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Why India Accepts Hindu Extremism and Condemns Islamic Extremism

It is just a mirror Image of what we see in present day Pakistan where Guys like Hafiz Sayeed and company relentlessly spill hatred towards India.

what about people like shiv sena????
what about people like shiv sena????

I hate sectarian Politics and SS is the champion of it.

PS: There is a conspicuous difference in approach between Hafiz Sayeed and SS. Let's not intermingle the two parties.
Whereas India’s extremist, fundamentalist and communal political forces possess the capability of rearing and nominating the Prime Ministerial Candidate for India’s second largest political party, a mere procession or a speech by an Islamist Pakistani who is anti-Indian, creates an uproar in India.

Is it because the Hindu Indians, who are 80% of India’s population, do not consider RSS and other such extremist forces who practice politics in India, as extremist/fundamentalist/communal forces or is it that they simply do not care, as long as these forces are Hindu.

Or is it because, that those who believe in the so-called Indic philosophy do not consider peoples of other religions as not human enough to deserve the same human rights that 80% Hindus possess.

Though these forces have been involved in spreading extremism, fundamentalism and communal hatred in India and have also perpetrated extreme acts of terrorism inside India, almost all the Indian news channels regularly invite their representatives who are allowed to express venomous and hateful ideology openly and without remorse.

I wonder why such dichotomy exists in India’s internal and external socio-political and media environment.

Equally surprising is also the fact that Pakistani media does not highlight such aspects that are present within the Indian socio-political milieu.

Answer this question first:

How many Hindu extremists do you see running around wielding AK47 killing people, threatening other countries of waging a holy war against them?
Well,, they are comparing two thing Shiv Sena:- so shiv Sena said , go and so mumbai like style attack in karachi/islamabad ? No.

Do India hide Dawood /OBL like certified terrorist ? NO
PAK has few lines , and they happy keep repeating that :

A) Babri Mazid: But they forget , they mazid was build by destroying temple ,(now have evidence)
1) Muslims destroyed Buddha statue ? any answer from muslims?
2) Muslims destroyed many temples in Malaysia , any answer from muslims ?? NO
3) Many temples destroyed in PAK and BL , any answer from Musilms? NO

muslims keep on harping one thing , but forget they destroyed many temples before babri happened.

even now evidence find that Babri Mazid build by destroying hindu temple , now muslims even say sorry to hindus for destroying temple? NO , so why they started crying when when Hindu destroyed the same madzid which was build by destroying hindu temple?

because muslim always cry, not matter what , they thing they have right to destroy other religion but no one touch their own

B) Samjhota Attack:( that happen on Indian land)
1) killing of Hindu's by PAK terrorist forcing them to flee
2) Parliament attack by muslims
3) Askhardham attack by Muslims
4) Many more attack by muslims
5) Mumbai Bombing , proving them bombs and then sheltering

And after so much killing of Hindus , do they think hindu should not retaliate? they should and not only in indian Land , they should in Pakistan ,when muslims started getting killed by Mumbai like attack then start cbing.

3) Guajrat Riots :
1) Muslims burnt the train full of hindus and then hindu retaliated , muslims tried to do what they have done in kashmir to hindus but here hindu retaliated , so now Muslims started cribbing.

If muslims have not burned the train they have not got killed, you started and they in return , so now why cribbing

2) Pakistan also kills lot of shia, christens, etc every week 10 minority get killed and in week how many muslims get killed in india? compare and tell answer .

India dont hide terrorist like OBL and dawood like PAK do.

india no matter how tried hard , cant match pak in extremism
I don't see the difference between Hindu terrorism and Islamic terrorism. Right now I would say Hindus are the biggest threat to world peace. Islam has radical elements in their religion but Hindu religion is even worse.
I don't see the difference between Hindu terrorism and Islamic terrorism. Right now I would say Hindus are the biggest threat to world peace. Islam has radical elements in their religion but Hindu religion is even worse.

Kindly move this post to Stupid and Funny section II.
Unlike Muslims, Hindus and for that matter Christians dont take up arms wherever Hindu or Christian blood is spilled. Like in Syria, Burma, China, A'stan, Africa.....etc.
I don't see the difference between Hindu terrorism and Islamic terrorism. Right now I would say Hindus are the biggest threat to world peace. Islam has radical elements in their religion but Hindu religion is even worse.

By the looks of things commies are the 3rd biggest threat to world peace after Islamic terror and Western imperialism.
Whereas India’s extremist, fundamentalist and communal political forces possess the capability of rearing and nominating the Prime Ministerial Candidate for India’s second largest political party, a mere procession or a speech by an Islamist Pakistani who is anti-Indian, creates an uproar in India.

