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Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

The point is that you would expect that America does a little more for Pakistan than it has done for India.

Since the independence of Pakistan and India in 1947, Pakistan chose U.S. and India chose Soviet Union.

Pakistan has been on America's side since day one and India has been on Soviet Union's side and still India always benefits more from US than Pakistan ever had, even though Pakistan always took America's side from 1947 to the Cold War to War OF Terror.

Why this expectation? Should they do so out of emotional attachments to Pakistan of the past or should they focus on their interests and we do on ours?

Pakistan should not be on anyone's side. This is the immaturity of our leadership. In the US, one administration from the other has no idea about relationships with countries maintained by the previous administration and here we are talking about favours done by Ayub, Yahya and Zia to the Americans. The problem with the Pakistani approach is that we tend to look at inter-state relations in the very same light as we keep our personal-relations. You always remember a favour and try to give back. However in the world of politics, all that matters is convergence of interests. History and past not withstanding.

The reason us Pakistanis constantly remind the Americans of the past is because there is a flawed logic and immaturity of thinking at play. Its actually the same silly logic that Indians apply to their relationship with America on the basis of "we are the largest democracy and they are the oldest one, then how come the coldness and support to Pakistan?" However the fact of the matter is that what gets any two countries together is common goals and interests.

Americans are the smartest of all when it comes to working this theory. If one is to look back at the American foreign policy, yes it has had many failures as well (but who has not?), but Americans have been in bed with very many unlikely partners because the sides had interests converging. There was no need for this "feel good" democracy connection.

So its time for Pakistanis to consider such things. The government has to do a better job of explaining the policies of the two sides better to a nation which emotionally sees itself as a betrayed friend of the Americans. The Americans on the other hand have a very straight forward type of dealing. As the pre-eminent power, their interests are paramount, those of others, not so. In this environment Pakistan has to somehow manage her relations and the public has to adjust its views.

This is not an impossible task, but does require a better understanding of geo-politics than currently exhibited by our public and also many of the politicians.

Gen zia gave us nawaz sharif thats true..but where as u r talking about zulfiqar and zardari..i will not agree you in that

Political career of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
In 1957, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became the youngest member of Pakistan's delegation to the United Nations. He would address the United Nations Sixth Committee on Aggression on October 25, 1957 and lead Pakistan's deputation to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Seas in 1958. In the same year, Bhutto became the youngest Pakistani cabinet minister when he was given charge of the energy ministry by President Muhammad Ayub Khan, who had seized power and declared martial law. He was subsequently promoted to head the ministries of commerce, information and industries. Bhutto became a close and trusted advisor to Ayub, rising in influence and power despite his youth and relative inexperience in politics. Bhutto aided Ayub in negotiating the Indus Water Treaty with India in 1960. In 1961, Bhutto negotiated an oil exploration agreement with the Soviet Union, which also agreed to provide economic and technical aid to Pakistan. :coffee:
By the way guys,my question wasnt that what dictator gave us???...plz come back to the thread.....
Im sure thats true, but does not prove that these individuals did not choose to align with the US.....

My above statements arent against a ruler, but just giving my opinion on why India is being pursued by the US so strongly.....

My favorite Pakistani leader to date has been Musharraf.....So trust me...Im on your side when it comes to dictators....

you must ask yourself Why India was not being pursued by the US so strongly EARLIER (in 1980's)?

and you must also think

Why KSA is being pursued by US so strongly?

and lastly...

Why US never pursued Hamas government which come through democracy?

Answer to all these question is simple one: US INTERESTS India will be pursued by US until and unless it is serving US interests.
Do u really think indians r aggressive.........I think indians r full of verbal agression..........whereas ppl of pak land can be both..... I agree India will never accept Pakistan, but I am afraid it's a fact and India will have to accept this sooner rather than later, as nobody wants another war...... BY DOING so u will only be making USA more richer....
-Cyber warfare
-Physiological warfare
-Electronic espionage
-Media Propaganda

These are modern war weapons in 21st century for two countries who both have a ultimate deterrence in shape of nuclear weapons.
Do u really think indians r aggressive.........I think indians r full of verbal agression..........whereas ppl of pak land can be both..... I agree India will never accept Pakistan, but I am afraid it's a fact and India will have to accept this sooner rather than later, as nobody wants another war...... BY DOING so u will only be making USA more richer....

