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Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

From an outsider perspective:
Combination of Arab treachery, careless attitude, lack of willpower. Arabs are their own worst enemies, they hate their own neighbors. Unity is nonexistent. They are over-relaxed when it comes to dire situations, grossly overestimate themselves and assume someone will bail them out.

Arabs are very proud and patriotic, but they can't 'walk the walk'.
From an outsider perspective:
Combination of Arab treachery, careless attitude, lack of willpower. Arabs are their own worst enemies, they hate their own neighbors. Unity is nonexistent. They are over-relaxed when it comes to dire situations, grossly overestimate themselves and assume someone will bail them out.

Arabs are very proud and patriotic, but they can't 'walk the walk'.
Says who?
It is the total opposite of your opinion.. the the Arabs and the Arab world is beyond your understanding and biased opinion.. you should learn more before posting nonsense..

How many pages would it take? :D
Until you tell us when you have fought Usrael with total support from the US in men and materials..
Because the Israeli horse is better than the Arabian horse?

Israeli horse

Arabian horse

Idk don't hold me to it, it's just a guess.
Until you tell us when you have fought Usrael with total support from the US in men and materials..
“The umbrella that enters to the behind, cannot open” so it's a waste of time to try, that's why.
I think this is because Israel is technologically very advanced country, while the arabs are still more or less a camel dweller tribe.. with a lot of petro moolah..
I think this is because Israel is technologically very advanced country, while the arabs are still more or less a camel dweller tribe.. with a lot of petro moolah..
During the early Arab-Israeli wars Israeli economy was mostly agricultural and their military forces mostly had smuggled weapons or taken from British armouries while bullets and some mortars ,SMGs ,Rifles etc were produced locally. They also built some tanks from scrap.
Even in the Six day war Arab nations had numerical superiority and had many modern weapons. Also these are the more competent militaries like Egypt ,Syria and Jordan not the tribes with petrodollars
Arabs describing the 1973 war as successful is the prime example of why they keep on failing on every thing they do

:-) And that's why Israel did whatever it had to do to avoid another war with Egypt, right? Because that Egypt wasn't successful and turned the tables, yes? After Israel's defeat in 1973, it most certainly did not want another war with Egypt. The tides had turned.

- they cannot admit at any cost that their armies did not accomplish anything except dying by the thousands on the sands of Sinai

I don't even know why I'm responding to this nonsense. I'll do it for @Fenasi Kerim so he can see the deception and understand what the Egyptians accomplished in 1973, 6 years after 1967.

Let's see, the Egyptian armies held their territory all the way up until they watched the 3 Israel division withdraw beyond Egyptian held territory and were clapping and singing helllaaa hob! Hellllaaa hob! That was accomplishing nothing? See how silly that sounds? Maybe others reading this will start to see how silly the Israeli denial is, and how shamed their defeat was in this war, and they just can't accept it and come up with nonsense like this that gets debunked in 2 sentences.

the only reason that Cairo isn't under Israeli occupation today is because the Soviet Union and the Untied States has threaten to intervene while all Sadat could actually do is whine to the Soviets day and night to save their surrounded third army.

I love the "Cairo was 101 kilometers away" line lol. You do realize the Suez Canal and the war was 120 kilometers from Cairo, yes? And there was nothing the Israelis could've done to harm the 3rd Army. Egypt had all the leverage to punish it had it attempted to do anything to the 3rd Army. Bab El Mandab was shut to Israeli oil, the Saudis intervened with the embargo on the US and the Soviets were on standby. An all-out assault from the 2nd Army southern sector and a complete attack with the EAF on the Israeli corridor (without touching the 3 divisions) would've trapped and potentially destroyed the Israelis on the west bank. Continuing the war was hardly in Israel's favor. People don't see the big picture.

And BTW, that so called 3 divisions that you all claim could've taken Cairo couldn't even take Suez City from a bunch of Egyptian militia. Adan's division was so stretched and out of steam and you think they could've taken Cairo? lol Even Sharon couldn't take Ismailiya in the north and was almost killed when he was repelled.
So @Fenasi Kerim , I hope you're reading these counter arguments so you can understand the con that's perpetrated by many (and Arab haters) who try to convince others that Egypt didn't win this war, and not just win it, but soundly. And also, the shakeup that it caused in the Israeli brass after because they couldn't believe the lowly, incapable Arabs deceived them, surprised them, outsmarted them, gave them a taste of their own medicine (albeit on a much smaller scale than what the Israelis did in 1967, but still), shot down 150+ aircraft with the amazing SAM umbrella they set up during the War of Attrition, had the Egyptian soldier become the best tank killer with the Sagger knocking out hundreds on tanks on foot! A profound defeat was handed to the Israelis in 1973.

