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Why is Israel allowed to have nukes, asks Turkish PM

Israel is the real Owner for the land it possess. Its actually others who are occupying its land and claiming to be theirs. Better check the history.

I wonder if any of us has any right on the land we own? Who is the real owner of india and Pakistan? English? Muslims? Sikkhs? Hindus? What do you suggest according to your knowledge of history?
Can we apply same logic on USA, Australia, Europe?????
>>>Turkey is also having nukes though manufactured by United States but some 150 nukes had been given by US to Turkey which still remain operational in a NATO-Turkish base. So crying over Israeli nukes while Turkey itself is holding them is a bit self defeating.

Does Turkey have the codes to deploy nukes without US approval?

If not, then these are not Turkey's nukes and the comparison is void.
Does Turkey have the codes to deploy nukes without US approval?

If not, then these are not Turkey's nukes and the comparison is void.

Comparison is not void. Actually if Turkey ever wanted to break out, it could just remove the plutonium from those nukes and very quickly build its own nukes. After all the biggest hurdle in making nukes is having enriched uranium or plutonium. The rest is simple and Turkey is capable of.
Why the heck does Indonesia need nuclear? Ask them to fix their poverty issue and illegal immigration problems to Malaysia first.

1. We BD have very close relations with our brothers in Malaysia and Indonesia. These countries have minor irritants between them - I wont call them problems. And these are fueled by Singapore and its Zionist ally. Mossad is very powerful in Singapore.

2. Indonesia has and is making tremendous progress in defense production. Their economy is potentially strong and have a strong industrial base. Yes, they do not have the expertise or organization of work that one finds in Malaysia. They need a Mahathir to pick them up.

3. The Muslims of this region : Mindano, Brunai, Malaysia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the islands taken away from Indonesia to benefit Australian mining Cos, S Cambodia, S Thailand, Arakan, Bangladesh and East Indian Muslims, would feel safer if one among them had nukes. Indonesia qualifies for that slot. But if possible BD and Malyasia could also posses this. The bullying of India would also be neutralized.
You do realize that transferring nuclear is illegal and considered an act of war?

And you do know that Israel could not have built the nukes on its own. Somebody has transferred the know-how if not the entire bomb. If its legal for Israel, then it becomes legal for every one!
1. We BD have very close relations with our brothers in Malaysia and Indonesia. These countries have minor irritants between them - I wont call them problems. And these are fueled by Singapore and its Zionist ally. Mossad is very powerful in Singapore.

2. Indonesia has and is making tremendous progress in defense production. Their economy is potentially strong and have a strong industrial base. Yes, they do not have the expertise or organization of work that one finds in Malaysia. They need a Mahathir to pick them up.

3. The Muslims of this region : Mindano, Brunai, Malaysia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the islands taken away from Indonesia to benefit Australian mining Cos, S Cambodia, S Thailand, Arakan, Bangladesh and East Indian Muslims, would feel safer if one among them had nukes. Indonesia qualifies for that slot. But if possible BD and Malyasia could also posses this. The bullying of India would also be neutralized.

I don't think you have ever been to South East Asia. Actually, Malaysia and Indonesia have very pressing issues with one another. Even though their religion, language and culture are the same.

Although, I would not dispute Indonesia's advances. But it still suffers from massive amounts of corruption.

Nobody in ASEAN cares about what India thinks.

Israel simply does business over there. It is a big contributor in Thailand's telecom sector.

---------- Post added at 05:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:44 PM ----------

And you do know that Israel could not have built the nukes on its own. Somebody has transferred the know-how if not the entire bomb. If its legal for Israel, then it becomes legal for every one!

America has clearly stated that Israel would neither officially deny or confirm that it has nukes. That is why Israel never conducts any nuclear tests.

Israel has only unofficially stated that it has nukes.

I suspect Iran is undertaking a similar path.
Comparison is not void. Actually if Turkey ever wanted to break out, it could just remove the plutonium from those nukes and very quickly build its own nukes. After all the biggest hurdle in making nukes is having enriched uranium or plutonium. The rest is simple and Turkey is capable of.

I seriously doubt a nuclear weapon is like a two-dollar toy where you can unscrew a couple of panels and just 'remove the plutonium'.

Turkey has no nuclear capability.
I seriously doubt a nuclear weapon is like a two-dollar toy where you can unscrew a couple of panels and just 'remove the plutonium'.

Turkey has no nuclear capability.

Actually it is very easy. Infact after 9/11, US government had done an experiment which showed a person without any nuclear training if provided with enriched uranium could manufacture a working nuke just by using open source info available to public. Even Abdul Qadeer Khan is on the record saying that the hardest part is enriching uranium or making plutonium and the rest is very easy. Turkey a country that manufactures tanks and frigates, is fully capable of doing it with in a day or so, if not faster, that is if they wanted to do it. They can even copy the original US nukes minus codes. Turkey has nuclear capability but it is not advertised in media. Other wise Turkey is also a nuclear country, with a huge economy and the largest military in NATO after US.
Yes, we know. Because "God gave it to Abraham".

PS. Speaking of history, I hope you know about the Canaanites. You know, the people who were massacred by the Hebrews before they took over their land and called it Israel...

