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Why is Pak media not reporting what is happening at the LOC?

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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. May Allah SWT grant all of the shaheed with the highest abode in Jannah and grant sabr to families. Sorry for your loss
Thanks but it's from past 2 decades not in this one only
my prime minister keeps calling yours but he does not pick up

What more to say on call? Everything is said in open.. your PM says he wants peace but will not accept any undue aggression.. my PM says the same albiet in more aggressive language...

A Phone call will not change anything... Pilot was sent back is a great gesture.. that will change few things...

As much i like this issue get resolved by talks.. but history has tought us that Talks are useless...
SHut up and wake up you coward bakht.
Rollno read ndtv latest kid they have removed any heroic and false claim spin doctors in India created that yudha wc abhi shot down f16... Lol.. Thanks to his own statement.. Lies busted..

What more to say on call? Everything is said in open.. your PM says he wants peace but will not accept any undue aggression.. my PM says the same albiet in more aggressive language...

A Phone call will not change anything... Pilot was sent back is a great gesture.. that will change few things...

As much i like this issue get resolved by talks.. but history has tought us that Talks are useless...
There is 20 years of India loan we accumulated in Fata snake is out of its bill.. Fire of revenge is high in every heart of Pakistani.. Dude.. Viel is gone and ttp mastermind wants open war what do you think we are afraid .. Its golden chance to pay your loan with interest.. Payback time for every tear every drop of blood ttp caused in pak..
What more to say on call? Everything is said in open.. your PM says he wants peace but will not accept any undue aggression.. my PM says the same albiet in more aggressive language...

A Phone call will not change anything... Pilot was sent back is a great gesture.. that will change few things...

As much i like this issue get resolved by talks.. but history has tought us that Talks are useless...

You realize this is the first time in world history two nuclear armed rivals launched direct attacks on each other, or may be you can not grasp the gravity of situation.

Even during Cuban missile crisis, US and Soviets kept talking to each other, Pakistan and India have no such mechanism and by the looks of things, this is because of Indian misguided superiority complex and habits. Regardless there should always be talk between two rivals behind the scene but the 56 inch chest thumping monkey is incapable of understanding that.
You realize this is the first time in world history two nuclear armed rivals launched direct attacks on each other, or may be you can not grasp the gravity of situation.

Even during Cuban missile crisis, US and Soviets kept talking to each other, Pakistan and India have no such mechanism and by the looks of things, this is because of Indian misguided superiority complex and habits. Regardless there should always be talk between two rivals behind the scene but the 56 inch chest thumping monkey is incapable of understanding that.

Gravity of situation should be understood by decision makers... which both the countries severly lack..

India has misguided superiority complex according to pakistan and pakistan has misguided sense of supporting proxy to attack india.. acorrding to Indians ofcoz..

How to find solution when both sides claim victim card?
Gravity of situation should be understood by decision makers... which both the countries severly lack..

Are you sure both sides are lacking the understanding of the gravity of situation? There is no comparison, one side is constantly talking about peace and reminding the other side about horrors of war. Pakistani leadership took the peace initiative, and in return more war mongering.

India has misguided superiority complex according to pakistan and pakistan has misguided sense of supporting proxy to attack india.. acorrding to Indians ofcoz..

Yes in the past this might have been the case but Pakistan has no interest in India. However India is still actively supporting Terrorism in Pakistan via TTP/ Daiesh and in Balouchistan. Feel free to deny it, but it wont change the truth.

How to find solution when both sides claim victim card?

Well one simple answer, instead of avoiding talks and making excuses looking for reasons not to talk. Take Pakistan offer and start talking. Lets have a serious discussion.
I have been following all developments since we handed over the Indian pilot and it seems like Pakistani media is all hush. Why aren't they reporting about Indian aggression on the LOC???
What we did with them at LOC can't be shown. It will mean war.
A lot of it is also false news meant to play with peoples emotions, don’t fall for it. Trust in your army not what some manic on Twitter is saying.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. They will be avenged with interest In Sha Allah. We weren't expected this level of aggression from Indian forces hence more causalities on our side. They are cowards, target civilians.
Why don't you evacuate civilians? India did this on day 1. Unnecessary deaths. :(

The victims in this war are kashmiris. Indians know it. Pakistan are yet to awaken.

Indians fire indiscriminately over the LoC killing as much life as they can.

Pakistan dares not to respond because the victims on the other side will be muslims.
Actually Pakistan bombs on the Jammu side. They barely bomb the Kashmir valley posts.
Send Imran Khan on front lines, along with those who were beating desks behind.

They all think and behave like some looser King.
What the hell ... you are behavibg stupid in your hatred towards IK ... people are insane ...

Probably MBRL

If Pakistan wanted peace ,there would not have been a terrorist attack in the first place .and world powers would not be asking Pakistan to take action against the terrorists

The reason of pulwama is your own doing against Kashmiris ... war is not an easy game ... its easy to be a keyboard warrior but once war broke out there is no guarantee that shell will hit you, your mother sister or daughter back at home ...

Enough with this shit Pakistan ko y kr dn gy wo kr dn gy ...

If you force us for war you will get the same back for you as well ... be ready to take your bodies like the kashmiris far away from you take on daily basis
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