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Why India media also join the lying chorus on Tibet riots?

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There are 11 or 12 types of Chinese spoken.

Guanhua (Mandarin),
Xiang (Hunanese),
Wu (Shanghaiese),
Kejia (Hakka),
Yue (Cantonese),
N. Min, and
S. Min (Hokkien/Taiwanese).

And they are not similar.
rumours can go in same way: Singh is a pretty good PM but he might be a woman coz I never saw him with my own eyes. who knows, pics might be fake, and... live video? come on that's a woman in disguise.
funny uh?

by supposing above I dont uphold a principle that woman is inferior to man, nor in any debasement to my respect to the indian PM.

My problem is, does it hurt to accept a fact like a tibetan lady accusing tibetan mobs of their violence?
it only hurts when you're defending your media beyond facts.
or it also hurts when you have an inherent ill mindset against China.

I wont say Chinese media never lies ,but it is another title for you to start a new thread. herein we're discussing on Indian media cheating which you can hardly deny yet are still desalting it into worlds rifeness.

actually I dont give it a damn what a media like Rediff says, neither would I blame india for a ridiculous media fault.

btw, Chinese govt usually does media coverage when it thinks a report or certain segments of a video are "unsuitable" for people, which is, in my personal view, a paternalistic obstruction to civic right of inform as well as restrict on the freedom of press in whatever reasons.

nevertheless, cheating readers with spitefully cooked news like what Rediff did is apperantly closer to scandal, or just in there.

I watched the Olympic flame lighting ceremony, they cut off the segments in which protests were trying to cause trouble to LiuQi, the President of the Beijing Organizing Committee of Olympic Games.

but later on the cut off segments were broadcasted on CCTV last night, along with narrative report by Xinhua News.
Ensure security for Olympic torch

the riot at Olympic ceremony is an insult to sports.
the riot at LiuQi is an insult to Chinese people.
but a video record of this riot is just an evidence of the Free-Tibet outrage upon the Olympic spirit. the video itself is not of any insult to anyone,what cutting it for?

this is historically the first time Olympic coming to China, I guess they just wanna keep it holy as it should be, based on the worldwide consensus that politics should always keep away from sports!, although 24 out of all past 28 Olympic games had been politically interfered.

if anyone of you wanna boycott or even bring shame on Beijing Olympic games, go practise it, not just stay with bawls and squalls in vain.

I have no idea what are you talking about. "you said riots are insult to chines people." you don't get it the tibeten people are doing this right at the olympic games to show the world how the chines people are treating them in other words they are trying in insult you.

And Please don't try to make China a holy place because the world know how holy you guys are.
rumours can go in same way: Singh is a pretty good PM but he might be a woman coz I never saw him with my own eyes. who knows, pics might be fake, and... live video? come on that's a woman in disguise.
funny uh?.

Dear Lin .

please dont take this discussion to absurdity .
First -the question I raised was lack of transparency, and not allowing other media . as Chinese media propogates only one point of view . now if your wana see proof of Mr Singh's Gender by your self .. try it I dont think he would be interested to show you ..

by supposing above I dont uphold a principle that woman is inferior to man, nor in any debasement to my respect to the indian PM.

seriously I should applaud for your generosity .

My problem is, does it hurt to accept a fact like a tibetan lady accusing tibetan mobs of their violence?
it only hurts when you're defending your media beyond facts.
or it also hurts when you have an inherent ill mindset against China.

My Dear Friend . I said if rediff has done as your allege then they are wrong . but at the same time China is more wrong for not allowing media to go there and not letting Tibetans to express there view freely .
No one has ill mindset against china .. its the China who has ill mindset against everyone including its own ppl . from cultural revolution to Tiananmen square they have shown this ill mindset .. and every one knows it ..