Yep, exactly. Israel loses the war, has to withdraw in utter shock and shame losing 1/3 of the Egyptian land it captured in 1967 to the Egyptian Army and then her descendants are sitting on forums like this claiming it won, with the support of others who have 0 clue about what really happened. Pyrrhic, indeed. :-)

And here's another small nugget for you fellas to chew on - for the guys who claim the Arabs (Egypt in particular) lost 12,000 - 15,000 killed compared to Israel's 2,700 - 3,000 and that was a bigger loss and Arabs don't care about their soldiers and that means Israel won etc.; when you put the death toll in comparison to fielded armies and respective populations-- without making it sound like any life has no value -- the 15,000 Egyptians killed was a smaller number than anticipated compared to the 90,000 soldiers who crossed the canal alone, not including the 650,000 total available soldiers and a population of 38 million. However, the 3,000 killed Israelis were out of a population of 3.2 million. When you put in in perspective, that would have been equivalent to the US losing 250,000 soldiers in Vietnam instead of the 55,000 it did lose. Put that in perspective and compare the actual damage that Israel took compared to Egypt.

People die in wars, many innocent people die in wars. Look what the Soviets did to protect Stalingrad? They were killing their own who retreated. War is about winning, even at the cost of men in the battlefield and that's what Egypt did and could absorb the losses. Israel couldn't.
:-) And that's why Israel did whatever it had to do to avoid another war with Egypt, right? Because that Egypt wasn't successful and turned the tables, yes? After Israel's defeat in 1973, it most certainly did not want another war with Egypt. The tides had turned.

I don't even know why I'm responding to this nonsense. I'll do it for @Fenasi Kerim so he can see the deception and understand what the Egyptians accomplished in 1973, 6 years after 1967.

Let's see, the Egyptian armies held their territory all the way up until they watched the 3 Israel division withdraw beyond Egyptian held territory and were clapping and singing helllaaa hob! Hellllaaa hob! That was accomplishing nothing? See how silly that sounds? Maybe others reading this will start to see how silly the Israeli denial is, and how shamed their defeat was in this war, and they just can't accept it and come up with nonsense like this that gets debunked in 2 sentences.

I love the "Cairo was 101 kilometers away" line lol. You do realize the Suez Canal and the war was 120 kilometers from Cairo, yes? And there was nothing the Israelis could've done to harm the 3rd Army. Egypt had all the leverage to punish it had it attempted to do anything to the 3rd Army. Bab El Mandab was shut to Israeli oil, the Saudis intervened with the embargo on the US and the Soviets were on standby. An all-out assault from the 2nd Army southern sector and a complete attack with the EAF on the Israeli corridor (without touching the 3 divisions) would've trapped and potentially destroyed the Israelis on the west bank. Continuing the war was hardly in Israel's favor. People don't see the big picture.

And BTW, that so called 3 divisions that you all claim could've taken Cairo couldn't even take Suez City from a bunch of Egyptian militia. Adan's division was so stretched and out of steam and you think they could've taken Cairo? lol Even Sharon couldn't take Ismailiya in the north and was almost killed when he was repelled.
So @Fenasi Kerim , I hope you're reading these counter arguments so you can understand the con that's perpetrated by many (and Arab haters) who try to convince others that Egypt didn't win this war, and not just win it, but soundly. And also, the shakeup that it caused in the Israeli brass after because they couldn't believe the lowly, incapable Arabs deceived them, surprised them, outsmarted them, gave them a taste of their own medicine (albeit on a much smaller scale than what the Israelis did in 1967, but still), shot down 150+ aircraft with the amazing SAM umbrella they set up during the War of Attrition, had the Egyptian soldier become the best tank killer with the Sagger knocking out hundreds on tanks on foot! A profound defeat was handed to the Israelis in 1973.

