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Why India is already a loser in NSA talks

What else pakistan can do, longer they delay the talks, more they will lose as India grows its caliber and recognition in global world.

More than us its you who need peace? Ball is in your court.
The moment we become aggresive on borders to take out terrorists, you will be forced to move your forces away from west to east and all you efforts to gain peace in western part of pakistan will fail.

LOL look at his reply - talks will stop India in growing in calibre and recognition in world what kind of logic is that ? haha. You need to be more clear with them it seems use urdu maybe :P
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Every one here is very happy for talks not to happen...useless excercise any way....
What nonsense??? What are you going to do if we say no more talks ever? Nobody in the world is going to risk losing such a market and antagonizing us especially when we have favourable ties with almost every country.
Your only hope is China and even they are not stupid enough to start a war.

So in the end what can you do??? There is nothing to be done if we say "to hell with everything". All the fantasies of Pakistani stance on Kashmir affecting India in any way is just the script for some wet dreams.

The Kashmir issue is nothing but a toll for political mileage, prestige and ego now. It's nothing of real consequence.
Looks like comprehension problem, let me make it simple for you

What else Pakisthan can do, longer they (pakisthan) delays the talk, more they (pakisthan) will lose as India grows its caliber and recognition in gloubal world.

Does that help? Does it make sense to you ...
He is an indian dude.
Every one here is very happy for talks not to happen...useless excercise any way....

Nopes, its been a loss to both nations, more importantly to India.
Conferences like these gives platform to build upon talks. More importantly it helps in building up an environment.
What india lost ?? Kashmir ? NO.. its here for last 68 years.. it will be with india for next 6800 years.. you can do nothing.
TBH its pakistan who lost a chance to make peace and grow other economically than supporting terrorist like good terrorist and bad terrorist..
You want to talk, talk one on one.. why make trilateral.. what if tomorrow india includes baloch rebels or freedom fighters before talks with pakistan.

Dont act to smart.. whole supports India stand.. tell me one major country who supports pakistan stand on Kashmir.. not even your higher than mountains, deeper than sea, sweeter than honey-money friend China dont support it.
you guys are nothing..
except that you will keep burning your a@@ and keep pushing d!ckless mullahs to kill innocent people. what else ?? absolutely nothing

Pakistan ... Include Hurriyat leaders..
India... No way

Pakistan.. Include are we are off
India.. Fu@ck Off

Pakistan.. Starts crying india doesnt want peace blah blah !!
India... 0 F@cks given..
Looks like comprehension problem, let me make it simple for you

What else Pakisthan can do, longer they (pakisthan) delays the talk, more they (pakisthan) will lose as India grows its caliber and recognition in global world.

Does that help? Does it make sense to you ...

OMG I was mocking him . really man you are pointing guns at me ?

He is an indian dude.
Thank you atleast some1 can see flags.
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When India demonstrated its resentment against Pakistan’s commitment to meet Kashmir’s resistance leadership in New Delhi ahead of the national security adviser (NSA) level talks, little did it know about the consequences of this political miscalculation. Over the years, probably since the summer uprising of 2010, the Kashmiri resistance leadership has never been too significant in any political process concerning Kashmir. Such political obstinacy further delegitimises the authenticity of India’s idea of Kashmir.

India emphasises that NSA level talks are only meant to deal with the issues related to security and terrorism. True. But the main cause of "terrorism" between India and Pakistan is the unresolved political dispute of Jammu and Kashmir. If there was no unresolved Kashmir issue, why would the non-state actors from Pakistan be interested in crossing the line of control (LoC)? India calls it Pakistan-sponsored terrorism. Also, what interest would India have in creating trouble in Balochistan (as claimed by Pakistan) to destabilise the neighbouring county? Pakistan calls it India-sponsored terrorism.

Also read: Honey, we shrunk the separatists

Pakistan, as a country, has its own political idea and its foreign policy; so when Pakistan chooses to talk to India, it definitely has to make sure that the goals of its foreign policy are met. Kashmir is a part of Pakistan’s greater foreign policy initiatives and for it, Kashmir remains the main issue related to the security of the two countries. It, thereby, becomes essential for Pakistan to have Kashmir on its agenda for the NSA meet.

Also read: Why Modi must end this theatre of the absurd with Pakistan

For India, the only way out of the Kashmir dispute, without compromising its position, has been its attempts to make the resistance leadership irrelevant on the broader political paradigm. But Kashmir’s struggle is not because of the leadership that represents the idea. Alienating them would not actually make much difference: a person or a face could be made irrelevant, but the idea itself will remain there forever.

One of the important issues that India is demonstrating its ignorance about is the understanding between Pakistan and the Hurriyat. If Pakistan has to set a political agenda for the talks after consulting the Hurriyat, what makes India think that Pakistan could not do it without calling the Hurriyat leadership to New Delhi? India keeps on saying that Pakistan is a country run by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Why would it, in that case, be difficult for Pakistan to seek the viewpoint of the resistance leadership without letting India even know about it?

Over the years, Pakistan has been too busy dealing with its internal problems. As a consequence, several issues, including Kashmir, could not get due attention. So it is especially important for Pakistan to take a stand on Kashmir, particularly when an impression is being formed that owing to Pakistan’s internal problems, it seems to have given up its stand on Kashmir.

To put things simply, in this political game, talks may or may not be successful, but Pakistan has already scored a diplomatic point, while the Indian political leadership – divided under different names and ideas – remains busy in throwing blame on each other for Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir. So, diplomatically India is already defeated in this round of NSA talks.
@Horus @nair @SpArK @GURU DUTT @Skull and Bones @levina @Areesh @Chanakya's_Chant @third eye @Water Car Engineer
Angoor khatte hai....
pakistan has to do lot of explanation to do for the world community as to why kashmir when the agreement at Ufa was on terrorism.. It shows the commitment of pakistan on terrorism...
To salvage any left over pakistani credability left, I suggest that pakistan establishment kurban Sartaz
And what is the advantage of talking kashmir with pakistan.

I agree neither side can accomplish any thing with talks...

Current hot air need to get out of sails before any sensible engagement can happen....

So better leave talks suspended till atmosphere is right...
What else pakistan can do, longer they delay the talks, more they will lose as India grows its caliber and recognition in global world.

More than us its you who need peace? Ball is in your court.
The moment we become aggresive on borders to take out terrorists, you will be forced to move your forces away from west to east and all you efforts to gain peace in western part of pakistan will fail.
it can be your wish. one thing you dont know nothing about muslims touch us and see how far the rabbit can go.
Pakistan is helping and protecting you other wise how many mumbai you cud have.. if Pak wanted to use dawood if he was in Pak imagin the gang wars and sucide attacks in manglore channai and terrorist attacks in Assam.. you guys are living on verge of hill.
Pakistan is helping and protecting you other wise how many mumbai you cud have.. if Pak wanted to use dawood if he was in Pak imagin the gang wars and sucide attacks in manglore channai and terrorist attacks in Assam.. you guys are living on verge of hill.



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