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Why Indians are supporting Israel? when their own Leader Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of Palestine.

Therefore we have a solution. They, the Palestinians, need to take charge of their destiny......... if they don't, we need to assure them that we don't care........ it's them who need to bleed, not us.......... not our business........... millions die of hunger every year...... 300 Palestinians are not even statistically relevant..........

The ball is in the Palestinians court........... they need to give and take, and learn how to negotiate............ else, even hope will be extinguished..............

Ya but what are the common folks there supposed to do, they are screwed either way, its unlikely that Hamas will stop fighting Israel if they ask it to, its unlikely that Israel will stop retaliating if they ask it to, its unlikely that whichever other organisation that arises in the future will truly listen to the populace in matters regarding the "war against the Zionists".

Of course, I am......... you didn't know? :D

So thou art a nationalist. Me likes
Therefore we have a solution. They, the Palestinians, need to take charge of their destiny......... if they don't, we need to assure them that we don't care........ it's them who need to bleed, not us.......... not our business........... millions die of hunger every year...... 300 Palestinians are not even statistically relevant..........

The ball is in the Palestinians court........... they need to give and take, and learn how to negotiate............ else, even hope will be extinguished..............

Of course, I am......... you didn't know? :D


So what do you say to menace sahib who wants the JFs to rain hell on Israel or others who want to sell arms to Hamas, did you let loose a scream of incandescent rage?:p:

Still, this has long moved past the surreal, Israel too needs to get its act together instead of going all apocalypse on these folks, Hamas is unlikely to just present itself and eat the bullet.
Israeli's are also retards........ rationality and common sense is not their forte......... let them all kill each other till kingdom come........ I have breakfast to worry about.......... here, I said it............. I'm not fasting today! :D

So what do you say to menace sahib who wants the JFs to rain hell on Israel or others who want to sell arms to Hamas, did you let loose a scream of incandescent rage?:p:

Still, this has long moved past the surreal, Israel too needs to get its act together instead of going all apocalypse on these folks, Hamas is unlikely to just present itself and eat the bullet.
I seriously don't understand, What has Pakistan (or for that matter any nation) has to do with WHOM India or Indians support. ANY NATION support or don't support NOT ONLY on the basis of "perceived" human rights violation, it's about NATIONAL INTERESTS & India is no different.

It's obvious, Palestine takes a stand AGAINST INDIA in whatever platform it gets (read OIC) even when India has been staunch supporter of Palestine right from India's independence. On the other hand, Israel has always supported in our hour of need be it Kargil war or Mumbai Carnage, so Why we should Support Palestine at the cost of our Good friend Israel?

BTW, I just want to ask why the below posts were given negative ratings by @Mugwop for Just stating what was Obvious?

why everyone in pakistan want sharia when jinnah wanted a secular nation....:rofl:

What we will get by opposing them ?
If you handover hafiz saeed and dawood to us then its a deal ...by the way why you support UN recognised terrorists ?

have you heard a word called hypocrite ....this are extreme example of that


Because Mr Atal Bihari Bajpai is in favor of Israel ... Since when Pakistani started believing in Gandhi?

Rule of Convenience ;)
Two state solution is effectively dead.

Now more Arabs live in Israel controlled territory than Isreali jews. We are moving towards a slow but very bloody and very painful but a one state solution.

Explained here.

I don't like cricket, so I am actually happy that no international cricket is played in pakistan.
I see,it is not just restricted to cricket but also other sports like Hockey,Badminton,Long Tennis.. Now u will say I don't play any sports, Don't try to fool me. It is like saying that the karachi Airport ATTACK was A wonderfull thing to happen bcoz no foreign tourists will visit pakistan in the near future.
Israeli's are also retards........ rationality and common sense is not their forte......... let them all kill each other till kingdom come........ I have breakfast to worry about.......... here, I said it............. I'm not fasting today! :D

Why not have them fight KSA, that would make you happy, btw what is Nawaze doing there, I never did get how Saud sahib can talk to Nawaze without wanting to choke him specially when the latter once attempted to get himself titled as the amir ul momineen?
Dude, if Nawzee goes/dies/perishes/ants eat him/become a vampire and can't contest next elections....... I'll / (may) be a senator in the next gov, God willing (fingers crossed)................. :D

Why not have them fight KSA, that would make you happy, btw what is Nawaze doing there, I never did get how Saud sahib can talk to Nawaze without wanting to choke him specially when the latter once attempted to get himself titled as the amir ul momineen?
Dude, if Nawzee goes/dies/perishes/ants eat him/become a vampire and can't contest next elections....... I'll / (may) be a senator in the next gov, God willing (fingers crossed)................. :D

Why can't he contest the next elections if he were to become a vampire?:p:

GOOD! After that take over Pakistan, I'll do the same here, the Nation of Naswar shall become a reality!
I see,it is not just restricted to cricket but also other sports like Hockey,Badminton,Long Tennis.. Now u will say I don't play any sports, Don't try to fool me. It is like saying that the karachi Airport ATTACK was A wonderfull thing to happen bcoz no foreign tourists will visit pakistan in the near future.

What a desperat baniya this is :laughcry:
Yara, MNA crap is too cumbersome and loads of work............. it will eat into my family life........... I rather sit comfortably @ senate............... :D

I wasn't kidding either, why would a vampire be disqualified? :lol:

I know, I thought you had plans from long back for being a MNA, no?
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