Unlike in Paksiatn, in India the politicians have to fight fairly well conducted elections. No party or person would like to be perceived to be too soft on Paksiatn, since others would grab that opportunity and call them weak. Politics is dirty here too. Politicians have their limitations. While you have your establishment to cope with.
Any Indian attempt to be the big brother in true sense is likely to be called out in negative ways by a very big lobby in the region.
Just look at threads on PDF where few Bangladeshis want to empower defence forces against India. Do they need it? But they still want to create a self created threat scenario. Imagine where would their economy have been ff they had also been a security state like Paksiatn.
You have been already declared a traitor on this forum and I don’t see a single voice in your support. This region is fraught with fault lines which aren’t likely to be filled anytime soon.
The distrust between India and Paksiatn is too wide to be filled anytime soon. Both have played a role in it, but I believe Paksiatn has played a bigger role in creating this.