Guys stop fighting amongst yourself and stop accusing India for all your problems. I know there are a lot of uneducated and improvised people here in India, but isn't the same story on your side of the border? There have been members in this forum, who advise India to eradicate it's poverty, gender gap etc. Isn't it the same on your side too? I believe it's more. I recently watched a program in Discovery, of how Pakistanis(settled abroad) marry of their daughters in Pakistan, and what hell those women go through. UK govt even have special cells in Pakistan, to rehabilitate those women back in UK.

So stop complaining and accusing.

I would advice 3 things:-

1. Stop the spread of terrorism - you are getting what you bore earlier. Ordinary Pakistanis have to wake up.

2. Have a stable democracy - This means kicking out people like Mr. 10 percent a.k.a Asif Ali Zardari, Rehman Malik etc

3. Bring terrorists to book - If you think you are doing enough, let me tell you it is not enough. If needed, ask help from India. India will surely help you. We may be step-brothers, but we still are brothers.

4 When all this is done - we will have open borders, business flows, open trade, cultural sharings etc.

And for all this, Pakistan have to take action and help us in helping them. And as our PM said, whenever Pakistan takes a step, we will meet them halfway, over there!!!!!!!!!!
you must ask yourself Why India was not being pursued by the US so strongly EARLIER (in 1980's)?

and you must also think

Why KSA is being pursued by US so strongly?

and lastly...

Why US never pursued Hamas government which come through democracy?

Answer to all these question is simple one: US INTERESTS India will be pursued by US until and unless it is serving US interests.

Oh I couldnt agree with you more....But the "Serving the Interest" is a two way street.....rememeber we have other options....

But in context of why India is being "favored" by US over Pakistan....in my response to someone's post.....
India has a lot to offer economically coupled with a stable govt, and the fact that India is yet to be "impressed" by the US......

Even past the Nuke deal, tech options, arms and ammo.......India still follows its own policy when it comes to the international arena.....

The only foreign policy decision that I think can be (possibly) attributed to a "Western influence" could be the vote against Iran.....

Yet, India with all the US pressure cannot be muscled into the Kashmir issue......

Remember, India is friends with all the superpowers (minus China) and alternate power centers (Islamic countries)........
Guys stop fighting amongst yourself and stop accusing India for all your problems. I know there are a lot of uneducated and improvised people here in India, but isn't the same story on your side of the border? There have been members in this forum, who advise India to eradicate it's poverty, gender gap etc. Isn't it the same on your side too? I believe it's more. I recently watched a program in Discovery, of how Pakistanis(settled abroad) marry of their daughters in Pakistan, and what hell those women go through. UK govt even have special cells in Pakistan, to rehabilitate those women back in UK.
And how a social problem related to women is related even remotely to the terrorism. Should I need post links and details about what Indian women go through inside India let alone abroad?

So stop complaining and accusing.

I would advice 3 things:-

1. Stop the spread of terrorism - you are getting what you bore earlier. Ordinary Pakistanis have to wake up.
Agreed. This is time to call spade a spade. Apart from fighting TTP it is time to expose their financiers and suppliers in Afghanistan. It is time to expose Indian involvement in Baluchistan.

2. Have a stable democracy - This means kicking out people like Mr. 10 percent a.k.a Asif Ali Zardari, Rehman Malik etc
They both are there due to this democracy.

3. Bring terrorists to book - If you think you are doing enough, let me tell you it is not enough. If needed, ask help from India. India will surely help you. We may be step-brothers, but we still are brothers.

who need your judgement in what we are doing in war against terrorism? huh. Problem is local no doubt but there are indian involvement in its magnification.
4 When all this is done - we will have open borders, business flows, open trade, cultural sharings etc.
God forbidden... If we share anything cultural with you guys. Atleast we can't afford to have a khumb mela here..lol

And for all this, Pakistan have to take action and help us in helping them. And as our PM said, whenever Pakistan takes a step, we will meet them halfway, over there!!!!!!!!!!

