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Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

True, but same can be said of India. From 1947 up to the 90s, India had very slow growth due to the socialist policies of Nehru. But when India liberalized it's economy in 1991, India began to grow. So had India liberalized it's economy in 1947, today India would have been a developed country.

Hmmm.. Every single post colonial nation was in the same foothold in this regard for different socio economic reasons,So you cant single out a single country or reason as an excuse.. SL liberalized it's economy in the 80's just a decade before India and with a debilitating civil war to contend with, Bangladesh was born in the 70's and have been under political instability for most part of it's young history, Pakistan has been under military rule for most part and a volatile neighborhood along with domestic extremist instability and violance

So India cannot be an exception to it nor can it use it as an excuse
Hmmm.. Every single post colonial nation was in the same foothold in this regard for different socio economic reasons,So you cant single out a single country or reason as an excuse.. SL liberalized it's economy in the 80's just a decade before India and with a debilitating civil war to contend with, Bangladesh was born in the 70's and have been under political instability for most part of it's young history, Pakistan has been under military rule for most part and a volatile neighborhood along with domestic extremist instability and violance

So India cannot be an exception to it nor can it use it as an excuse

India has more closely adhered to socialism than any of its neighbours. This is partly due to our close relationship with the Soviet Union.
What ??!!??.. :omghaha:

Yeah he is right.

Sometime back I heard someone saying we should thank Portuguese for invading Sri Lanka before the Samorin of Kalikat.

True, but same can be said of India. From 1947 up to the 90s, India had very slow growth due to the socialist policies of Nehru. But when India liberalized it's economy in 1991, India began to grow. So had India liberalized it's economy in 1947, today India would have been a developed country.

If India liberalized its economy in 1947 we would not have seen a unified India as we see today.

You should thank your leaders for adhering to the socialist policies because they gave India a firm economic foothold when it's economy was liberalized in 1990s.
Dude, you Indians like to agree that Pakistan was exploiting Bangladesh, and hence the separation in 1971. Facts are clear about how a disproportionate share of development spending was used in Pakistan and hence causing economic damage to Bangladesh.
As it does not suit your argument, now you will not agree with this.
Dude ,U bangladeshi like to drag Pakistan when it suits u..... however on topic irrespective of Pakistan actions U had the chance for development. Why did U wait till 71?
Southern India and Sri Lanka are more developed than Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India and
Bangladesh in terms of Human development, literacy rate and GDP. But this was not always the case.
From the 4th century BC to the 6th century CE parts of northern India was more developed than southern
India as northern India produced the greatest Dynasties of ancient India like the Maurya Empire and
Gupta Empire. Under Mauryan and Gupta rule northern India was the center of South Asian civilization.
But from the 7th century onwards the northern part of South Asia started to decline and the southern part
of South Asia started to flourish. During the early medieval period southern India became the center of
South Asian civilization and science. Indian mathematics flourished in southern India during the medieval
period and the greatest mathematicians of medieval South Asia were from southern India like Bhaskara II
and Madhava. During the medieval period the greatest Dynasties of South Asia were established in
southern india like the Rashtrakuta Empire, Chola Empire, Western Chalukya Empire, Vijayanagar Empire
and Maratha Empire. The Mughal rule reestablished the glory of northern India for a short period of time
but even the Mughals were defeated and conquered by a power from the south the Maratha Empire.
How can the northern part of South Asia regain its past glory and is there any hope for countries like
Afghanistan and Bangladesh?
Many reasons.

1. North had seen repeated Islamic invasions, many of them only for loot. It weighs heavily on a conquered population.

2. While the Northern chiefs were busy infighting, and gobbled up by invaders, the southern states were fortunately united under a strong Vijaynagar empire, and hence was able to beat back attacks for quite some time. Much of South India was saved from the destruction we saw in the North.

3. There is a sense of discipline in the South as opposed to the North.
UP and Bihar combined have 300 million population, they will have some participation in goverment because Indian system works on caste system and on population % basis not actual capability.
Indian govt works on caste system? Where did you get that crap? Caste system is outlawed in India. It is only used as the basis for affirmative action for backward classes. The last time caste system was used in govt was during the British colonial regime, which promoted caste based divisions in accordance with their policy of divide and rule. Some contemporary scholars even say that caste system was constructed in its present form by the British.