I wont say Chinese media never lies ,but it is another title for you to start a new thread. herein we're discussing on Indian media cheating which you can hardly deny yet are still desalting it into worlds rifeness.

my dear friend I dont blame you for not having any sense of Media and its function in society .. Media is managed by humans and humans express there perception and purpose . there is Pro goverment media , there are centrist media.. ..one banner doesnt reflect the whole media . by the way just curious what else do you have in China Except almighty CCTV ?
And Indians keep on killing minorities in India and bother about Tibetians. :cheesy:


Lets push the line if you have the guts ?


CHINESE BELIEVE that all religions are fake including ISLAM (yes I agree with them ALL RELIGIONS ARE FAKE), christianity, buddhisim etc. So when did you last criticise them FOR saying Professor Mohamed did not exist ? You want to execute a Danish Guy for making pictures of Prophet M but you (Not Pakistan ) are to scared to tell China that your religion and UMMah are stronger the Communism ? Tell them that and I will accept your comments.


Webby i am sure you must be watching, salim is posting biased comments.
My Chinese friends,

You will not understand the idea of multiple view points since you are used to only ONE viewpoint - the viewpoint that your Govt directs you have!

In a democracy there is multiple viewpoints, be they of individuals, media, political parties or even the price of potatoes and eggs! In short, no State Control. That is why there is diversity and hence, freedom of choice.

But obviously that is not so in a totalitarian regime as in China. You obviously are regimented in thought, deed and action.

Even govts in a democracy need not have one viewpoint as they maybe Coalition of Political parties getting together to form a govt, since there is no ONE thought amongst the electorate.

I know it will be difficult for you to understand, but do try.

Do show any factual error in what I have posted.

Being unable to coherently and cogently take on the issues raised by me does not mean that you can accuse me of bias.

Your inability to prove the facts to be incorrect is no fault of mine and indeed, by claiming bias you are proving that you are unable to present any view of yours that can face the facts and so you take the route of crying wolf!!

Do contribute positively and don't be a Milquetoast.
I have no idea what are you talking about. "you said riots are insult to chines people." you don't get it the tibeten people are doing this right at the olympic games to show the world how the chines people are treating them in other words they are trying in insult you.

And Please don't try to make China a holy place because the world know how holy you guys are.

if you wanna cite my words, do cite it textually.

rioting at you will be nothing like insult to Chinese people, but when truning to a Chinese official of Olympic games, it is.

for the rest of your post, I'll leave it to yourself when you seem to start nation bashing.

Your attempt to show me in a bad light with the Webmaster has got me a trifle pensive and hence, after much thought, I thought I should clear the air.

You wanted to draw the attention of the Webmaster claiming that I was giving biased comments, immediately after I mentioned that the Chinese language has many variants and are not quite similar

May I educate you slightly since you did attempt to throw in some serious allegations aiming to make me a catspaw!

I daresay I study and therefore not a total illiterate to throw in red herrings. I will confess I am not perfect, but then I am not a total fool to write things of which I have know clue.

There are over 1500 recorded dialects in China. The most frequently used forms of spoken Chinese are Cantonese and Mandarin. The Chinese language has an interesting and far reaching history. Like the differences in American accents in the United States, the dialect that a person from China speaks is a representation of the region that their family originated from. However, the similarity between American accents and Chinese dialects stops at that. Spoken English is the same almost everywhere that you go. The spoken dialects of Chinese on the other hand are dissimilar and unintelligible from each other from region to region.

When talking about Chinese language it is important to distinguish between both the spoken and written form. An interesting aspect of written Chinese is that it is the same for any Chinese speaker no matter what dialect they speak.

In English, we use an alphabet and string together consonants and vowels to produce a word. In Chinese, Chinese characters are used to represent one word each.

A fluent speaker and reader most likely has a grasp of at least 3000+ Chinese characters.

Therefore, there is no bias in what I had written.

May I request you to educate yourself before you raise a most horrendously childish alarm that merely aims at vitiating the air and antagonising the Moderators and Administrators without cause against posters who otherwise are stating facts but which are not to your convenience and which your lack of knowledge does not permit you to refute.