Kid we are taking action where they are necessary. Can I ask how much progress India made in Samjhoota express in which 60 Pakistani were burnt alive by Col. Prohet and gang. In Pakistan no serving army officer ever accused for running terrorist wings like him. So my advice is first put your own house in order then lecture others.
I like it...........first fund the terrorist organisations in Balochistan and then wanna shake hands...........

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.......... and I am afraid indian polices and actions against pakistan r disgusting

and yes...If you spend half of what u spend on lobbying against pakistan in USA may be u can educate some of ur ppl..
Oh I couldnt agree with you more....But the "Serving the Interest" is a two way street.....rememeber we have other options....
>>yeah it is two way until you are not dealing with Yankis...

But in context of why India is being "favored" by US over Pakistan....in my response to someone's post.....

India has a lot to offer economically coupled with a stable govt, and the fact that India is yet to be "impressed" by the US......

>> For that you will have to weight till end of times:) This is AMERICA man! Why would they worry to impress you. They are getting Billion dollar business without doing so.

Even past the Nuke deal, tech options, arms and ammo.......India still follows its own policy when it comes to the international arena.....
>>Let me tell you... India is going to sign MMRCA deal with US. What that indicates?
The only foreign policy decision that I think can be (possibly) attributed to a "Western influence" could be the vote against Iran.....
>> Everything start from ONE. What about Indian exclusion from IPI pipeline?I think that is TWO in the list which will start increasing as times goes on.

Yet, India with all the US pressure cannot be muscled into the Kashmir issue......
US pressure..... hahahaha......that was really good one.

Remember, India is friends with all the superpowers (minus China) and alternate power centers (Islamic countries)........
>> Hope this will help in lessen your cries if in future Pakistan get some hi tech military contract with West.
And how a social problem related to women is related even remotely to the terrorism. Should I need post links and details about what Indian women go through inside India let alone abroad?

Agreed. This is time to call spade a spade. Apart from fighting TTP it is time to expose their financiers and suppliers in Afghanistan. It is time to expose Indian involvement in Baluchistan.

They both are there due to this democracy.

who need your judgement in what we are doing in war against terrorism? huh. Problem is local no doubt but there are indian involvement in its magnification.

God forbidden... If we share anything cultural with you guys. Atleast we can't afford to have a khumb mela here..lol

Kid we are taking action where they are necessary. Can I ask how much progress India made in Samjhoota express in which 60 Pakistani were burnt alive by Col. Prohet and gang. In Pakistan no serving army officer ever accused for running terrorist wings like him. So my advice is first put your own house in order then lecture others.

You addressed me a a kid. Good, thanks. Of all the fundas you have given, have you given any proof that India is behind the unrest in Baluchistan? NO, NONE. Actually it's very easy to turn a blind eye and you have awesome shades for that. I feel sorry for those people in Pakistan who get killed everyday in suicide attacks, just because there are people like you, supporting insurgents. Get a life man!!!

I have known many Pakistanis in developed parts of the world who share my concern, never met someone like you. What if? you'd have been thinking rational too.
I like it...........first fund the terrorist organisations in Balochistan and then wanna shake hands...........

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.......... and I am afraid indian polices and actions against pakistan r disgusting

and yes...If you spend half of what u spend on lobbying against pakistan in USA may be u can educate some of ur ppl..

Stop whining!!!
First take action against terrorists responsible for 26/11 and then see what GoI does. Do your task first and then expect things in return. Guys like you make Pakistan weak. Why of all the terrorist attacks and arrests made in this world, Pakistan have a definite connection? Wonder why? You never will.

You are only a fraction of what Pakistanis think, no one cares about you anyways. Pakistanis want peace, freedom, technological advancement etc etc etc.
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