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Why is Pakistan afraid of international perception when testing its ICBM?

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And what "need" for an ICBM would that be, if it arose, that can't be dealt with the existing arsenal?

Do you really think India is our only enemy ? Since we acquired the Nukes the whole world is restless that a Muslim country has a Bomb that wreck havoc , so as long as they know the are safe they will continue plotting to somehow de-nuke us , so if one day France/Germany/UK or any one who is not in our missile Range decided to attack us what will do ? Right we cannot attack we can only defend . we need something that can strike our enemy no matter where it is.
Do you really think India is our only enemy ? Since we acquired the Nukes the whole world is restless that a Muslim country has a Bomb that wreck havoc , so as long as they know the are safe they will continue plotting to somehow de-nuke us , so if one day France/Germany/UK or any one who is not in our missile Range decided to attack us what will do ? Right we cannot attack we can only defend . we need something that can strike our enemy no matter where it is.

You can make a space program which can be used as cover, look at other nations they work on their missile program under the cover of their space program, so if and when the time arises for a need you can borrow the know how.
Do you really think India is our only enemy ? Since we acquired the Nukes the whole world is restless that a Muslim country has a Bomb that wreck havoc , so as long as they know the are safe they will continue plotting to somehow de-nuke us , so if one day France/Germany/UK or any one who is not in our missile Range decided to attack us what will do ? Right we cannot attack we can only defend . we need something that can strike our enemy no matter where it is.

A dying economy is a better way to de-nuke Pakistan, if indeed that were the goal.

Isn't having a credible nuclear deterrence enough? Creating a credible offensive capability with a global reach is not exactly cheap, whether labeled as a space program or not.
But it needs to create a reliable deterrence against some serious external threat who are 10000+km away from Pakistan. :coffee:

Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan, says Musharraf | World news | The Guardian

ICBM is not effective, US has advanced ABM technology + satellite lasers to destory incoming missiles toward to US in long distances. Today, missiles is easier to read by satellite images and atmosphere. Pakistan's ICBM will be shot down which will be waste.

Let's us move to high-level education, leaderships quality, poverty, homeless childrens, religious nuts, economy, etc.
A dying economy is a better way to de-nuke Pakistan, if indeed that were the goal.

Isn't having a credible nuclear deterrence enough? Creating a credible offensive capability with a global reach is not exactly cheap, whether labeled as a space program or not.

True Economy is important , However so is defense , you neglect either one of them & it will cause problem for the country. look at Iraq for example , everything they had was flattened in a month , your economy does not help you to win a War to to keep your enemies at bay.

I am not a very big supporter of Defense spending but what is necessary is necessary & you have to do it , you cant stop breathing so you can save the oxygen you have to breath & you will do everything in your power to do so.

Besides our Defense Spending's are hardly 15% of our GDP , Where is the Rest 85% going ? Defense spending is not the issue it the Corrupt Bureaucracy & Government, fix that & you will have spare cash left.

I hope you get the point.
True Economy is important , However so is defense , you neglect either one of them & it will cause problem for the country. .................

Please keep in mind that one can have an economy without defense, but no defense is possible without an economy.
When I posted three videos, now it is silence. :rofl:

Don't be over-confidences on nukes, think wise pls!
we need to start Anti-ballistic missile programme to intercept the enemy missiles
although if let USA attack on us
they are in our range
like in MIDDLE-EAST & Afghanistan
even we can sink their carrier
its not 1971 its 2012
ICBMS are useless
because if india hit china than what china will do all of us knows better

china have some active and some are under development abms
we need to joint any 1 of these.
Operational Chinese system

In March 2006, China tested an interceptor system comparable to the U.S. Patriot missiles.[11][12][13]

Currently, China has acquired and is license-producing the S-300PMU-2/S-300PMU-1 series of terminal ABM-capable SAMs. China produces the indigenous HQ-9 SAM system[14] possessing possible terminal ABM capabilities respectively. PRC Navy's currently operating modern air-defense destroyers known as the Type 052C Destroyer and Type 051C Destroyer are armed with naval HHQ-9 missiles.

