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Why India's yuppies want Starbucks (it's not about the coffee)

Starbucks sucks, Tim Horton's all the way (if you live in Canada)!!! :thinktank:
Actually India and Pakistan have this elitist culture where acting and speaking foreign is perceived to have elevated you to the higher level. Its a psychological problem in the English speaking classes in both countries.

It's a universal problem, even in the richest of countries.

In the US, anything European, even in name, is a license to charge more money because the nerds will pay up. Rename Jack's Diner to Jacque's Bistro and you can jack up the prices 25% easy. And, of course, there's the old joke of people paying $4 for a bottle of Evian water -- the joke being evian spelled backwards.
Star Bucks is more of a name and popularity thing. Even in the US I see all these people sitting inside and outside of Starbucks, with their laptops and reading newspaper, and not even in a group all alone drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. A lot of people buy it for popularity, which I don't really get paying $5-6 for a coffee and some cookies(yes I tried it). They have some good cookies and cakes but their coffees are not suited for Asian people. I still prefer a good Chai and samosa at a roadside thela.
I have my own preference for coffee with amount of milk, sugar and instant coffee which I rarely find outside.

Only my wife makes coffee for me the way I like it.

I usually sleep late and wake up late. By that time my wife is already in her clinic with patients.

So in between she comes in to make my coffee.

The days she cheats and the maid makes it, I know instantly even half asleep. Even though she tries to instruct to the last grain of coffee, milk combination (no sugar).
UK who is chest thumping about their own mature democracies,their societies and about the their development has to remember the companies once stood as "a pride of the Royal crown" are all acquired by Indians and this influence of India will only increase in future.

There are no such thing as India and UK are competing and so we are no rivals.

Now that Chinese bashing about Human rights and other things is in full swing with those biased articles it is time for India bashing.
The reason is quite simple and most Indian media is bueatifying the american society and life. The seldom focus on the down side of the US. Such as Katrina disaster, or NY cop trying to eat women....
starbucks suck.. tim hortons would been better. once you have double double or triple triplr of tim hortons you wont look at starbucks

Filter coffee....nothing absolutely nothing beats it.
Starbucks sucks.

I am not a yuppy puppy by a long shot, but it still sucks.

Freshly ground filter coffee. Now that's good coffee.

Also a special variety of swedish coffee beans I tried recently at a hotel.

its same here in Canada or US, only yuppies go there with laptops to look important, Starbucks doesnt even have coffee
The reason is quite simple and most Indian media is bueatifying the american society and life. The seldom focus on the down side of the US. Such as Katrina disaster, or NY cop trying to eat women....

dont just single out Indian here, it same in pakistan, if no one is watching you or noticing you in Pakistan would you rather have 1000 Rs happy meal or 200 rs nihari with garam garam naan.
You guys should try to avoid Starbucks it's garbage.....they give a lot of charity to pro-zionist israeli groups. But then again, so does McDonalds and so many others (which are equally garbage actually)

if you like coffee, get a machine and make it yourself. Or, go to Gloria Jeans or Illy
Is there any truth in this or just more unfounded conspiracies from you guys? I find it hard to believe.
Alcohol is a stimulant in low doses and a depressant in higher doses.

The stimulant action you get in low doses is because of depression of the cortical centers. These cortical centers are inhibitory in character. And when these inhibitory impulses are depressed you get what may seem as stimulation, i.e. feeling high
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