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Why is South Indian food different from North Indian food?

I've tried one or two gourmet restaurants. Never felt so uncomfortable having food in my life.

Crepes are the only French dish that I like. But I have to admit I haven't tried a wide variety of French food.

try french roasts . . with their local wines :D:D:D
:ashamed: I am very illiterate in vegetables ...I only buy the frozen ones coz I dont like to wash and cut the fresh ones...I dont even know how to check unless they are seriously rotting I wouldnt know which is fresh or nice or whatever....I made vege pasta the day before... seriously it tasted bad :cray: so I added today's allu qeema in the left overs and ate it... :p:

BTW, allu is vege :p:

who? @Dem!god

Is it his bday?
yes allu is veg..but when u add keema to it ....it becomes non veg.....:angry:
frozen veges are nt good and it will nt match the taste of the fresh veges....:agree:
lol//...hw come u don't know how to check the rotting ones........u can tell at it by looking...:p:
pasta is good......I like that too.....:)
try this Kasu Marzu cheese. . with live maggots in it :chilli::chilli::chilli:

it tastes awesome

Just two days back, I fed this to Armstrong.:D But have you tasted this?:eek: and isn't it Italian?
south india also uses lot of spices ...if I have to say then south india uses more spices then norther counter part....
after all kerala is spice bowl of india......:p:
we use a lot of oil and every thing is fried,....where as south uses many thing raw.....and I like that.....raw is good...:-)
south uses a lot of coco nut.....I have got one question why south uses lot of sour in food or its just mine ignorance......:undecided:

I think it is related to humid and Manson climate.
LOL we have curry points selling rotis recently cos many North Indian girls/Guys came here due to IT.Otherwise its the same.
No you dont find paratha in Andhra infact i hardly find paratha in Hyderabad unless you visit Papa Ji da Dhaba etc. I love parathas but seriously it hasn't taken off yet, Rumali roti,Butter nan are favorites here though.Though i still like those luccha/egg/paneer parathas :P
u are from andhra bro....
I was in andhra for a year.....and they add a lot of spices.....and lot of chilli....damn...
and I found parotta in every corner....:cry:..HYD is good....u will get every thing of ur taste there.....I loved being in HYD....

I think it is related to humid and Manson climate.
hmm...may be but how....:undecided:
yes allu is veg..but when u add keema to it ....it becomes non veg.....:angry:
frozen veges are nt good and it will nt match the taste of the fresh veges....:agree:
lol//...hw come u don't know how to check the rotting ones........u can tell at it by looking...:p:
pasta is good......I like that too.....:)
Well I can tell rotting veges...Just cant tell fresh or nice ones...I mean unless they look dried and useless I wont know its old stock...like when people go to the market they pick up and check the leaves...I am like what the heck do you look for?! :unsure:

Pasta is 1 of the cheapest food here in Europe...I dont eat it daily it makes me too full..
French are considered as the bread basket of Europe and fresh vegetables and Cheese are available in plenty.

French cooking is all about right blend of taste and presentation.

from Bread to Pastries, from Steaks to Cheese based dishes they have a wide variety of dishes.

Indians might find Western cuisine not tasty because of less spiciness.

Western cuisine is all about preserving the taste of main ingredient, In Indian Cuisine we find spicy taste in all dishes.

Point is, have you tried them? Whatever is described in glowing words, doesn't change the fact that I was disappointed with what little French food I have tasted.
1)The food is spicier as it stimulates us more and lets us cool off due to the tropical environment.
2)India is covered 3 sides by sea so yeah we eat sea food.
3)Your foods originated from Central and west asia?WOW why do you bengalis eat fish so much? i dont see Seas in Central and west asia!

We don't eat sea food only the coastal places eat them especially. Even if we eat fish it doesn't have similarities with South India, I think. Yes, many of our food are from Central Asia and Middle Eastern. When I say "many our food" I meant foods like Haleem, Palaw, Kebab, Tikka, Falooda, etc and many of them!! I don't know about West Bengal but Islam first came to East Bengal during the 11th century and we have many Persian influences maybe because of Persian invaders, sufi saints, preachers and also to the fact that we are Muslims so.... And the Afghans, Portuguese, British, Arabs... Our language is also Indo Aryan, the Mughals also ruled Bengal. We have many similarities with other Indian states surrounding us and Pakistan since we were divided from India into East and West Pakistan and we are Muslims and we eat meat. Dhaka is also called the city of mosques, you know.

So I don't see why you say we don't have Central and West Asian influence? And we are only fish eaters? Maybe the West Bengal are more like that but not that much for Bangladesh's case. West Bengal is different from the way we speak... Their one is very pure Bangla like literally reading out of a book and it sounds sweet. While our one is very informal like saying tui instead of tumi and sounds rough and we use a lot of cussing and foul language. I wonder why it is different like that... I also heard West Bengalis are really miserly people. LOL :D
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