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Why is Pakistan not developing like many countries

If population of China was growing like Pakistan today population of China would be more than 3 billion. China with 3 billion plus population would be worse than India

You are innocent minded.. Let me tell you about the dangerous of halting the natural population growth and it doesn't matter how high it is because it is natural and as long as it is natural don't interfere and that is in your best interest.. I am not exaggerating and you do know that China did the whole one child policy for like 25 years and stopped it 6 years ago after the results slowly came back negative.

What if I told you the one child policy could come back and bite China leading to it's eventual fall because of mistakes it made for 25 years period(1980-2015) could come back and hunt it when it has risen most and stagnate in that stage while running out of people.

in the 2040-2050 period will be China's weakest point as the cascade effect kicks in that period of time... You see how dangerous cascade effect it causes why do you think China ended that policy immediately...
Pakistan has only one problem and that is overpopulation but no politician speaks about this problem. Overpopulation is mother of all other problems

In 1950s and 60s population of France Germany and UK was higher than Pakistan in 2021 Pakistan is 4 times more populated than these countries.

Population of India was more than 10 times higher than Pakistan in 50s and 60s today it is only 7 times higher than Pakistan

Population growth from 1951 to 2017
View attachment 797053
In developing countries once elections are over the opposition works with the gov in a constructive way to boost the country and solve problems, they will criticize constructively and offer solutions. In Pakistan once out of power a political party will go the extra mile to make things difficult for the gov so that they fail but in the process are harming people and the country. for eg the various cartels and mafias are all filled with political elite.
Pakistan has had dictatorships or handicaped governments. A sincere gov and equally sincere opposition to keep the gov in check are both needed for us to prosper.
You are innocent minded.. Let me tell you about the dangerous of halting the natural population growth and it doesn't matter how high it is because it is natural and as long as it is natural don't interfere and that is in your best interest.. I am not exaggerating and you do know that China did the whole one child policy for like 25 years and stopped it 6 years ago after the results slowly came back negative.

What if I told you the one child policy could come back and bite China leading to it's eventual fall because of mistakes it made for 25 years period(1980-2015) could come back and hunt it when it has risen most and stagnate in that stage while running out of people.

in the 2040-2050 period will be China's weakest point as the cascade effect kicks in that period of time... You see how dangerous cascade effect it causes why do you think China ended that policy immediately...

I was speaking with this guy whos an economist friend of mine we were talking about migrants and Europe he told me if someone wanted to crash the EU economy all he has to do is pull out the migrants and their descandants. There fertaility rate is low and the reason they even took the migrants in the first place is to fill the void of the cascade effect and add manpower to the system otherwise it comes crushing.

But if you were to pull them out the economy dies this is something that doesn't cross anyones mind and I hear alot of talk about immigrants and why do you think they were even invited at first point because there population growth rate was crushing down and only to fill in the void but don't assume they take alot they take just enough after mathmatical calculations to make the industrial beast keep running aka the economy they calculate the amount they have including if they need extra and how many descandants they can add to it across the years and decades hence they keep it ideal at the 5% but some places may need above that but on average in the EU they keep it as low as 5% percent. Haven't you noticed Germany calling for taking more years ago alot of people didn't know why but it was strictly for keeping the beast running because they were experiencing shortage back in 2015 but not anymore but might do again in 2030s.

It is like artificially keeping a building standing that was suppose to crumble slowly years ago but prolonging it by putting in new building material to make it stand
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This is 1960s Peshawar


This is 2021 Peshawar

More than 50 years apart, but still looks similar. What have you guys been doing all this time?
Pakistan has only one problem and that is overpopulation but no politician speaks about this problem. Overpopulation is mother of all other problems

In 1950s and 60s population of France Germany and UK was higher than Pakistan in 2021 Pakistan is 4 times more populated than these countries.

Population of India was more than 10 times higher than Pakistan in 50s and 60s today it is only 7 times higher than Pakistan

Population growth from 1951 to 2017
View attachment 797053

Jinki taraqi daikh rahay hain log kia unki terha ki soch bhi adopt kerna chahaingay log? :lol:
Jadu nahi hai koi. Sedhi sedhi equation hain chezon ki. Haan Pakistan main chezain kafi uljhi hoi nazar aati hain, magar real world main itni hoti nahi hain.

