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Why India's shift in foreign policy towards Israel is a welcome change

so the gloves are off and the lines are drawn.
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India has sealed it's fate now, thank you so very much. Because in the coming future when you reap the rewards of being a Zionist lapdog. You may want to remember, that when Muslims respond to Israel's act of naked aggression in the not too distant future. That India would be on the receiving end of the stick. Also, it is nice to see how India really views the Russian Federatuon (if this idiot's views reflect the general indian public perception) and how this sort of attitude really amplifies the need for Russia to dump the Zionist lapdog (India) into the garbage bin of history. This is the ground reality of things as they stand.
Finally we rid ourselves of backstabbing palestinian terrorists, Israel is our true friend and has always stood by us even when the secular pigs ruling our country back-stabbed them. Thank you Israel and love from your Hindu brothers. We have decimated the jihadi-communist nexus in India and from here only nationalists and patriots will rule the country. Looking forward to a great partnership with our Jew brothers.
rewards of being a Zionist lapdog
You guys dont understand the power of trade, do you?
The arab nations themselves are cozying up to Israel and taking cause of Palestine is just a facade. If love to muslims were true then they wont be dealing with USA or China. They aint going to cut ties with India because INDIA GOTS MONEY TO SPEND AND THEY GOT OIL TO SELL.
Finally we rid ourselves of backstabbing palestinian terrorists, Israel is our true friend and has always stood by us even when the secular pigs ruling our country back-stabbed them. Thank you Israel and love from your Hindu brothers. We have decimated the jihadi-communist nexus in India and from here only nationalists and patriots will rule the country. Looking forward to a great partnership with our Jew brothers.

1000 years of Muslim rule
Loss of Pakistan and Bangladesh
Only a hindu can claim victory.
Only a pakistani can believe that moslems ruled India for 1000 years while they themselves are religious converts:lol:

Did you just went full retard again? For your info, EVERY muslim is a convert, starting right from the very second muslim Hazrat AbuBakr R.A. Every Pakistani understands the pain and anguish that the hindu banya feels when they re reminded of their painful slavery ridden history. It must be hard to be a gangadeshi and being humiliated for it all the time. Your pain is real and understandable. This 1000y muslim rule will haunt you and the generations coming after you for eternity.
You guys dont understand the power of trade, do you?
The arab nations themselves are cozying up to Israel and taking cause of Palestine is just a facade. If love to muslims were true then they wont be dealing with USA or China. They aint going to cut ties with India because INDIA GOTS MONEY TO SPEND AND THEY GOT OIL TO SELL.

And you guys have not the first clue about escathology. It is no wonder india shares it's fate with the illegal and illegitimate state of israel. Same goes for those criminal regimes in Muslim countries.
Only a pakistani can believe that moslems ruled India for 1000 years while they themselves are religious converts:lol:

There is only ONE GOD, the only, the ABSOLUTE. The CREATOR of all creation. HE has none comparible to HIM and HE is Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

All creation are from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, whether they believe in HIM or not. And on Judgement Day, all will know the truth about their orgin.

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