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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

there will be no war ..............because it don't suit to anybody
If war between the US and Iran erupted, then Iran would be a failed state in a matter of 6 hours.
The guy in the video is most likely a neocon, who is purposely misinforming people and intends to hide the true cost of a possible war between Iran and USA.

We should remember Donald Rumsfeld made similar statements, and after the Iraqis' massive resistance, he had to resign in 2006 after the American people turned against the war - which was manifested in the 2006 midterm elections. Nobody should pay attention people like the fella in video. We're used to their false slogans, and have seen the results of the disastrous wars that they championed.
The war in Iraq or Afghanistan never really worked out the way invading forces wanted and lasted YEARS. There's no way this would be any easier
They can never conquer Iran. They don't have an alternative proxy in place to take over, as far as I know. Mind you that never stopped them in Libya. Maybe that's the aim. Weaken the regime, instigate rebellious factions.

Not that easy in Iran. They're mostly ethnically the same and the religiously. The safavids ethnically cleansed the sunnies of Iran.
Not that easy in Iran. They're mostly ethnically the same and the religiously. The safavids ethnically cleansed the sunnies of Iran.
Iranian turned Shiah centuries before Safavids, when Sunni ruler Ma'mun decided to bring Shiah's 8th Imam to Iran to closely watch him and secondly use his popularity to strengthen his own government, Ma'mun even acknowledged Imam Reza as the rightful leader of the Muslims, which is another sign that even prior to Imam Reza, Iranian weren't Sunnis.

but by the wisdom of Imam Reza, Mamun's plan backfired and Shiah beliefs further spread through Iran. what Safavids did was getting ride of corrupt Sunni leaders who were in fact bunch of hypocrite seculars, a copy of today's Saudis.
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