This thread exemplifies how third world(former direct colonies) starts owning and rationalizing fallacy riddled narratives to implement them on their citizens(plug and play). Ones talking democracy have no idea, no beacon, paragon or ideal to look up to or achieve, neither the ones peddling secularism... a trojan horse and a dog whistle used by an entitled minority to get their way. The accuser then blames Muslims in West as beneficiaries of said largesse, Are they?
Or is it the Blacks, Latinos or Asians? None!
So, stop the act already!
But then perhaps they're probably looking at a textbook definition. Again, nothing to do with reality.
But above only shows how lost the whole bunch is... especially for anyone looking in... everyone seems to have an answer, except they're all wrong. But instead of rectifying the mistakes, learning or enlightening themselves they double down on their respective narratives. The very purpose of freedom is lost when you start endeavoring for another tyranny, imposition of another ideology... hoping two wrongs will make a right. Jinnah's was an attempt, that, he was a trailblazer, knew better than those who followed, true!
However, that doesn't mean he or Iqbal had all the answers but theirs was an attempt, subsequent ones only start splitting hairs on idealism vs counter idealism.
Many here are conflicted on the right answers, rightfully so, which is why history must be studied and in that native being the most significant one. For one to avoid repeating mistakes, of commission and omission, understanding the grounded reality and principled stances, perhaps lost in narratives. And finally where Islam lands in it's midst...
You will not know that if you assume western understanding of nation... they fought wars of language, ethnicity and creed. Islam didn't! It instead had a civil war(s)... ones grounded in understanding or lack thereof, of truth! It was not for a theocracy, Clerical rule or arab dominion... Which lasted till only the Umayyad period. Persians, Turks, Kurds and Slaves ruled Muslims!
Mahmood the son of slave defeated hindu shahi...
This lack of understanding and reading leads to current paradigm where a perennially subjugated hindu jibes a Muslim as a convert!
Western plug and play starts doing it's rounds and Kurds start seeking their own state ...
Isn't Turkiye secular?
When European understanding of secularism, based on language, race and creed is brought in... expect similar results, either lose identity, language, family/tribe or, fence yourself in and be on your face fascist/nationalist.
The rabbit hole...
fragmented and siloed narratives...