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Why Indian SSN/SSBNs are Superior to Chinese ones?

The one we got is Akula-II while Arihant is similar to Akula-I class..

India never had Akula I the only nuke Sub operated by India was Russian Charlie Sub from 1988-92 for which we even had blue prints as per some sources but the indeginous program didn't got much speed due lack of funds n infrastructure n was later on suspended

Arihant is only a revival of the same program but with some mordern inputs

Even Akula I SSN is a 8000 ton(surface) sub n its basic version could dive as deep as 480m n improved version 520m

So would u like to provide some better technical answer for ur claim...:what:
Brainfarter. Think before you post please.

Just look at the chinese jets and helicopters - everything is based/copied from foreign
aircraft. You call this independant? If Russia and Israel denied to give china Su-27
and Lavi,,,the PLAAF would still be flying those J-7s (MIg-21 copy) and J-8 (Su-15 copy)
even in 21st century.

Almost every chinese helicopter is based on a French/European chopper. Even Z-10
attack helo would never be built if Pratt & Whitney didn't tell china how to make a
civilian engine into a military one.

Of course its is copied but Russia and Israel had not given anything, has Israel supplied the radar system, avionics and engine of the J 10? Russia and Israel had not shared anything with China. China had bought some SU 27, dismantled and learned how through trial and error everything was made. Then China produced the better J 11. Lets take the SU 30MKI, body from Russia and all avionics, radar, traning etc come from Israel. China had taken the Lavi design but all avionics, radar and weaponry had not been supplied by Israel as is the case for the Indian Sukhoi. In 1999, the US had imposed a veto on the suppy by Israel of an early warning radar. This same radar has been supplied to India and now India is encourage to buy the Awacs.
Regarding the helicopter, either u r stupid or lack commonsense or both. The Dolphin chopper had been bought by China from France before the embargo of 1989. Thus after 1989, it could not buy any more nor any chopper from the EU or US and no spare parts. China has thus learned by itself how the Dolphin was made, how it was designed etc then it has produced its own version otherwise there would be no helicopter at all for China. If there was no embargo China would have imported more Dolphin, Gazelle and the Tigre Gunships. Regarding engines, China has asked for a derogation from the West and US to be able to import heavy lift helicopters on the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake which had claimed the life of thousand of civilians including thousand of children. Helicopters had proved useful in rescuing life but the US had vetoed the supply of such helicopters even for humanitarian reasons. Of course China has to use civilian engines to power its helicopters, as it cannot import engines and all Western countries refuse to collaborate with China. China has to find ways to make helicopters and become a superpower otherwise China would still be like how it was in the 60s and similar to countries like Cuba. In Cuba you would find 50's vintage car because since the embargo of the 1960's, Cuba cannot import and export thus Cuban have to travel using those vintage cars. Even without embargoes, there is still no toilets in India, Indians still open defecate like in the 19th century when it was enslaved by its colonial Bristish master. Even without embargoes Scatland cannot produce any decent weapons except human defaecation.
Even without embargoes, there is still no toilets in India, Indians still open defecate like in the 19th century when it was enslaved by its colonial Bristish master. Even without embargoes Scatland cannot produce any decent weapons except human defaecation.
Is this thing not banned in this forum?
*sigh* not again...........:disagree:

Why this silly d!ck measuring competition, when we can't even confirm the specifications of the two submarine classes properly??
Nuclear Subs are not thing, about which info is bandied about everywhere( especially in China and India, and to some extent Russia). Anyone who claims to have enough info on both projects to actually compare them is bluffing...........
I implore all members to ignore this nonesense thread and Mods to close it as it will obviously lead to too many trolls and no logical discussions.
For measuring contests, (____) should be fully extended(substitute another word :P )..

However for our's time will come maybe then this thread will be valid.. :)
Only if triple-packing or quad-packing of missiles in launch silos is developed
by then. But anyway, 6 ICBMs with atleast 10 MIRVed warheads each will be
more than enough.

When will it be ready, 2050? That is kind of ambitious given India's track record. You are in effect asking India to build anOhio class sub with d5 missile. Once US develop something better your goals will change. You will never catch up so you need more modest goals
When will it be ready, 2050? That is kind of ambitious given India's track record. You are in effect asking India to build anOhio class sub with d5 missile. Once US develop something better your goals will change. You will never catch up so you need more modest goals

No , all we require is a SSBN having 12-16 silos and MIRVed SLBM with a range of 8000km .

