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Why is bicycle not popular in Pakistan?

No I haven’t. Thanks a lot, this is what I have I mind - family and work bike, not really recreational ones.

Sohrab was the bicycle of choice in Pakistan. BMX was for kids and later MTBs (mountain bikes) arrived in 90's. Then there was a road bike which we commonly called racing bike. I think MTB became popular in 90's. In fact kids used to show off MTB as it had gears and BMX didnt have any, though some BMXs had braking system with reverse paddling.
I preferred the racing bike, i think it was 10 speed. MTBs were 30 speed or something., but the former was faster.

With sohrab the fun part was "kainchi" way of cyclying for kids since it was tall. I cant find a pic for that, but it was riding the bike from one side without sitting on the seat.

I guess the affordability of motorcycles makes quite a difference.
70 km in 1 liter, lol, as its famous for plus can carry whole family



and animals


Sohrab had smaller capacity in comparison

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To add on what other posters have written regarding social mobility and the economics side, we have a major weather problem.

The reason why you don't see the lower middle class and middle class (and even blue collar workers these days) use bicycles (especially in urban areas) is just the sheer heat, congestion, traffic, and mitti ghatta all around. Moreover, the increase in distances between places.

This wasn't the case ten years back.

When I was studying in school I used to go on my cycle, it was a long trip I tell you.

In my village, you could see almost everyone use a bicycle for going to the tubewell or to the dera etc...but now it's all been changed to a motorcycle.

So a combination of factors.
Do These have disc brakes or drum brakes ?
70's are scooters bruh, you don't need disc brakes on a 70'cc scooter that can hardly hit 65/70mph.

Disc brakes are more for your Roadmasters, GTO's, GSXR's etc... even seeing disc brakes on 125's makes me laugh 😂

Sohrab was the bicycle of choice in Pakistan. BMX was for kids and later MTBs (mountain bikes) arrived in 90's. Then there was a road bike which we commonly called racing bike. I think MTB became popular in 90's. In fact kids used to show off MTB as it had gears and BMX didnt have any, though some BMXs had braking system with reverse paddling.
I preferred the racing bike, i think it was 10 speed. MTBs were 30 speed or something., but the former was faster.

With sohrab the fun part was "kainchi" way of cyclying for kids since it was tall. I cant find a pic for that, but it was riding the bike from one side without sitting on the seat.

70 km in 1 liter, lol, as its famous for plus can carry whole family

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and animals

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Sohrab had smaller capacity in comparison

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I love Shorab's - I got my first Sohrab roadster double bar in highschool and it lasted me till I started my first job as an adult.

Summer, middle of the day, city center or any crowderd area/marketplace, peak traffic and you're on a motorcycle. The combination of noise and heat is pure torture.
They have their perks
I read a old Chinese novel recently, which talks about the importance bicycle in Chinese daily life back in 80s. Bicycle is reasonably affordable and would significantly improved people’s mobility. Most importantly It doesn’t consume any fuel to run apart from man power. It is a wonderful transportation tool for people in developing nations to improve life quality and productivity. I am talking about work horse bicycle like the ones in the old photo below, not fancy mountain bike.

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I could be wrong but from what I see, bicycle is not that popular in Pakistani society. I know there are lot of motorcycles but it is an upgrade to bicycle rather than a substitute. What is the reason for that? Is it due to lack of availability or something else?

1 Class ( Show off, People think bike is for poor )
2 No innovation, Majority of bikes still use world war 2 design.
3 Motor bikes became cheaper option and much more better alternative option.
4 the distance between towns just became to much for simple bike
I read a old Chinese novel recently, which talks about the importance bicycle in Chinese daily life back in 80s. Bicycle is reasonably affordable and would significantly improved people’s mobility. Most importantly It doesn’t consume any fuel to run apart from man power. It is a wonderful transportation tool for people in developing nations to improve life quality and productivity. I am talking about work horse bicycle like the ones in the old photo below, not fancy mountain bike.

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I could be wrong but from what I see, bicycle is not that popular in Pakistani society. I know there are lot of motorcycles but it is an upgrade to bicycle rather than a substitute. What is the reason for that? Is it due to lack of availability or something else?
Just buy Geely cars if they are cheaper than Western and Japanese cars.
What makes you say that?

Geely should sell cars very cheaply in Pakistan to replace rickshaws.
Fuel price sir, no point buying a white elephant you can't afford to run. All working class, blue collar, khaki collar and even some mid income earners now swapping their cars for motorcycles.

The future will be cycles and hybrid transport. The era of cars which flourished between 70's to naughties is essentially over.
Fuel price sir, no point buying a white elephant you can't afford to run. All working class, blue collar, khaki collar and even some mid income earners now swapping their cars for motorcycles.

The future will be cycles and hybrid transport. The era of cars which flourished between 70's to naughties is essentially over.
I believe hybrid and electric cars are the future.

Nevertheless Geely should sell their cars in Pakistan for 15% cheaper than the western and Japanese cars to boost the Pakistani economy.
I read a old Chinese novel recently, which talks about the importance bicycle in Chinese daily life back in 80s.
Pakistani's are too lazy. The culture resolves around praying, coming home to sleep the day and then eating sweet food, fatty food. Then praying. Then sleeping again.

Anything requiring physical effort is to be avoided at all costs.
Pakistani's are too lazy. The culture resolves around praying, coming home to sleep the day and then eating sweet food, fatty food. Then praying. Then sleeping again.

Anything requiring physical effort is to be avoided at all costs.
Bulls eye :laugh:
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