It seems you know bit of history but not all right. But you do believe it was given to Abraham.
Let me start it from there. Abraham was from Mesopotemia or say the present day Iraq. He came to the region of Israel because he believed in true living God. And so he parted with his father and came to the region of present day israel and settled there with his brother lot. When he came to this region he purchased land(that means owned) from the locals and settled there. Abraham wife name was Sarai. As time passed he was not having any son from his legal wife Sarai. In the mean time sarai proposed Abraham to sleep with his concubine and have a child. Since he loved his wife so much he first resisted but eventually he gave in and did the same. And in this way Ishmael was born to Hagar. In the mean time one day God appeared to Abraham and Sarai in there very old age and told them that Sarai will give birth to a son. But Sarai did not believed and laughed. As she was too old. But Sarai got pregnent and delivered the baby and he was named Issac meaning Laugh. But during the time when Sarai was not having son and Hagar already had son , there were friction between the two. And sarai asked Abraham to send her off. Since Abraham was close to Sarai he said "what ever Sarai wished it will be done". So in this way Hagar was sent off from the clan with her son Ishmael. And the incident of Zum Zum happened.
And when Issac was born God made a promise to Abraham that he will make Issac huge clan or generation and blessed him. And there was this incidence of Issac sacrifice asked by God to test Abraham. In which Abraham whole heartedly offered Issac but god seeing this never took the life of Issac and instead blessed him like this. The he will become a great clan or generation. And abraham And later when Issac grew and got married he had two sons. Esau and Jacob. In which God blessed Jacob and changed his name to Israel.
And probably you might be knowing King David. He too belong to the same blood line from Jacob to Issac to Abraham. We all know the story of David and Goliath. Tell me Goliath was of which clan. I will tell you he was a Palestinine. And David as a young boy killed Goliath a huge man or warrior that time with a singe shot. And later he became King.

As time and generation passed the the kingdome of Judah was attacked by various king in which there were 2 prominent occations where the Jews were completely scattered around the world. And the last attack was from the Ottoman empire. Due to which they got scattered around the world. But it is very evident from the history that if they got scattered and forget their land then God will trouble and persecute them and they eventually has to come to their own land.
And hence the holocast happened in which 6 million Jews were killed and they finally thought to come back and the state of Israel was formed.

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------

I wonder if any of us has any right on the land we own? Who is the real owner of india and Pakistan? English? Muslims? Sikkhs? Hindus? What do you suggest according to your knowledge of history?
Can we apply same logic on USA, Australia, Europe?????

If that is the case why Kashmir is claimed by Pakistan. Just because majority are muslims.
I don't think you have ever been to South East Asia.

1.Wonder how you have reached that conclusion? Anyway, let's just discuss what is pertinent instead of whimsical thinking. FYI, I travel around SE Asia quite regularly, although I haven't been to Laos as yet. Intend to soon.

2. What I have stated is my perception, and you have not stated why you would like to trash this.
Actually it is very easy. Infact after 9/11, US government had done an experiment which showed a person without any nuclear training if provided with enriched uranium could manufacture a working nuke just by using open source info available to public. Even Abdul Qadeer Khan is on the record saying that the hardest part is enriching uranium or making plutonium and the rest is very easy. Turkey a country that manufactures tanks and frigates, is fully capable of doing it with in a day or so, if not faster, that is if they wanted to do it. They can even copy the original US nukes minus codes. Turkey has nuclear capability but it is not advertised in media. Other wise Turkey is also a nuclear country, with a huge economy and the largest military in NATO after US.

The issue is not how to build a nuke if you have plutonium, but how to obtain the plutonium in the first place.
Like I said, I doubt that American nukes come with a screw-off panel that you remove and just take out the plutonium. Turkey does not have access to weapons-grade uranium or plutonium.

It seems you know bit of history but not all right. But you do believe it was given to Abraham.

I was being sarcastic; you could have saved yourself the trouble of typing in the religious justification since none of it refutes my point about the Canaanites.

If that is the case why Kashmir is claimed by Pakistan. Just because majority are muslims.

This thread is not about Kashmir and, in any case, the Kashmiri Muslims did not have to be artificially shipped in -- like Jews into Palestine.
The issue is not how to build a nuke if you have plutonium, but how to obtain the plutonium in the first place.
Like I said, I doubt that American nukes come with a screw-off panel that you remove and just take out the plutonium. Turkey does not have access to weapons-grade uranium or plutonium.

I was being sarcastic; you could have saved yourself the trouble of typing in the religious justification since none of it refutes my point about the Canaanites.

This thread is not about Kashmir and, in any case, the Kashmiri Muslims did not have to be artificially shipped in -- like Jews into Palestine.

Possibly. But it could definitely be an eye opener for lot of peoples who claim lot without knowing the history. Let it help them.
The issue is not how to build a nuke if you have plutonium, but how to obtain the plutonium in the first place.
Like I said, I doubt that American nukes come with a screw-off panel that you remove and just take out the plutonium. Turkey does not have access to weapons-grade uranium or plutonium.

I think Turkey has enough engineering skill to open up a nuke whether through a screw panel or not. You are underestimating Turks here. Those nukes have enough fissile material in them to supply Turkey with enough nukes to fight world war 3. And I do not think Turkey will ever give them back to United States ever. They got it easy as if they won it in a lottery.
Possibly. But it could definitely be an eye opener for lot of peoples who claim lot without knowing the history. Let it help them.

What eye opener?

I told you that the ancient Hebrews illegally occupied the land of Canaan and renamed it Israel. Just like they did again in Palestine.

And you give me some verses from the Torah?

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