Thus, the crutch of crying wolf and being pretentious that you are speaking with knowledge and cautioning all against someone is highly misplaced and pretentious!!
Unfortunately, chum, Rediff is not the only newspaper or portal in India that it becomes the gospel truth like Chinese controlled media becomes the sole thought of China because that is what the Communists want to their people to believe.

There are so many newspapers and news channels to choose from and then form one's opinion.

In India we have Ganashakti, New Age etc which are Communist mouthpiece. Now, if they publish something, would that become the Gospel Truth?

It is for the reader to be spoilt for choice and then decide what he wants to believe.

But then you would not understand since you are from China or are you not?

You argued with torrid to conclude that Rediff’s lying is justified. :rofl:

A vivid example of hypocrisy!

As far as the translation is concerned, why should one believe you that you have translated it right? Just because you are a Chinese?

Now note this.

Choro, Mat Maro and Choro Mat Maro have the same words. Yet, the comma makes a world of a difference.

Sitting in a cave and indulging in pure guessing doesn’t prove/disprove anything.

Have you consulted with your Chinese versant friends about the translation? If not yet, wouldn’t you think it would be more prudent and perhaps more self-respectful to refrain from attempting to deduce more ridiculous conjecture?
There are 11 or 12 types of Chinese spoken.

Guanhua (Mandarin),
Xiang (Hunanese),
Wu (Shanghaiese),
Kejia (Hakka),
Yue (Cantonese),
N. Min, and
S. Min (Hokkien/Taiwanese).

And they are not similar.

After so much endeavour, you still haven't proved/disproved the translation.

If you are interested in knowing what the Tibetan lady is speaking, I can tell you she is speaking very good madarin with only very slight accent.
You argued with torrid to conclude that Rediff’s lying is justified. :rofl:

In a democracy, no one lies

A vivid example of hypocrisy!

I am afraid I have not understood what is "argued with torrid".

If indeed Rediff has lied, which I doubt, it is not justified.

You have not understood what I have laboured to explain.

In a democracy, there is no restriction to what one writes. It is called Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Thought! Maybe these are alien to you and so you are finding it hard to comprehend.

There is another aspect of democracy that you may not understand and that is the citizens of a democracy has the Freedom of Choice. That means, the citizens can believe it or not believe it!

Therefore, since you have possibly not experienced or have not comprehended the concept of Freedom, you tend to look at the trees instead of the woods!!

Nothing hypocritical about a democracy.

It might be hypocritical that in a country, people are controlled by the State to realise what is good and what is bad. Like robots! Capable of excellent results but with no mind of its own!!

Sitting in a cave and indulging in pure guessing doesn’t prove/disprove anything.

The Prophet Mohammed sat in a cave and started a religion and today it is the fast growing religion of the world!!

Have you consulted with your Chinese versant friends about the translation? If not yet, wouldn’t you think it would be more prudent and perhaps more self-respectful to refrain from attempting to deduce more ridiculous conjecture?

Must I consult?

Where have I deduced anything on your translation.

You are entitled to what you translate.

I am merely commenting on the larger picture.

One swallow does not make a Spring, if indeed what you translate is right and the Rediff chaps are wrong!!

BTW, Rediff is not my favourite portal. It might be yours!

Lets push the line if you have the guts ?


His deduction/guess is not only brilliant, but also wildly divergent...:flame:

CHINESE BELIEVE that all religions are fake ...

You seem stretch a little too far. MANY Chinese are religious.
Oh yes, lest I forget,

In a democracy you can exhibit dissent.

If you find that Rediff has lied, send them a letter and lambaste them.

I am sure I would be happy since the truth must prevail in case you are right!!
A very natural reaction!

That is the opinion of adversarial nations.

They feel the other lies!

Why are you talking of adversarial nations? It is anyones reaction who is experienced of these lies and propaganda to sell the cheap news!

Its the fact, and now the Chinese are experiencing!

It is the adversarial nations instead who create propaganda and defame particular nations.

Now when it comes to this topic. The translation has been provided (proof and evidence), and Rediff has again been caught red handed.

Pathetic isn't? Its useless to continue. (Unless someone can prove this video wrong).
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