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Why is Narendra Modi hiding his wife's name, asks Digvijay

1. RSS people are not terrorists just right wing radicals like jamaatis.

2. RSS people do marries like LK advani. As per RSS they have to unmarried only till they work as sangh pracharak (RSS publicist).

3. Even in the Bangladesh Jamatis are roaming free despite the genocide of millions of innocent Muslims.

First off, I understand you have to prove your loyalty to those who will always be suspicious of you so you can keep trying to do that instead of telling them not to force you to prove yourself or question your loyalty.

When will this attitude of the Hindutva extremists change?

We saw it change in America when Obama was elected. May be such an attitude change can take place in India, too?

On your points:

Read Sarmila Bose's book, then, you can talk:

Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War

I am not concerned with Bangladesh or the Jamaat and to discuss them, I will be more than willing to do it in a different section.

It is very common for people to try and divert the issue but this site is highly categorized so we can do it there. Just "mention" me and I will be at your service.

But, I am sure the Bengalis will put you in your place, there when you tell them that the Jamaatis were the ones who killed people. Poor Indian Muslim, a second-class citizen, always trying to be accepted by the "majority".

For that, you'll have to uncircumcize yourself, which can't happen as there's no such thing as foreskin transplants :omghaha:

Also, what does Bangladesh's Jamaat have to do with this?

Did they make RSS or was it made in response to the Jamaat of Bangladesh?

RSS was made pre-partition and they killed Gandhi.

Jamaat was made much later by the Late Maududi Sb. in Pakistan (whose talking points or news reports aren't being shared here. He did not make either of the comments or incite Modi to do this).

PS. It was the world who condemned the RSS, and not just me, so nice try ;)

OP, is Trully GOTTI.

Gotti is an Italian last name and taken from John Gotti, the Mob boss in New York who started off as a hoodlum, only, to later take over the entire Gambino family.

Similarly, we are seeing this happen here as I am soon going to take over this site. :smokin:
How else would you refer to such indecent language by someone holding a public rally?

In an apparent attack on Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar, Modi at an election rally on Monday said: "Wah kya girlfriend hai. Apne kabhi dekha hai 50 crore ka girlfriend?" (What a girlfriend? Have you ever seen a 50-crore girlfriend)?"

Now, I know you wouldn't want your significant other being berated or objectified in this manner, now would you?

What modi did was wrong .That is condemnable.

A politician using unacceptable words against another politician's wife in a political rally . But how does that fall in category of pervert ??

You should first use dictionary to understand it's meaning.
Modi is an RSS activist (euphemism for terrorist or fascist)

RSS is a responsible organisation and respected throughout India.

Just beacuse a pakistani has wild fantasies about them , doesn't make them a villain.

Is he being let off easy because he committed a genocide?

He never committed anything as you are accusing.

As long as an India court doesnot finds him guilty , he will be an innocent .

And as I said earlier to you in another thread, what a pakistani like you believe and propagate , we Indian's don't give a $hit neither does the world.
@gotti doesn't matters to me , he is gone be PM after 2014

Your avatar proves that you believe women are mere objects just like Modi and should have no respect. This is what he says:

In an apparent attack on Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar, Modi at an election rally on Monday said: "Wah kya girlfriend hai. Apne kabhi dekha hai 50 crore ka girlfriend?" (What a girlfriend? Have you ever seen a 50-crore girlfriend)?"

How would you like it if he says it about someone in your family?

It could be anyone's female family member in India. Modi could disgrace the female-kind of India at will, whenever he pleases if you let this attitude continue.

How can one support him after this low and indecent attack on a personal matter of someone else?

This is disgraceful and disgusting. MUFC and Modi's followers should condemn it and make sure he never attacks the women of anyone's family.

Modi wife is main stream news...
Never knew...

I didn't either, till I came across this article in a mainstream Indian newspaper slash website.
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Now we have to discuss every politician wife also in defence forum. Quality of defence.pk is degrading day by day.
Your avatar proves that you believe women are mere objects just like Modi and should have no respect. This is what he says:

In an apparent attack on Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar, Modi at an election rally on Monday said: "Wah kya girlfriend hai. Apne kabhi dekha hai 50 crore ka girlfriend?" (What a girlfriend? Have you ever seen a 50-crore girlfriend)?"

How would you like it if he says it about someone in your family?

It could be anyone's female family member in India. Modi could disgrace the female-kind of India at will, whenever he pleases if you let this attitude continue.

How can one support him after this low and indecent attack on a personal matter of someone else?