Its like "Zebra itna tez kaisy bhagta hai?"
Jawab: Kion keh usky pass yei aik rasta hai, woh nanga phirta hai , ghas khata hai, uski 4 tangain hain or woh jungle main rehta hai.
All issues that we like to mention here are, really, all symptoms:
-lack of education (what about the quality of the education that the lucky few are getting?)
-erosion of values (what about the state never defining clear values, creating a national ethos, etc.?)
-extremism (see above)
-lack of law and order
-depleting water resources
-bad energy policy
-spiraling debt

The root cause is that the right people are not in power (judiciary, military, politics, civil service) --- why?

Up till the 60s and 70s, being in the civil or military service was an excellent career choice that carried prestige. Globalization was just picking up and, slowly, financial incentives to do other things became irresistible.

Eventually, anybody who had the brains (and opportunity) for business or higher studies at elite institutions abroad took that route. At the same time, as the quality of people going into the 'establishment' (army/judiciary/civ service/politics) was degrading --- corruption started to rise and many started to see the bureaucracy as an opportunity simply to gain power and make some money.

Mediocre minds started to reign supreme. Standards and definitions of basic things like what is "good" and what should be deemed "successful" went down the drain. Today, we are expected to cheer at bad strategy, bad aesthetics, bad policy, bad environment, etc. Successively more pathetic "new normals" are imposed on the rest of us while vested interests protect their turf like mafias.

When the people in decision-making circles suck, why should the results be any different?

My 2c.
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All issues that we like to mention here are, really, all symptoms:
-lack of education (what about the quality of the education that the lucky few are getting?)
-erosion of values (what about the state never defining clear values, creating a national ethos, etc.?)
-extremism (see above)
-lack of law and order
-depleting water resources
-bad energy policy
-spiraling debt

The root cause is that the right people are not in power (judiciary, military, politics, civil service) --- why?

Up till the 60s and 70s, being in the civil or military service was an excellent career choice that carried prestige. Globalization was just picking up and, slowly, financial incentives to do other things became irresistible.

Eventually, anybody who had the brains (and opportunity) for business or higher studies at elite institutions abroad took that route. At the same time, as the quality of people going into the 'establishment' (army/judiciary/civ service/politics) was degrading --- corruption started to rise and many started to see the bureaucracy as an opportunity simply to gain power and make some money.

Mediocre minds started to reign supreme. Standards and definition of basic things like what is "good" and what should be deemed "successful" went down the drain. Today, we are expected to cheer at bad strategy, bad aesthetics, bad policy, bad environment, etc. Successively more pathetic "new normals" are imposed on the rest of us while vested interests protect their turf like mafias.

When the people in decision-making circles suck, why should the results be any different?

My 2c.

Interestingly the brain drain started from the 60s. My grandparents moved in the early 50s.
China is regretting severely cutting down their population and it was a miscalculation on there part. Talk to Chinese nowadays they will tell you a different story.

I wanna win the war and than I will have my fill and wealth I could sacrifice great economy for a thriving economy like the current one as long as I focus on my military and I win this is my priority and the economy we have now is enough to get me there.

The chellenge will become how to separate the barelvis without causing disharmony but doing it slowly and peacefully just replacing them with a more capable and forward going element that is aggressive geopolitically

A China with 900 million will do just fine as China with 1400 million
There is a blog post written by a Chinese, saying that he was in a car in Pakistan one night. The Pakistani driver said he was driving on the land of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. When he woke up after sleeping in the car, it was dawn, and the Pakistani driver said that now It is still driving on land owned by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. I don't know if this story is true, or if the prime minister's clan really has so much land. After World War II, all East Asian countries carried out land reforms, which did not happen in other parts of the world. But land reform is a very cruel redistribution of vested interests. In South Korea and Japan, the victor, the United States, used force to force it. In Taiwan, it was through redemption and military deterrence by military power. In mainland China, it was Mao Zedong’s style method.

Mekong River, Vietnam

Flows through the Ganges in Bangladesh。
Rivers can greatly reduce transportation costs.It is also difficult for any country to develop under the same conditions in Pakistan.
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