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Why is it so easy to "Hurt the feelings of the Chinese people"? Are they really that Sensitive?

It's not that the are that sensitive. Its that they know that their legitimacy does not come from the people.
So the government is terrified of the people and don't want them to get any ideas.
It's not that the are that sensitive. Its that they know that their legitimacy does not come from the people.
So the government is terrified of the people and don't want them to get any ideas.

Yep, the CCP will disappear you if you say anything against them Winnie The Pooh will make sure of that, look at whats happening to the Muslims in China.
I think this post is going to be remove soon...…..You should know these type of discussion is not allowed here.
Well, most of time Chinese people is like minding their own business. Didn't quite understand why people that live far far away are so nosy and judgmental. But if someone criticize China, then obviously Chinese would react negatively, I don't think that is uniquely Chinese. I can only hope that as China become stronger, Chinese would still adhere to the Confucius teaching of being modest and humble.
Well, most of time Chinese people is like minding their own business. Didn't quite understand why people that live far far away are so nosy and judgmental. But if someone criticize China, then obviously Chinese would react negatively, I don't think that is uniquely Chinese. I can only hope that as China become stronger, Chinese would still adhere to the Confucius teaching of being modest and humble.
There are entire sections of Canada that cannot afford to buy homes because Chinese people are coming over, buying the houses as a way to get it out of Canada.

Then there is the issue of China trying to force NBA and other american companies to bow to the will of the CPC.
And of course don't forget Chinese interference in Canadian universities.

Your description of "minding their own business" is 100% false.
Nepal is minding it's own business, Chad is minding it's own business, Brazil is minding it's own business.
China 100% is NOT minding it's own business.

Here is an example of Chinese minding their own business in Canada.
There are entire sections of Canada that cannot afford to buy homes because Chinese people are coming over, buying the houses as a way to get it out of Canada.

Then there is the issue of China trying to force NBA and other american companies to bow to the will of the CPC.
And of course don't forget Chinese interference in Canadian universities.

Western countries have been doing almost the same for last hundreds years in every non-Western countries. Now is the turn of China and Westerners start to bark.

Just stay aside and let history judge.
Western countries have been doing almost the same for last hundreds years in every non-Western countries. Now is the turn of China and Westerners start to bark.

Just stay aside and let history judge.

I know you are not the original person I quoted but all you did was move the goal post.

I was replying to "China minds it's own business"

I never said "The west minds it's own business"

so your comment to me is of not use or meaning.
It is Chinese people who are most qualified to judge Chinese government or political system. Not westerners, Hongkongers, or Taiwanese. Strange thing is, most Chinese people support China government and the mainstream anti-China voices came from non-mainland Chinese.

Some say it is because Chinese are brainwashed by CCP. Wrong. Each year more than 100 million Chinese go abroad. Millions of young Chinese are studing abroad. Most them say "一出国,就爱国”(You love China even more once you got chance to go abroad.)

Most Chinese don't like this guy because he is not an honest person. He uses lies to meet westerners' "evil China" emotion. He can only cheat non-Chinese
There are entire sections of Canada that cannot afford to buy homes because Chinese people are coming over, buying the houses as a way to get it out of Canada.
Maybe there are some Chinese that bought houses in a foreign country called Canada, that cause problem to some local Canadian.

What should Chinese do then? Should Chinese check the housing affordability for some local of a foreign country before they buy houses? Or maybe you want Chinese gov't to go to Canada and manage the housing market???

I don't see how China could be responsible for some Chinese buying houses in a foreign country. Since it is perfectly legal. It is none of our business.

Then there is the issue of China trying to force NBA and other american companies to bow to the will of the CPC.
And of course don't forget Chinese interference in Canadian universities.

Your description of "minding their own business" is 100% false.
Nepal is minding it's own business, Chad is minding it's own business, Brazil is minding it's own business.
If the NBA or whatable entity are supporting Quebec independence, then it is none of China business. But if someone is supporting separatism inside China, then of course China would try to stop you. If you mind your business, China would mind its business.
Maybe there are some Chinese that bought houses in a foreign country called Canada, that cause problem to some local Canadian.

What should Chinese do then? Should Chinese check the housing affordability for some local of a foreign country before they buy houses? Or maybe you want Chinese gov't to go to Canada and manage the housing market???

I don't see how China could be responsible for some Chinese buying houses in a foreign country. Since it is perfectly legal. It is none of our business.

If the NBA or whatable entity are supporting Quebec independence, then it is none of China business. But if someone is supporting separatism inside China, then of course China would try to stop you. If you mind your business, China would mind its business.

This is a really good topic and I am glad you asked.

What should Chinese do?
- demand reforms from the CPC so that the power is in the people's hand, not in Beijing's hand
- Create rule of law where no one is above it
- Build confidence in Chinese banking system where no CPC member can just take your money.
- etc etc

You say "a few" But the problem is so big that major cities like Vancouver, LA, Sydney and more have seen Chinese wealthy FLOOD the market buying up everything in site.
This is a local problem as now people like me who make slightly more then the average local, still cannot afford housing.

The reason they do this is so that they can get their money out of China and away from the power of the CPC.
I personally know many many Chinese people whose father does "business" in China while the mother and Children grow up in Canada.
Why don't these rich Chinese stay in China..... or right... at any moment, for any reason someone from the CPC can take their money way.
Canada provides them with legal protections where no powerful person can just take their money.

Anyone is free to support Quebec independence, Canada has never blocked anyone from doing so.

More importantly, you didn't respond to the links of the CPC in Canada.
Those student Union organizations, the confusions institutes, and we are getting reports that Mandarin news in Canada have to get approval form Beijing ....

You states that Chinese mind their own business, but I know from personal experience that this is not true.
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