This is disgraceful and disgusting. MUFC and Modi's followers should condemn it and make sure he never attacks the women of anyone's family.

I didn't either, till I came across this article in a mainstream Indian newspaper slash website.

So??? Whats your point in putting this on thread??

Now we have to discuss every politician wife also in defence forum. Quality of defence.pk is degrading day by day.

I agree. Its falling down rapidly.
So??? Whats your point in putting this on thread??

I agree. Its falling down rapidly.

I was sharing a piece of news that I came across online and I didn't think it would incite such an insecure and defensive response from MUFC trolls like yourself.

It would've been much more prudent for you to condemn Modi as it is obvious that he isn't Rama 2.0 and capable of mistakes (just like Rama made a mistake and shot Laxman when he thought it was a deer and was unable to tell the difference between Hanuman and his twin).

Modi is not perfect so stop worshiping him and allow people to criticize him as that is what democracy is all about.

Now we have to discuss every politician wife also in defence forum. Quality of defence.pk is degrading day by day.

The question is not wife but the policy of RSS celibacy being ignored.

Discussing issues that are available on mainstream Indian sites, on a public forum does not degrade the site but banning people who have different views than what the Gaurav Gatha teaches are definitely of concern and this is what we saw happen on D F I where they banned me in one day out of insecurity.

Why did they ban me whilst shivering in their boots? because I gave it to them, very hard, on Tamil Rights and Baluchestan (something they don't know about and didn't even know about Mengal or even know who he was - yet they want to liberate Baluchestan on a low-traffic internet forum :omghaha: )
I was sharing a piece of news that I came across online and I didn't think it would incite such an insecure and defensive response from MUFC trolls like yourself.

It would've been much more prudent for you to condemn Modi as it is obvious that he isn't Rama 2.0 and capable of mistakes (just like Rama made a mistake and shot Laxman when he thought it was a deer and was unable to tell the difference between Hanuman and his twin).

Modi is not perfect so stop worshiping him and allow people to criticize him as that is what democracy is all about.

Thats our country internal matter whom want to be pm. We gonna decide. You dont need to show what to do. You are failing to show me any valide point... Its it to satisfy your EGO?
Thats our country internal matter whom want to be pm. We gonna decide. You dont need to show what to do. You are failing to show me any valide point... Its it to satisfy your EGO?

It is India's internal matter but an external one, as well, given that Modi is not even allowed to enter America via video link, let alone in person.

If this man becomes PM, no country would be able to have relations with India and will have to cut off ties with them. About 50 countries in the OIC definitely will and instead replace their ties with Israel (as they rightly should because Israel's human rights record is much better than India's, as per the UN, UNHCR, Vatican, etc.)

Furthermore, if any country does have relations with India at the time of his premiership, the leaders of the nations will suffer a complete loss of their credibility just like we saw happen with those who were seen as appeasing Hitler.

Even the Pope met Hitler and the Nazis used to say that they are legitimate because of that reason but now as we see that the last pope was questioned for being a brown shirt in his youth and was at the brink of losing his credibility because of it.

He later explained that it wasn't his intention, he was coerced into it and also visited Israel - only then, the world lost the suspicion they had of him being elected to the papal position.

In short, Modi's premiership will result in India becoming the Third Reich, or Apartheid South Africa (where no country was allowed to go play cricket and those players who went were immediately banned by the ICC).
i have seen that you tube video.....she is such a sweet lady....how any buddy can refuse to accept her..i fail to understand....

i am agree......here Mr Modi is wrong .......
It is India's internal matter but an external one, as well, given that Modi is not even allowed to enter America via video link, let alone in person.

If this man becomes PM, no country would be able to have relations with India and will have to cut off ties with them. About 50 countries in the OIC definitely will and instead replace their ties with Israel (as they rightly should because Israel's human rights record is much better than India's, as per the UN, UNHCR, Vatican, etc.)

Furthermore, if any country does have relations with India at the time of his premiership, the leaders of the nations will suffer a complete loss of their credibility just like we saw happen with those who were seen as appeasing Hitler.

Even the Pope met Hitler and the Nazis used to say that they are legitimate because of that reason but now as we see that the last pope was questioned for being a brown shirt in his youth and possibly lose his credibility because of it.

In short, Modi's premiership will result in India becoming the Third Reich, or Apartheid South Africa (where no country was allowed to go play cricket and those players who went were immediately banned).

I am asking point in discussing about his wife. its his personal matter You don't make any sense at all.
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