Is it because the Hindu Indians, who are 80% of India’s population, do not consider RSS and other such extremist forces who practice politics in India, as extremist/fundamentalist/communal forces or is it that they simply do not care, as long as these forces are Hindu.

Or is it because, that those who believe in the so-called Indic philosophy do not consider peoples of other religions as not human enough to deserve the same human rights that 80% Hindus possess.

Though these forces have been involved in spreading extremism, fundamentalism and communal hatred in India and have also perpetrated extreme acts of terrorism inside India, almost all the Indian news channels regularly invite their representatives who are allowed to express venomous and hateful ideology openly and without remorse.

I wonder why such dichotomy exists in India’s internal and external socio-political and media environment.

Equally surprising is also the fact that Pakistani media does not highlight such aspects that are present within the Indian socio-political milieu.

There is no Hindu extremism,only islamic.

It is a normal news in India when RSS, which is an extremist organization and political force nominates Modi as a Prime Ministerial Candidate for BJP. BJP leaders visit RSS headquarters in Delhi and no one in India raises eyebrows as if it is a normal event. No one in India expresses concern when an Indian Prime Ministerial Candidate visits the headquarters of a communal, extremist and terrorist organization.

Mere mention of the name of Hafiz Saeed sends Indians in to convulsions. No one speaks loudly enough when numerous people were killed by RSS stalwarts in Samjhota Express blast by the RSS extremists and raise voices when Modi visits them in New Delhi.

Is it that for Indians, only Muslims are extremists and they do not see the extremists amongst the Hindu political forces that pretty much do the same if not more.

RSS is a service oriented,patriotic organization which cuts across all social barriers.

It stands for Hindu culture and they are no extremists.

Some individuals might be radical to harm innocents but RSS is not responsible for that.

Muslims are extremists,they demand too many concessions and dont show any respect.

An RSS prachark has the most admirable,deserving qualities to become the PM Of India than anyone else.
Suicide bombings in South Asia were initiated by Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka, duly supported by Indian government and Tamil population of Tamil Nad in India. RAW operated numerous Tamil terrorist camps in Tamil Nadu and other states where these terrorists were trained to kill Sri Lankans. People of Indian state of Tamil Nad still support the Sri Lankan Tamils, even after the brave Sri Lankan Army destroyed them.

The first Hindu Tamil suicide attack occurred in July 1987 when an explosive filled truck was driven into a barracks of Sri Lankan troops and blown up.

In fact Hindu Tamils became the world leaders in suicide terrorism from 1980 to 2003. And when the Indians betrayed them, they took their revenge from the Indian Army in Sri Lanka and later killed Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in a suicide bombing attack.

Suicide bombers include all tamils of northern Srilanka,including some Muslims.

huhh character certificate is given to those who have some.... u know...
well as for ur RSS support i have this statement from ur own Indian political figure...We have got an investigation report that be it RSS or BJP, their training camps are promoting Hindu terrorism. We are keeping a strict vigil on all this. Whether it is Samjhauta blast or Mecca Masjid blast or Malegaon blast, they plant bombs and blame it on the minorities

A slip of tongue for Shinde? Or is it time to address Hindu terrorism?
RSS, BJP camps promoting Hindu terror: Sushilkumar Shinde - Times Of India
Figure that out...now shushhh .... off u go running

Shinde is a servant,his words do not matter.

If you want to trust him,thats your problem.
Whereas India’s extremist, fundamentalist and communal political forces possess the capability of rearing and nominating the Prime Ministerial Candidate for India’s second largest political party, a mere procession or a speech by an Islamist Pakistani who is anti-Indian, creates an uproar in India.

Is it because the Hindu Indians, who are 80% of India’s population, do not consider RSS and other such extremist forces who practice politics in India, as extremist/fundamentalist/communal forces or is it that they simply do not care, as long as these forces are Hindu.

Or is it because, that those who believe in the so-called Indic philosophy do not consider peoples of other religions as not human enough to deserve the same human rights that 80% Hindus possess.

Though these forces have been involved in spreading extremism, fundamentalism and communal hatred in India and have also perpetrated extreme acts of terrorism inside India, almost all the Indian news channels regularly invite their representatives who are allowed to express venomous and hateful ideology openly and without remorse.

I wonder why such dichotomy exists in India’s internal and external socio-political and media environment.

Equally surprising is also the fact that Pakistani media does not highlight such aspects that are present within the Indian socio-political milieu.

