...Killing of Kashmiri pandits was a genocide as there was no armed resistance to fight the murdering terrorist. What Israel is doing is war on terrorism....Hamas is a organization with its own army conducting rocket attacks in Israel and Israel is retaliating. If there was no Hamas and Israeli army killed civilian it would be "Genocide". It is clear that the attacks by Israel are not unprovoked. Furthermore Hamas doesn't even want a cease fire ... they want a full scale war. The only way to stop these unfortunate incident is for Hamas to give up arms and sit for a serious negotiation.
Agreed but as far as the attacks are concerned, it is assured that instead of terrorists, more of the victims are children and women, which can never be justified, whatever you say my brother. Killing of innocent people should be stopped. And we need to protest against that. Because it's no more about religion, it's about humanity as i mentioned that before.
Agreed but as far as the attacks are concerned, it is assured that instead of terrorists, more of the victims are children and women, which can never be justified, whatever you say my brother. Killing of innocent people should be stopped. And we need to protest against that. Because it's no more about religion, it's about humanity as i mentioned that before.

Civilians will always die in war.

Israel makes a lot of effort with leaflets drops, phone calls, texts and blank mortar rounds to warn of air strikes. No other army in the world does this much.

NATO certainly doesn't text Taliban to warn them.

Hamas leadership are hiding in a bunker under a hospital. Rejecting a ceasefire and letting their people suffer for propaganda.
Civilians will always die in war.

Israel makes a lot of effort with leaflets drops, phone calls, texts and blank mortar rounds to warn of air strikes. No other army in the world does this much.

NATO certainly doesn't text Taliban to warn them.

Hamas leadership are hiding in a bunker under a hospital. Rejecting a ceasefire and letting their people suffer for propaganda.
But more than terrorists, these are the civilians who are being victims of Hamas war with Israel ? Do u agree that ? Because if you don't even agree to that, then there is no point in discussing that with you. Be neutral and think about it, then comment...
But more than terrorists, these are the civilians who are being victims of Hamas war with Israel ? Do u agree that ? Because if you don't even agree to that, then there is no point in discussing that with you. Be neutral and think about it, then comment...
Of course the civilians make up some of the victims.

As they have in Israel too.

But there's no choice here. How many wars in history have there been without civilian casualties?

Look at Ukraine for example. Hundreds dead - the UN says over 250 dead civilians,

War has its casualties and Hamas should have thought of this before starting to fire rockets, if Hamas thinks good for Palestine and its people. As far media reports suggest three Palestinian teenagers were kidnapped and murdered, that raised tension and an Israeli teenager was killed in to avenge it. And things escalated..."Two wrongs do not make a right"...if 3 Palestinian were killed they could have protested and demanded justice..instead of waiting for justice one more innocent is killed. And as far as I know (from news), Israel arrested 4 Israeli who confessed to the murders...but the Palestinians who killed an Israeli in revenge are at large. I am not saying what Israel is doing is right...but in this case Palestine cannot play the victim card.
You have it the wrong way around.

palestinians killed three Israeli boys and then a palestinian boy was killed in revenge.

But this isn't about the boys killed. This is about rocket attacks plain and simple.
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