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Why is the US Navy practising for war with China?

You write this like a brainwashed tool. The Korean War was not between China and the US. It was between a communist alliance vs. the US-led UN alliance. A previous poster already wrote something similar to this, but you're apparently too dumb or lazy to read this post.

According to various sources, the two factions had similar quantity of men & casualties, but the US alliance had a lot more quantity of technology and probably superior quality of technology. Yet, the communist alliance achieved its objectives in restoring North Korea.

MacArthur wanted a nuclear war, but a nuclear war would be a lost for both factions.
Apparently the only dumbass her are you. I never claimed that the Korean war was a war between the US and China. If you cannot read, you shoudnt try to answer my post. I only answered claims from the previous posters that China won the Korean war, but you're apparently too dumb or lazy to read this post. McArther was first limited to use the technological capacity that the us had to offer. The communist alliance wanted to liberate the whole of Korea, so it didnt achieve its objectives.

ps.The USA has some of the best universities in the world, yet you are so retarded I cant believe you're flags.

PPS, you claim the us and China suffered the same amount of casualties? You're a joke. If you dont know jack about this subject you shoudnt participate in this debate.
Chinese sources say 450000 casualties (100000 KIA) while some western sources suggest 600000 to One million Chinese casualties.While the US casualties are 54,260. . And those 54k include all military members who died during the period of the war, not just those lost in Korea.
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wow this fact is completely censored out by the west.

@gambit and I thought US Navy was perfect and only knew to Win??

How is this censored???

Before China entered the Korean War, the US and its 13 allies were at the Yalu river (China-North Korea border). The US had North Korea under full control.

Then China entered the war by sending its Volunteer Army to fight the US.

The Chinese Volunteer Army not only held their own, but managed to kick out the US and its allies completely out of North Korea using People's war strategy.

What's even more remarkable is that China was technologically and financially outmatched against the US and 13 of its allies, but still managed to whoop the American 8th Army's a$$.

The US/UN didn't expect China to help North Korea considering we helped them just 5 years earlier get rid of the Japanese aggressor army. So when North Korea invaded South Korea we didn't expect them to join in.

So yes they sent over a million men over the border when they saw North Korea losing...outnumbering everybody.
Too bad they couldn't pull off something like that 5 years earlier instead of crying to the US for help when the Imperial army had you guys bent over like a scene from "Deliverance".


And China wonders why the US is closer with Japan....nice "honor" you guys have.
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Because USA want to implement dictatorshipin the world!
You guys don't even fear God! :P
I am a Chinese christian, but USA is not God. President Obama is not Jesus. God loves people more than his own, and Obama kills people wantonly. When he put his hands on the bible taking an oath, he is lying to God.

You going to blame us for Mao?

5 years earlier you were guarding our planes.
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You Americans take yourself as the sons of God,have you ever thought Maybe God is not happy with what you do around the world? You guys place democracy and so called human right beyond other soverighty and innocent life, do you feel shamed when you kill other people randomly? Look at what the hell happens in Iraq, Afganistan after you conquered them? Now God wish a properous China in name of justice and peace. God loves all human, not only Americans.

When most Chinese people turns into Christian, we will have democracy automatically. Then we will talk justice with USA in the name of Jesus.

Jesus loves christians, he lovesMuslim as well. He is a mighty lord forever.
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How is this censored???

The US/UN didn't expect China to help North Korea considering we helped them just 5 years earlier get rid of the Japanese aggressor army. So when North Korea invaded South Korea we didn't expect them to join in.

So yes they sent over a million men over the border when they saw North Korea losing...outnumbering everybody.
Too bad they couldn't pull off something like that 5 years earlier instead of crying to the US for help when the Imperial army had you guys bent over like a scene from "Deliverance".

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And China wonders why the US is closer with Japan....nice "honor" you guys have.
I always appreciate the help USA deliver to China to counter Japanese Nazi in world war 2. It doesn't mean we shall be sitting ducks when you knocked on our doors for potential intrusion. We have differrent ideology and indentification of social system. I never deny the North Korea launch attack at first, but USA tried to wipe north Korea from the earth, which means we will expose the border directly to our enemy. For our own national interests, China had to defend herself against USA's penetration in the area.

