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Why Imran Khan Lost?

IK isn't "the" solution
There is never “the” solution. It’s always evolution. He is part of the natural progress we should make and eventually evolve beyond.

Devolving back to 10,20,30 year old setup is not an option.

On topic. Now Gaurav Arya and some unknown indian kids will tell us what’s going on and what should be done🤦‍♂️
Who says he has lost? This man is an institution. He is one of the greatest south asians alive. In a civilized country he would have been elected as a leader 20 years ago.

Who says he has lost? This man is an institution. He is one of the greatest south asians alive. In a civilized country he would have been elected as a leader 20 years ago.

Kuch ziada hi nahi hogya
Itni heavy lifting?
No, that's how leaders speak, knows the difference...

Likhay Musa Parhay Khuda, could you please explain what do you mean

See what happened when you didn't share the Intel with IK and the generals, had you told them in advance that Russians are about to attack Ukraine, please go to Ukraine first then to Russia this wouldn't have happened.
Absolutely Not was said to a journalist not to American ambassador know the difference...

I see where the problem is you are used to by people like Nawaz, who simply bend over and then go on to ask for a few dollars...

Again, you didn't share the information and told him in advance that the army generals, including the head of the army and the core commanders, are all sold to the highest bidder.
Very nicely explained, Imran Khan is a true Muslim leader his popularity grew when he raised his voice for Islam and he is admired all over the world for his bold speeches, yes he is not a good politician =lier but he’s a great leader strait speaking and honest and just..
He has taken Pakistan through difficult challenges, I really wish to see him back in power one day.
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