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Why is Russia so interested in Afghanistan all of a sudden?


not sure how recent this pic is but the body language at display is certainly favoring Russia here!
Just like IS in lready destroyed Syria and iraq was meant for turkey. IS in Afghanistan is meant for Pakistan and Russia.
"Folks at the top aren't as secured as those at the bottom", An Ottoman principle of statesmanship

"No matter which point of loss one returns is profit" - a Turkish proverb

Unfortunately for the USA, the point of diminshing returns at an exponential rate has reached a long time back via-a-vis Afganistan. The earlier CEO Trump files for bankruptcy for this losing concern the better. He also needs to fire all the losers who were running this circus..
The main reason is ISIS phenomena. Russia is more worrying about the ISIS as she believes US is playing another dirty game in Afghanistan to destabilise the surrounding regional states. Russia now realised that she has to involved in Afghanistan with the help of Pakistan and China before its too late.

Also Russia wants to connect central Asia with CPEC and that will give Russia access to Gawader. However this cannot be possible without peace in Afghanistan and US & Russia know this very well. Hence US do not want peace in Afghanistan and create uncertainty.

Pakistan officials and establishment have been made numerous visits to Russia for the last few years and that played major part to establish confidence between Pakistan and Russian officials and establishment that this is a time now to sort out this mess in Afghanistan and Pakistan will provide all necessary support.
It sounds a bit off when you have so many enemies and "friends" converging in the region.
All of sudden???

I guess you don't know, back in 80's when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan but couldn't survive its hold there. They are interested in Afghanistan from decades.
Very simple for USA , its about to control future Oil and Gas trade from Central Asia , natural resources of Afghanistan , 15billion$$$ drug trade industry of Afghanistan and spy on China, Pakistan , Russia and very strong presence in Central Asia, Russia and China also have all of the above reasons expect Spying one.

Agreed. People are not aware but Afghanistan is rich in lucrative resources, thats the reason these countries are still there

All of a sudden? This has been going on for a very long time. If my history serves me then Alexander passed through here and so did Ibn Batuta. The Great Game, ie the Machiavellian Machinations of international geopolitics has all been played out in this region. It is mentioned in Prophecies and entire chapters have been devoted to it by people like Henry Kissinger etc. The Soviet Union was interested in Afghanistan enough to invad it, but they were defeated. This region brought down the Soviet Union. Twenty/thirty years is nothing. Now the USSR is back again, this time its called Russia. This game is hundreds of years old and just as last time the Russians came Pakistan was the key to success, this time the Russians have learnt that Pakistan is the key to success in Afghanistan (everyone else knows that too). Pakistan is at a crucial juncture of history. We can make or break superpowers in this regions.
Dear All
can any body tell me that why we are hosting CIA facility in our country? i observed in a thread that in the new military agreement of US and India, India can use a CIA facility in Pakistan....:o::o::o:
@Horus @Zarvan @Windjammer or any one ,reply please:hitwall:...
Dear All
can any body tell me that why we are hosting CIA facility in our country? i observed in a thread that in the new military agreement of US and India, India can use a CIA facility in Pakistan....:o::o::o:
@Horus @Zarvan @Windjammer or any one ,reply please:hitwall:...
We have USA embassy in fact one of the biggest which USA has anywhere in the world. And that hardly has 40 to 50 real diplomatic crew all others are intelligence guys
We have USA embassy in fact one of the biggest which USA has anywhere in the world. And that hardly has 40 to 50 real diplomatic crew all others are intelligence guys
It means, i can guess that our security is may be already breached and they can listen all the communications and can read every texts from internet in our country.:help:
we can understand from recent sanctions that may be they have idea what we are planning.
this is serious security issue:feminist:
If pakistan is so keen to give russia acess to warm waters throgh peaceful afghanistan, then why did they resist in first place in 80's ?
All these years of war and fuckng up the country only to give the russians same in 2016 ? lol

Btw, some kind of game is being played by superpowers in afghanisan, namely, russia, usa, china, turkey, india. And after reading and hearing experts on this somehow most of them conclude that this could becoming a perfect receipe for balkanisation of pakistan as and when shit hits the fan.
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