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Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?

And Pakistan don't have any officially declared AKHANDTA... While India and indians(public) do have such plans and mindset.in their generation in which they include Pakistan as a part of AKHAND BHARAT.(aka)greater India...:drag:
sorry but we don't want Pakistan...stay away from Kashmir and stop cross border terrorism, AND we have no issues with you even to call you friendly country!
sorry but we don't want Pakistan...stay away from Kashmir and stop cross border terrorism, AND we have no issues with you even to call you friendly country!

You probably don't, but your Aryan and Brahmin oppressors do. They spend their nights clutching the map of Pakistan to their light-skinned chests, moaning about how they would convert all the Muslims of the Land of Pure into Hindus.
This is a general question haunting me ever since I visited my country of birth after residing 15 years here in Norway. Every other person I meet on the street, in restaurants and conferences accuse India for plotting conspiracies against Pakistan for reasons that are not very clever. They blame India for Pakistan's dire economic state, security situation and our nation's bad reputation internationally.
It seem outrageous to blame your (enemy) neighbor for your own collective shortcomings. But when you see things with open mind, it becomes clear that future of the nation is in our own hands and not in our neighbors', so why blame them for almost everything bad and ugly in Pakistan?

Note: Indian members of PDF are NOT welcome for reply on this thread to avoid trolling. I am sorry but I had to place this notice as a precaution :)

@zip @TankMan @Malik Abdullah @Leader @Pakistani shaheens @Syed.Ali.Haider @nomi007 @Major Sam @MastanKhan @Windjammer @fatman17 @dexter @khanboy007 @Aether

Let me answer your question simply.
The reason why we hate India?

-We have engaged in 5 wars.
-India is stealing OUR water by creating tons of dams *cough* violation of Indus water treaty.
-The fact they they illegally invaded Hyderabad and Junagadh, 2 princely states which wanted to secede to Pakistan.
-Hindu persecution of Muslims in some areas, (like cutting the hands of those who slaughter cows).
-Occupying a Muslim majority region of which most rivers flow from into Pakistan.
-Succession Riots and killings in which most victims were Muslims.
-Border skirmishes, in which claimed 20 Pakistani lives a couple months ago( Funny fact, Indians started these violations in KASHMIR because of the fact that its a muslim majority region; many Pakistani rangers and officers hesitate to retaliate because most of the casualty will be Muslim)
-RAW activity in Pakistan, most recently in the Dawood case.
-Indo-Pak cold war going on.
-Many Pakistanis also hate India because the majority of India are Hindus.

Hamas bombarded Israel with rockets and Israel eventually took military action to suppress them. Pakistanis looked only at what Israel's actions and thus classed the event as "Israeli aggression"

You have your story wrong. Hamas just wants to be left alone and function like a normal state. You forget the fact that Israel has blockaded Gaza, is stealing land illegally for settlements and is constantly doing drone strikes against Major hamas leaders even in the time of peace. So what choice does Hamas have to put pressure on Israel to basically tell em "**** off" is shoot fire works, Israel responds by destroying schools, hospitals and killing innocent civilians.
Not only in Pakistan... Same case is with India. In fact Indians have more hatred for Pakistan.
The favorable views of each other in both India and Pakistan are pretty much identical at 15% and 13% respectively ! :unsure:

Then to the question 'Which country is the greatest threat ?' the top choice for Indians was Pakistan with 45% of respondents saying as such while the top choice amongst Pakistanis was the US with 38% of Pakistanis saying as such and not India ! :o:

I can't see where the 'so' much hatred narrative is coming from ? :undecided:

SOURCE : How Asians View Each Other | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project

@LoveIcon @dexter @Secur @Jazzbot @Hyperion @Jungibaaz @chauvunist - Can you guys make some sense of the assertion ? :what:
It JUST does NOT matter that Pakistanis hate us

What matters is that the Economic ; Military and Technological GAP between the two
countries MUST keep growing
There is nothing sick nor extreme in these views

In Palestine innocent muslims gave been stamped upon and abused for over 50 years

The same goes for Kashmir

It is a natural right to stand up for and defend the rights of muslims under occupation anywhere in the world

Just because someone doesn't hurt you directly doesn't mean you stand by and let them hurt your brother and mother and other Muslims

Which Madarsa taught this?
You probably don't, but your Aryan and Brahmin oppressors do. They spend their nights clutching the map of Pakistan to their light-skinned chests, moaning about how they would convert all the Muslims of the Land of Pure into Hindus.
What are you smoking? Pass it, will you?
Happy New Year to all my Pakistani brothers and girls here. :pakistan:

Happy New Year to all my Indian brothers and girls here. :cheers:

Happy New Year to all my Sri Lankan, Chinese, Iranian, Russian, Ukranian, and American brothers and girls here. :partay::enjoy:
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