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Why is Israel allowed to have nukes, asks Turkish PM

Israel is surrounded by Islamic Countries who are dead against of its existence. Nuclear deterrence is the only way by which it could keep its enemy at bay. Due to which non of its enemy countries could ever dare to attack it. However in case if they ever do, Israel could smoke them off. But Despite of this Israel have always maintained a policy of laying low. They have never threatened any country.
But in the case of Iran its different. Iran Govt openly declare Israel as its enemy and they claim to possess or develop nukes for Israel and its destruction. Which is very much threatening for world peace and for Israel. And due to which Iran or like minded countries are not allowed to possess such weapons. And should be stopped at first instance.
Because Israel has way too many "frenemies" and it is fighting for its very existence?
Don't worry Turkish and Arab brothers. We might sneak a nuke or two in your time of need!

You do realize that transferring nuclear is illegal and considered an act of war?

Israel is allowed to have Nukes fair enough , this is why we gave Iran the Nuclear technology too so we should provide the technology to Turkey , Egypt and Saudi Arabia , Maybe Palestine when it becomes a state too.

All fair.

Agreed. Every nation should have the rights for nuclear technology, just like how every nation has an army to defend itself.
1.Gadaffi is cursing himself for succumbing to the sweet talk of WCC (Western Christian Civilization). He should have continued with his nuclear program; and by now he would be in possession of nukes that would have kept Sarkozi Bonaparte and the WCC vultures away.

2. Iran and Turkey must have nukes most urgently. Then Indonesia and Algeria.
Some body should tell Erdogan that:

>>>Israel never signed NPT. The countries that signed NPT and are not aligned with west are not allowed to have nuclear technology. Those who signed and are aligned with west are allowed to have some parts of the technology. In effect NPT was a neo-colonial pact created to control the source of power of neo-colonialists. Until a nation remains part of NPT, that nation is a slave.

>>>Turkey is also having nukes though manufactured by United States but some 150 nukes had been given by US to Turkey which still remain operational in a NATO-Turkish base. So crying over Israeli nukes while Turkey itself is holding them is a bit self defeating.
2. Iran and Turkey must have nukes most urgently. Then Indonesia and Algeria.

Why the heck does Indonesia need nuclear? Ask them to fix their poverty issue and illegal immigration problems to Malaysia first.
1.Gadaffi is cursing himself for succumbing to the sweet talk of WCC (Western Christian Civilization). He should have continued with his nuclear program; and by now he would be in possession of nukes that would have kept Sarkozi Bonaparte and the WCC vultures away.

2. Iran and Turkey must have nukes most urgently. Then Indonesia and Algeria.

Indonesia is not in the Middle East mate.

But I agree, at least one Middle Eastern country other than Israel should possess nukes.
I think you meant "occupiers". Otherwise, that is one brazen thief and cops in your area nothing more than sissies.

Thief is the right word. Armed robbery -- with the help of the western superpowers.

Israel is the real Owner for the land it possess. Its actually others who are occupying its land and claiming to be theirs. Better check the history.

Yes, we know. Because "God gave it to Abraham".

PS. Speaking of history, I hope you know about the Canaanites. You know, the people who were massacred by the Hebrews before they took over their land and called it Israel...
PS. Speaking of history, I hope you know about the Canaanites. You know, the people who were massacred by the Hebrews before they took over their land and called it Israel...

Isn't Israel the name of a prophet? :blink:
One of my friend once said, Israel is having Nukes to destroy this world 7 times....How much Nukes Israel have...?
Perhaps, it's barely enough to shut your friend's mount off - j/k.

Anyway, at least Israel has shown that it was a responsible state regarding nuclear stokes holding. It didn't use them to threat anyone for whatever purpose which means they are just for defending their home.

There's an obvious probability of a 2nd nuclear state in the Middle East. Wait for the news.
Israel is allowed to have Nukes fair enough , this is why we gave Iran the Nuclear technology too so we should provide the technology to Turkey , Egypt and Saudi Arabia , Maybe Palestine when it becomes a state too.

All fair.

Yes, absolutely..you can proliferate as much as you want... but just don't use the word fair,, your ability to provide assistance is extended only to islamic states....
you have no intentions of extending technology, education or good governance but you would start jumping when some country is looking to buy a bomb ... what is wrong with you guys.

the entire middle east was going through political turmoil .. not a single initiative taken by pakistan (self appointed super islamic power ) but when it comes to N-bomb, you want to give to every islamic country. how sick is that?

when it comes your proliferation ideology, "All fair" is the worst phrase to use.

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