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Why is Europe considered a continent?

If Africa is connected to Asia like Europe is then it definitely should be considered part of Asia.

What do you mean if it is? If it wasn't for the Man made Suez Canal, Africa and Asia are connected by land. Same with North America and South America and the Panama Canal.

So lets have America, Asia, Austrlasia, and Antarctica. Would that make you happy? Besides its not like Europeans are forcing you to treat them as a separate continent.

-The seven-continent model is usually taught in China, India and most English-speaking countries.
-The six-continent combined-Eurasia model is sometimes preferred in the former states of the USSR[citation needed] and Japan[citation needed].
-The six-continent combined-America model is taught in Latin America[citation needed] and in some parts of Europe including Greece (equivalent 5 inhabited continents model (i.e. excluding Antarctica) still also found in texts),[20] Portugal[citation needed] and Spain[citation needed].

So you can ask the Pakistani Government to start including Europe as part of Asia in the curriculum and problem solved? No European will come and tell you that hey don't do that, cause honestly they couldn't care less about such trivial issues.:lol:
The Scythian men carried the Y-DNA R1a1a, while none of the Korean males carry this gene marker.
When Kims first entered Silla circa 350 AD, they first practiced a strict caste system(Similar to India's Aryan caste system), where only the pure blood males were allowed to inherit the crown. Unfortunately, the number of pure blood heirs dwindled and went extinct in less than 200 years, and the "less than pure" Kims assumed the crown. But other parts of their DNA were passed onto.

It is quite hilarious to see that both Japanese and Koreans are so desperately wanted to be whites
No, they just don't want to be related to Chinese whom they consider to be inferior people. Japanese are fond of Tibetans, while Koreans insist they are North Siberians.

Well, but the Koreans believe they are the master race in this case. :coffee:
This shows how Chinese nationalists are always mindful of Korea and tries to drag Korea into conversations that has nothing to do with Korea.
Asia is better off without them. So in the end, who cares?
When Kims first entered Silla circa 350 AD, they first practiced a strict caste system(Similar to India's Aryan caste system), where only the pure blood males were allowed to inherit the crown.
Maybe the marriage with the Indian princess has to do with it ?
Maybe the marriage with the Indian princess has to do with it ?
No, that was before the time of Jesus.

The Kims were the survivors of a Xianbei army that was defeated by a Koguryo army in a major battle and fled southward around 350 AD. Less than 10K may have arrived Silla, but that was enough to overpower the locals not used to warfare of the north and establish a new Kim dynasty which practiced a caste system, until the original poor-blood population died out.
Since "Asia" is an umbrella term for China, India, Arabia combined etc, it should not exclude "Europe". The proper term should in fact be Asia. Unless of course, the Middle East, India and East Asia becomes their own continents too

If Africa is connected to Asia like Europe is then it definitely should be considered part of Asia.


Should has nothing to do with it, the proper term IS in fact Eurasia as is widely known and accepted throughout the world by all from scientists and geologists to middle schoolers.

Europe in reality is part of Asia just like the rest.

Actually it is Asia that is a part of Europe, you cant prove me wrong. :rolleyes:
Its a good question.
Europe is part of Asia.
If you all remember there was something called "Eurasia" in the past.
Actually it is Asia that is a part of Europe, you cant prove me wrong. :rolleyes:

If Afghanistan, Israel, Saudi Arabia are part of Asia, which means they are Asians, then "Europeans" are also Asian since Europe is just another region of Asia: Northwest Asia. That is fact.

Its a good question.
Europe is part of Asia.
If you all remember there was something called "Eurasia" in the past.

Their reason being is that the Ural Mountains separate them from the rest of Asia. If that logic is applied, then India is also it's own continent since the Himalayas separates them from the rest of East Asia and Western North America would be it's own continent too because the Rocky Mountains separates them from the rest of the United States.


What is still true is that Asia is still the continent with the most population.
If Afghanistan, Israel, Saudi Arabia are part of Asia, which means they are Asians, then "Europeans" are also Asian since Europe is just another region of Asia: Northwest Asia. That is fact.

What is still true is that Asia is still the continent with the most population.

A fact is widely accepted information, usually backed by scientific method.

When it comes to human constructions such as the concept of continents, fact is a bit more murky, it is determined by the aggregate agreement of most of humanity, with much emphasis on scholarly sources.

the closest I can find to a 'scholarly source' for your claim is the very same question asked on wiki.answers with a blunt 1 word answer of 'yes' and no sources.

Meanwhile the term Eurasia is defined in wikipedia, and the answer is on the very same as wiki.answers.

This means at the very least it has as much scholarly sourcing as your view of events, which means your view of events is at the very least, disputable.

Which means your claim of fact is a untrue (i.e. You lie).:flame:

the concept of Europe and Asia has existed since antiquity, they are geologically arbitrary and human constructs unprovable through scientific method, so the consent of the majority of humanity is the accepted norm.

The majority of humanity considers what is commonly known as Europe and Asia as seperate continents (though an arbitrary consideration) and the term 'Eurasia' as the term to denote the landmass that covers both.

Thus Europe is a continent by consent of the majority of humanity, it is seperate from Asia by the consent of the majority of humanity, and Eurasia is the proper term for it all by the consent of the majority of humanity.

There is your answer.:wave:
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