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One simple thing. South India was in largely insulated from large Islamic Onslaught by the Cholas, Rastrakutas, and later the mightly Vijayanagar Empire. It is still evident in culture gap between the two , and the reasons for more "communal riots" in N.India than in south.
It will take some time for the north to come to terms, but the politicians in North are really "UNINSPIRING" to do any big social welfare works. I shall take pride in India, only when all the parts of India, including NE are developed.
Till that there is no questions of S.India developed, this part developing, under-developed.
One simple thing. South India was in largely insulated from large Islamic Onslaught by the Cholas, Rastrakutas, and later the mightly Vijayanagar Empire. It is still evident in culture gap between the two , and the reasons for more "communal riots" in N.India than in south.
It will take some time for the north to come to terms, but the politicians in North are really "UNINSPIRING" to do any big social welfare works. I shall take pride in India, only when all the parts of India, including NE are developed.
Till that there is no questions of S.India developed, this part developing, under-developed.
The Rashtrakuta rulers defeated the Arab invaders and the Vijayanagar kings defeated the Turkic invaders but as far as
I know there were not any conflicts between Chola rulers and Muslim rulers.
Sri Lanka is behind South India? Since when? And Pak reality is $300 billion GDP and $1600 per capita by this june. BD have 2x per capita then UP.

UP and Bihar combined have 300 million population, they will have some participation in government because Indian system works on caste system and on population % basis not actual capability.

Since always dude.

My brother went to IIT Madras,my village in deep south india has wifi,there are 3 nobel laureates from our clan and region,the atmosphere that we have is amazing.

I & my Bro went to great ICSE schools with a level of education that is truly amazing,my friend went to Math/Physics Olympiad in 1997 and He saw Israelis/Hungarians/Russians there but nobody else.

Our intellectual tradition is too good and the quality of our human resources has no equals in the subcontinent,only China would be fair competition.

I love SL,they are a nice country coming to terms with life after the end of the civil war.

Even their own vellalars from northern SL are bloody amazing people.
OR is it just attitude? the culture also may be another reason. Southies are not aggressive rather hard working people.
Care to explain why?


You should see for yourself,the quality of education and the level of intellect a kid achieves.

OR is it just attitude? the culture also may be another reason. Southies are not aggressive rather hard working people.

It is a prosperous,wealthy place.

Sri Lanka is behind South India? Since when? And Pak reality is $300 billion GDP and $1600 per capita by this june. BD have 2x per capita then UP.

UP and Bihar combined have 300 million population, they will have some participation in goverment because Indian system works on caste system and on population % basis not actual capability.

Not at all,Caste system has no relevance here,u sound like a text book ghissu from pak.

Pak reality what? taking money from Saudi arabia for being a slave? does that form a part of the GDP?

You want to talk of the black money in India? If you add the black money that is circulating around,it ll be so damn high that there ll be no competition at all.
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Since always dude.

My brother went to IIT Madras,my village in deep south india has wifi,there are 3 nobel laureates from our clan and region,the atmosphere that we have is amazing.

I & my Bro went to great ICSE schools with a level of education that is truly amazing,my friend went to Math/Physics Olympiad in 1997 and He saw Israelis/Hungarians/Russians there but nobody else.

Our intellectual tradition is too good and the quality of our human resources has no equals in the subcontinent,only China would be fair competition.

I love SL,they are a nice country coming to terms with life after the end of the civil war.

Even their own vellalars from northern SL are bloody amazing people.

haha so becoz of above hilarious reasons Sri Lanka is behind south India? :P
Thats actually true and are very valid reasons to be,education esp technical education is the biggest and most important thing.

I dont know how old you are and what you studied in college and whether you got kids,but thats pretty much the determining factor.
Thats actually true and are very valid reasons to be,education esp technical education is the biggest and most important thing.

I dont know how old you are and what you studied in college and whether you got kids,but thats pretty much the determining factor.

This reminds me some other Indian member, he wanted to mention his state has biggest steel plant thus Sri Lanka is behind them. :P
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