Yep, exactly. Israel loses the war, has to withdraw in utter shock and shame losing 1/3 of the Egyptian land it captured in 1967 to the Egyptian Army and then her descendants are sitting on forums like this claiming it won, with the support of others who have 0 clue about what really happened. Pyrrhic, indeed. :-)

And here's another small nugget for you fellas to chew on - for the guys who claim the Arabs (Egypt in particular) lost 12,000 - 15,000 killed compared to Israel's 2,700 - 3,000 and that was a bigger loss and Arabs don't care about their soldiers and that means Israel won etc.; when you put the death toll in comparison to fielded armies and respective populations-- without making it sound like any life has no value -- the 15,000 Egyptians killed was a smaller number than anticipated compared to the 90,000 soldiers who crossed the canal alone, not including the 650,000 total available soldiers and a population of 38 million. However, the 3,000 killed Israelis were out of a population of 3.2 million. When you put in in perspective, that would have been equivalent to the US losing 250,000 soldiers in Vietnam instead of the 55,000 it did lose. Put that in perspective and compare the actual damage that Israel took compared to Egypt.

People die in wars, many innocent people die in wars. Look what the Soviets did to protect Stalingrad? They were killing their own who retreated. War is about winning, even at the cost of men in the battlefield and that's what Egypt did and could absorb the losses. Israel couldn't.

At the end of the October War, most of the "Amazing SAM Umbrella" was smashed by the
Israeli forces in the Western bridgehead.
The third Army was thus at mercy of the Israeli Air Force.
It was cut off from supply, and without supply an Army in a desert does not last long.

While Egypt severly shaked the Israeli confidence, they messed up big time in the end.

The real WINNER of the October War was the Americans.
They let the war continue, until the Egyptians were prepared to throw themselves
in their lap and abandoning the Soviets.
Says who?
It is the total opposite of your opinion.. the the Arabs and the Arab world is beyond your understanding and biased opinion.. you should learn more before posting nonsense..

Until you tell us when you have fought Usrael with total support from the US in men and materials..
This is one the reasons laziness...

I think this is because Israel is technologically very advanced country, while the arabs are still more or less a camel dweller tribe.. with a lot of petro moolah..
Right Israelis also have way higher IQ and have great appreciation for education.... way more than the Arab world or Asian Subcontinent
"Why is israel so successful against arab armies" first of all we are not living in the 20th century anymore 2nd we are not currently in war with israel 3rd arab armies are well equipped combined they are even stronger than israel !!!! Last but not least it's not your business get a life loser
I think this is because Israel is technologically very advanced country, while the arabs are still more or less a camel dweller tribe.. with a lot of petro moolah..
You need to be careful talking so big watch your mouth cow piss drinker arabs have history which is our pride and now get a life you loser
Because the Israeli horse is better than the Arabian horse?

Israeli horse

Arabian horse

Idk don't hold me to it, it's just a guess.
Both are Arabian horse you dumb cow piss drinker and worshiper

A pyrrhic victory is still a victory?

Usually the attacking side always takes more loses then the defenders, also eastern armies and populations are more prone to accepting larger casualty numbers. War is not always measured by the number of body bags but by objectives and goals achieved.

If Egypt achieved there goals then for them at least it will be a victory also war is not always won on the battle field.

I understand Israel did not have any claim to that land, so from the Israeli prospective it would have been just a bargaining chip?

I don't even know why I'm responding to this nonsense. I'll do it for @Fenasi Kerim so he can see the deception and understand what the Egyptians accomplished in 1973, 6 years after 1967.

Let's see, the Egyptian armies held their territory all the way up until they watched the 3 Israel division withdraw beyond Egyptian held territory and were clapping and singing helllaaa hob! Hellllaaa hob! That was accomplishing nothing? See how silly that sounds? Maybe others reading this will start to see how silly the Israeli denial is, and how shamed their defeat was in this war, and they just can't accept it and come up with nonsense like this that gets debunked in 2 sentences.

What was the aim of Egypt in the war? to nationalise the Suez canal? grab more land? destroy Israel?

Could one argue Egypt won the war or a stalemate (for argument sake) and the rest of the Arab countries achieved nothing?

And dude just to clarify, I do not do have anything against Arabs, It is the delusional posts SC and Saif al Camel make "Arab DNA stronkkk!", "500 million Arabs take over the world" & hiding and using Islam that P's everyone off here and makes people mock Arabs.

"Why is israel so successful against arab armies" first of all we are not living in the 20th century anymore 2nd we are not currently in war with israel 3rd arab armies are well equipped combined they are even stronger than israel !!!! Last but not least it's not your business get a life loser

Another troll, which one are you Saif al Camel?

Because the Israeli horse is better than the Arabian horse?
Which cow tastes better? Mc Donalds or Burger King? Dont troll Indian.
Title should be 'was'

It's unknown to all users here how the inner structure of the relevant Arab armies have changed from back then under Soviet influence to today under US influence.

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