Simple because India is country of Hindu and Muslims are minorities there.
RSS, BJP camps promoting Hindu terror: Sushilkumar Shinde


Lest the Indians forget, Sushilkumar Shinde is still the Home Minister of India and this has been stated openly by a Minister of Indian Indian.

Even Rahman Malik was Pak Home Minister?

so,whats your point?

I sincerely hope that Modi becomes the Prime Minister so that the internal break up of India can be expedited by the Indians themselves. In such an environment why should we or any other country around India be afraid of Modi or BJP or RSS etc.

How i would love to see you being shown for the half retard that you are?

This is blog run by your very own and famous Tehelka.com. Please go and tell them not to publish the truth.

Why do you Indians hide from the truth. RSS has been involved in terrorism inside India and that is a fact. And the second largest Indian political party is in cahoots with RSS. When Shahbaz Sharif government in Punjab allots some money to an educational institution, you gentlemen go berserk condemning it, but when facts are produced highlighting that MODI and BJP consult RSS, a terrorist outfit, you people go in to a denial mode. This is oxymoron.

We have our own list of traitors just like you have your own,


We are not in denial at all,infact we dont want any talks asking shabaz sharif not to support Hafiz Saeed.

We merely want solid action in India,breaking the bones of Bhatkal and his bhailog.

I am sorry but it seems that Indians like you seem live in peevee land. Indian is not such a big power in Sub Continent. It is almost completely surrounded from all sides on the land by Pakistan and China and now even the Burmese are telling your villagers to move out of the areas which Burmese say is there area.

And then you have these terrorist organizations like RSS etc and your national leaders go to their headquarters to seek their help and acceptance and that too for a Prime Ministerial candidate. This is an outright shame.

At times it makes me wonder if you people have any dignity left in you.

Unlike you,we have enough vision to see that you are a retard.

so,no surprise.

And dignity,we laugh when you guys use such words.
After Sushilkumar Shinde's comment, government releases names of 10 'Hindutva terrorists'

Mail Today Bureau | Mail Today | New Delhi, January 23, 2013 | UPDATED 12:12 IST

The Union Home Minister's "Hindu terror" comment may have triggered a war of words between the Congress and the RSS-BJP.
But investigations by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) have revealed that at least 10 people who had links with the RSS or its affiliated organisations were involved in a spate of terror attacks in different parts of the country.

Union Home Secretary R.K. Singh confirmed this on Tuesday and said that there was evidence against them.

Sunil Joshi: RSS activist active in Dewas and Mhow from 1990s to 2003
Involved in: Samjhauta and Ajmer shrine blasts.
Has died

Sandeep Dange: RSS pracharak active in Mhow, Indore, Uttarkashi and Sajhapur from 1990s to 2006
Involved in: Samjhauta, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer blasts.
On the run

Lokesh Sharma: RSS 'nagar karyavahak' in Deogarh
Involved in: Samjhauta and Mecca Masjid blasts.
Was arrested

Swami Assemanand: Was associated with RSS wing Vanavashi Kalyan Parishad in Dang, Gujarat, from 1990s to 2007
Involved in: Samjhauta, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer explosions.

Rajender alias Samunder: Was RSS Varg Vistarak
Involved in: Samjhauta and Mecca Masjid blasts.

Mukesh Vasani: Was an activist of RSS in Godhra, Gujarat
Involved in: Ajmer blast.

Devender Gupta: RSS pracharak in Mhow and Indore
Involved in: Mecca Masjid blast.

Chandrasekhar Leve: RSS pracharak in Shajhanpur in 2007
Involved in: Mecca Masjid blast.

Kamal Chouhan: RSS pracharak
Involved in: Samjhauta and Mecca Masjid explosions.

Ramji Kalsangra: RSS associate.
Involved in: Samjhauta Express and Mecca Masjid blasts.
On the run

After Sushilkumar Shinde's comment, government releases names of 10 'Hindutva terrorists' : North, News - India Today

Let us see if they ll get convictions?

Yes, some of the LTTE were Christians but the large number of terrorists were Hindus supported by India.

Instead of responding appropriately to the first post on this thread, you people respond by accusing others. This is the normal response most Indians are trained in. Living in denial is an age old Indian habit - what can I say.

They were all atheists and even if they had religion,the fight was in the name of their cultural ethnicity,not the religion.

This one point is enough to show your lack of knowledge.
Mirror image in India - and how is that. We do not have the stink here that you guys happily live in.

No. It is from a web site that is being sponsored by KPS Gil. I hope you know him - in Indian Punjab they call him the butcher of Punjab.

KPS Gill did his duty,even if it was a solution he didn't agree with fully.
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