If your aircraft and your batteships and submarines cannot attack assets on mainland u s on regular basis---do not start a war against the united states.

If you are an enemy of the u s with a large industrial infrastructure----find a way to make peace----. The u s naval forces and submarine fleet will totally annihilate your industry----.

You need to understand that all the American weapons are designed to take out large complexes----and not the afghani mud houses---it will be like a pig having fun in a pigsty.

China has not come so far to lose it just like that in the heat of the moment.

There are 17 countries joined the Korean war in the UN side, we defeated them in the end. Any country wanna challenge China, just bring it.
How is this censored???

The US/UN didn't expect China to help North Korea considering we helped them just 5 years earlier get rid of the Japanese aggressor army. So when North Korea invaded South Korea we didn't expect them to join in.

So yes they sent over a million men over the border when they saw North Korea losing...outnumbering everybody.
Too bad they couldn't pull off something like that 5 years earlier instead of crying to the US for help when the Imperial army had you guys bent over like a scene from "Deliverance".

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And China wonders why the US is closer with Japan....nice "honor" you guys have.
USA did know that China will extend help to North Korea, but MacArthur think the US army could sweep PLA off their feet within 3 month.

You underestimated the power of PLA.
How is this censored???

The US/UN didn't expect China to help North Korea considering we helped them just 5 years earlier get rid of the Japanese aggressor army. So when North Korea invaded South Korea we didn't expect them to join in.

So yes they sent over a million men over the border when they saw North Korea losing...outnumbering everybody.
Too bad they couldn't pull off something like that 5 years earlier instead of crying to the US for help when the Imperial army had you guys bent over like a scene from "Deliverance".

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And China wonders why the US is closer with Japan....nice "honor" you guys have.

And what did you do to your WW2 ally a.k.a Soviet Union?
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There are 17 countries joined the Korean war in the UN side, we defeated them in the end. Any country wanna challenge China, just bring it.

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180,000 Chinese soldiers killed in Korean War - China.org.cn


"More than 110,000 members of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army died in combat in the war that involved 18 countries, Major General Xu Yan, who is also a professor with the Chinese People's Liberation Army's National Defense University, wrote in an article in the latest issue of WenShi Cankao, a periodical under the People's Daily."
"According to statistics compiled by the army's medical departments and hospitals, 114,084 servicemen were killed in military action or accidents, and 25,621 soldiers had gone missing. The other about 70,000 casualties died from wounds, illness and other causes, he said."

And what did you do to your WW2 ally a.k.a Soviet Union?

Nothing..until the Berlin blockade in 1948 ( Berlin Blockade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

USA did know that China will extend help to North Korea, but MacArthur think the US army could sweep PLA off their feet within 3 month.

You underestimated the power of PLA.

If we wanted to take over China we would have done it 5 years before the Korean War when our planes were on your runways DEFENDING your country. What a bunch of ungrateful and forgetful people you are. It's not like we did it to defend Democracy...Chiang Kai-shek was no lover of that.

Plus don't forget this psycho future plan of Mao's:
Gromyko: Mao Urged Atomic Attack On U.s. Troops - Philly.com
"Soviet President Andrei A. Gromyko says in his memoirs that he rebuffed a 1958 proposal by Mao Tse-tung that the Soviet Union help lure U.S. troops into China, where they would be attacked with nuclear weapons, according to a published report"

Atl least Gromyko had some sense:
"The scenario of war described by you cannot meet a positive response by us," Gromyko says he told Mao. "I can say this with certainty."
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Nothing..until the Berlin blockade in 1948 ( Berlin Blockade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

Dude they have literally occupied the entire surrounding territories of Berlin. It was a symbolic gesture from them to let allies "jointly" occupy Berlin. But after that you immediately claim something and try to govern the city. If they wouldn't allow you to enter Berlin in the first place you couldn't have occupied Berlin without passing the Soviet territory.
Dude they have literally occupied the entire surrounding territories of Berlin. It was a symbolic gesture from them to let allies "jointly" occupy Berlin. But after that you immediately claim something and try to govern the city. If they wouldn't allow you to enter Berlin in the first place you couldn't have occupied Berlin without passing the Soviet territory.

"Soviet territory"????

If Russia had troops inTurkey would you consider it "Soviet territory" too?
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