Surface-to-air missiles that have some terminal ABM capability (as opposed to midcourse capability):


[edit] Development of midcourse ABM in China

The technology and experience from the successful anti-satellite test using a ground-launched interceptor during January 2007 was immediately applied to current ABM efforts and development.[17][18]

China carried out a land-based anti-ballistic missile test on 11 January 2010. The test was exoatmospheric and done in midcourse[19] phase and with a kinetic kill vehicle. China is the second country after US that demonstrated intercepting ballistic missile with kinetic kill vehicle, the interceptor missile was SC-19.[19][20] The sources suggest the system is not operationally deployed as of 2010,[19] but the gap in ABM development between United States and China closes quicker than anticipated.[21]

Additional to ABM capability, China's missiles also possess anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities. ABM/ASAT missiles (it is not known which have midcourse ABM capability):

Other KT variants are under development
wiki source
^^I dont understand one thing here. Whenever faced by a problem, why do pakistani members
always give a list of chinese stuff?:D

One might think china has given itself up to pakistan or something :rofl:

Additionally, ASAT capability is not limited to china. Our A5 can do it. There is also
the Satellite-Kill Vehicle (SKV) under development according to few sources. We dont
crazily publicise them thats all. And in addition we have dedicated ABM systems
like PAD, AAD & PDV, as well as the forthcoming AD-1 and AD-2 that are capable of
intercepting the full spectrum of ballistic missiles threats, even those launched from
5000-6000km away (i.e. ICBMs), in addition the Akash SAMs also have some ABM
capability like the U.S. PAC-III.

Also you must remember that our interceptors like PAD/AAD have
the gimbaled warhead configuration that is not present on the current
level of chinese interceptors.

We are way ahead of you and are on most respects equal to
If you bring MAD into the picture than it's double trouble, we vaporize Palestine along with Israel and half of the Arab world dies of radiation poisoning, still doesn't look good for us.

Sir looking good or bad in world eyes would be the last thing you should be concerned about in that scenario - coz the retaliatory strike from an Ohio sub will in most probability erase Pakistan from the world map.

'Invaders' which most Muslims of the Pakistan region welcomed or didn't rebel against.

And that is the sad part, actually.
Sir looking good or bad in world eyes would be the last thing you should be concerned about in that scenario - coz the retaliatory strike from an Ohio sub will in most probability erase Pakistan from the world map.

And that is the sad part, actually.

Why are these guys so obsessed with holding other nations and people hostage at 'nuclear point' if they go to war with the US? That plain madness, u guarantee your own destruction in the process. The USA will have a field day wiping u guys off the map if you guys attempt anything so dumb. Not forgetting the backlash and hate Pakistanis will face worldwide wherever they are in the world.
Sir looking good or bad in world eyes would be the last thing you should be concerned about in that scenario - coz the retaliatory strike from an Ohio sub will in most probability erase Pakistan from the world map.

And that is the sad part, actually.

Well said Tamizhan.

Its funny to see pakistani members chest-thumping over capabilities
they dont have:rofl:

And yeah, dont forget USS Nebraska! These guys cant do anything
about small drones wrecking literall havoc inside their own country, and
they dream of using WMDs on...well, lets not say the word, a couple
of more US choppers would again intrude into pakistan unnesseccarily:rofl:
Its funny to see pakistani members chest-thumping over capabilities
they dont have:rofl:

Man this is a serious topic, avoid unnecessary flame baits.

Yes they may not have the capability but they may be able to get Chinese assistance.

What would the pluses and minuses be for Pakistan? And what would be the advantages and disadvantages for China to give such assistance?

When I posted three videos, now it is silence. :rofl:

Don't be over-confidences on nukes, think wise pls!

I don't think the airborne laser is in operation; it is a difficult problem to bring down missiles with lasers.
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