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Why India will not be able to match up with China

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Laughing too much?

Democratic (uhh.. sought of) Pakistan -


you should feel shameful for what your country have done to Pakistan.

your government keeps buying those dead expensive waepons for threatening the safety of your neighbors, such as pakistan, so they can't have enough resources to be used on public services. they are a very peaceful nation, never had any military conflict with other countries.

however, India are having land dispute with all its neighbors and had several bloody wars with multiple countries in the region.

you tell me who cause the above ****?

Do you mean a democracy base on a caste system like India?
Why not a presidential style of Democarcy,not the westminister type

And don't tell me caste system is not practice in India anymore.

Caste system in modern India;

It has been obliterated in the south can't say much about the north

Please don't troll
1)their system is working beautifully every thing's going fine, so y just throw the functional system
2) wat wrong in "collective effort", u know 2+2=4 where as 1 is always one, Gov has to support ppl, if Gov cant support its ppl then wats the use of gov?
3)wat level are u exactly talking about? "civil unrest" exists every where, irritants r every where, its jsut tht how u control those irritants to minimize damage

1)As long as the economy grows the system looks fine .What do you do when the economy slowsdown.

2)nothing wrong with collective effort .But you can have both individual and collective effort at the sametime case in point US

3)Pls read a bit more about chinese history and debate with me
I am really confused.

one group of indians tell me China don't respect freedom of expression.

at the same time

some other indians tell me there are 200 violent protests every day involoving more than 1000 people.

Do you mean that voilence is freedom of expression
Why not a presidential style of Democarcy,not the westminister type

It has been obliterated in the south can't say much about the north

Please don't troll

this is not troll. he mentioned a damn valid point - you still have caste system.

you should feel shameful for what your country have done to Pakistan.

your government keeps buying those dead expensive waepons for threatening the safety of your neighbors, such as pakistan, so they can't have enough resources to be used on public services. they are a very peaceful nation, never had any military conflict with other countries.

however, India are having land dispute with all its neighbors and had several bloody wars with multiple countries in the region.

you tell me who cause the above ****?

No all those toys are not for Pakistan.I can tell you that much :-)
Beijing told to beware of stimulus damage

By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

Published: August 20 2009 17:20 | Last updated: August 20 2009 17:20

China’s much-vaunted stimulus package has exacerbated structural imbalances in the economy and may delay the country’s transition to a more sustainable growth model, according to some leading economists.

Most analysts regard the Rmb4,000bn ($585bn, €410bn, £355bn) plan, unveiled in November, as an appropriate response to the crisis, and say it pulled the economy out of what could have been a much deeper slump.

However, as the effects of the stimulus fade, some now say the response was too aggressive and that the government’s focus on an unprecedented credit exp*ansion and a massive infrastructure boost has aggravated stark economic imbalances.

“The economy’s structural problems have been made worse by the stimulus programme,” Wang Yijiang, a professor of economics at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing, told the Financial Times.

He pointed to resurgent asset bubbles in the stock and property markets and the fact that most of the stimulus had gone to the state sector, while smaller private enterprises, which create the most jobs, had been left largely to fend for themselves.

“The stimulus package was a response to a crisis rather than aimed at rebalancing China’s growth model,” said Jonathan Woetzel, a director in *McKinsey’s Shanghai office. “In the short term, Beijing’s stimulus and monetary policy are perpetuating the imbalances.”

A report published on Friday by the McKinsey Global Institute points out that 89 per cent of the entire stimulus package is devoted to infrastructure investment such as roads and railways, while only 8 per cent is allocated to supporting consumption.

Private consumption in China has declined sharply as a share of overall gross domestic product since the mid-1980s, accounting for only 36 per cent – the lowest ratio of any major economy, reflecting China’s reliance on investment as its main growth driver.

“Today’s low consumption share is systemic, and China will not be able to tackle this issue without comprehensive reform that includes structural change,” says the report.

“China’s economic growth profile has been very employment-light and there is a need to rebalance investment away from the traditional emphasis on heavy industry and infrastructure towards smaller, private enterprises, especially in the services sector,” said Mr Woetzel.

FT.com / China - Beijing told to beware of stimulus damage
this is not troll. he mentioned a damn valid point - you still have caste system.

Ya we had\have the caste system.Democracy was introduced into the
India society so that the echelons of the lower caste can gain power.
Simple non-violent solution to a bloody problem .

Now my question is wat is china's solution to the civil unrest problem.
Crowd control,gulags,Unit of the elite Mandarins or any other novel solution.You guys haven't given me an answer yet

What are you doing regarding control of civil unrest
No all those toys are not for Pakistan.I can tell you that much :-)

please see the title of this thread. and I present you the guided rocket system named WS-2D. its range is enough to cover New Delhi - including your PM's office, from our border.

our land force can annihilate your entire division within hours just like what we did in the 1962 war on you. history is always a good textbook for you.

:rofl: now I request for source of the details which says those protests are "violent".

no troll, show me the source.

Its Chinese Official Report they used to count the violent protest. Not anymore.

I may not be able to quote it from original source, But you can. If you don't find let me know i will post the English Report.
1)As long as the economy grows the system looks fine .What do you do when the economy slowsdown.

2)nothing wrong with collective effort .But you can have both individual and collective effort at the sametime case in point US

3)Pls read a bit more about chinese history and debate with me

every system HAS to maintain a economic balance if a system cant maintain a economic balance then wht kinda system is it? every big economy has at last collpased on tht basis no system is poerfect, tell me a system which works without a economic justice
individual efforts can only be seen only if there is collective will, a person ahs got a individual will but he has not got any opportunity to move forward then wat will he do, thts where the gov steps in to make use of individual's will as well as co ordinate the will of individuals for betterment of all individuals of a society...
i know history clear ur third point...
Ya we had\have the caste system.Democracy was introduced into the
India society so that the echelons of the lower caste can gain power.
Simple non-violent solution to a bloody problem .

one correction - there is no such so called lower caste in this world. we are all equal to each other, no matter our background, education, economic status. if you insist to mention the so called "lower caste", I can honestly tell you, you are lower caste compared to me and my family. that conclude this topic of discussion, in case you can't figure out what is wrong, please just keep the following words in your mind and you can tell your friends this is from your higher caste Chinese friends from Shanghai:

there is no lower caste in this world.

Now my question is wat is china's solution to the civil unrest problem.
Crowd control,gulags,Unit of the elite Mandarins or any other novel solution.You guys haven't given me an answer yet

What are you doing regarding control of civil unrest

by keep providing education, better employment opportunities, and keep upgrading our political systems according to the will of Chinese.

democracy is a must, however, how to achieve that and how the ruling bodies should be formed/operate need to be carefully selected, not assigned by/copied from a tiny island country country UK.
please see the title of this thread. and I present you the guided rocket system named WS-2D. its range is enough to cover New Delhi - including your PM's office, from our border.
Even India has those toys so what?

our land force can annihilate your entire division within hours just like what we did in the 1962 war on you. history is always a good textbook for you.

That was a sucker punch and all of it because our first PM was too naive regarding your intentions

But I don't see that happening again
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