Once we achieve this we will have a complete Nuke deterrent.

And no our goals are not based on what US develops , but purely based on our requirements.
^^ i dont think GoI will approve 8000 km range SLBM. At max, it will approve 6000 km range A 6 SLBM. sjkcdjjddy
Of course its is copied but Russia and Israel had not given anything, has Israel supplied the radar system, avionics and engine of the J 10? Russia and Israel had not shared anything with China. China had bought some SU 27, dismantled and learned how through trial and error everything was made. Then China produced the better J 11. Lets take the SU 30MKI, body from Russia and all avionics, radar, traning etc come from Israel. China had taken the Lavi design but all avionics, radar and weaponry had not been supplied by Israel as is the case for the Indian Sukhoi. In 1999, the US had imposed a veto on the suppy by Israel of an early warning radar. This same radar has been supplied to India and now India is encourage to buy the Awacs.
Regarding the helicopter, either u r stupid or lack commonsense or both. The Dolphin chopper had been bought by China from France before the embargo of 1989. Thus after 1989, it could not buy any more nor any chopper from the EU or US and no spare parts. China has thus learned by itself how the Dolphin was made, how it was designed etc then it has produced its own version otherwise there would be no helicopter at all for China. If there was no embargo China would have imported more Dolphin, Gazelle and the Tigre Gunships. Regarding engines, China has asked for a derogation from the West and US to be able to import heavy lift helicopters on the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake which had claimed the life of thousand of civilians including thousand of children. Helicopters had proved useful in rescuing life but the US had vetoed the supply of such helicopters even for humanitarian reasons. Of course China has to use civilian engines to power its helicopters, as it cannot import engines and all Western countries refuse to collaborate with China. China has to find ways to make helicopters and become a superpower otherwise China would still be like how it was in the 60s and similar to countries like Cuba. In Cuba you would find 50's vintage car because since the embargo of the 1960's, Cuba cannot import and export thus Cuban have to travel using those vintage cars. Even without embargoes, there is still no toilets in India, Indians still open defecate like in the 19th century when it was enslaved by its colonial Bristish master. Even without embargoes Scatland cannot produce any decent weapons except human defaecation.

But tell me how china could build J-11 if russia did not give Su-27? How would they
build J-10 if Israel did not give Lavi design?

all J-10s have AL-31 engines imported from Russia. even J-20 has Russian 117S engines.

Even with help of US Pratt & Whitney and Ukrainian Motor-Sich, China took 25 years
to build Z-10 chopper.
^^ i dont think GoI will approve 8000 km range SLBM. At max, it will approve 6000 km range A 6 SLBM. sjkcdjjddy

I don't know how much trustworthy this is.Some member posted this in the BR .

Payload: Range
1000 kg: 700 km
450 kg: 1200 km
200 kg: 1900 km

2500kg: 3000 km
1000 kg: 6500 km
700 kg: 9000 km
I don't know how much trustworthy this is.Some member posted this in the BR .

Payload: Range
1000 kg: 700 km
450 kg: 1200 km
200 kg: 1900 km

2500kg: 3000 km
1000 kg: 6500 km
700 kg: 9000 km

Err, exactly HOW is DRDO planning to provide multiple warhead configurations aboard a SSBN?

K-15 is a quasi-BM, its theoretical range cannot be varied that much as stated. For BMs, technically it is possible to provide such a range of ranges. But it is not PRACTICALLY feasible to do so, because having multiple warhead configurations/ multiple missiles is cumbersome and something not supported by the end-user(s). That is why a suitable maximum range with enough payload is set before developing a missile.
I was referring to the multiple payload configurations (not MIRVs), i.e. any of the 2500, 1000, 700 kg payloads for K-4.

K-15 range can be varied more than as compared to a ballistic missile as it doesn't have a pre-defined path and can be altered according to mission requirements... say it can be launched at 60 degree and below 30km altitude in cruise missile trajectory to achieve.... longer range with the same pay load which would result in less range for a 90 degree launch and in the altitude of 50km.

same with K-4.. It is too a quasi ballistic missile and doesn't fly as high... as to escape being detected by LRTR of enemy and stay below the horizon... It is only 10m high and weighs below 20 tons.

The good thing about quasi-ballistic missile are that their path can also be selected accordingly as to escape enemy's radar coverage... changes in trajectory can be made while in flight and not just at the time of launch(as is the case with BMs.).

However It remain user to specify what ? kind of configurations they want for upto what ? number for each target.
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