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Why I wear a Burqa: Burqa gives protection and respect

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Again you are derailing the thread. Why are you intentionally confusing pedophile tendency of a psychologically misbalanced abnormal pervert and a normal rapist?
Normal rapist ? Really ?

What the hell is a "normal" rapist, as opposed to abnormal rapist ?

One of the greatest posts I have come across. I could not say it in a better way.

Ha Ha, the speed at which you change your words, its actually funny. dishonesty and religion always go hand in hand in real life.

What darkstar said and what u said are not the same. you are just trying to use his post to get out of the hole you dug yourself here.

nobody said people should not wear burkha. its choice. but you said by not wearing burkha women invite rape or molestation in islamic and other societies - the kind of sordid mentality at show here is condemnable. you can't respect people for what they are, they must follow ur standards. shameful.

and abt 'normal rapists' - its like ur 'good terrorist'? sheesh, rape may be normal in ur eyes not in mine. so a normal rapists rapes a stranger girl wearing a jeans, and an abnormal one rapes a girl wearing a burkha or a man or a child or someone they know? boy u really need to get rid of all that twisted thinking in ur brain :tdown:
Normal rapist ? Really ?

What the hell is a "normal" rapist, as opposed to abnormal rapist ?

Its like the good terrorist. the victim is held responsible for his / her protection from the sordid supremacist mentality of the criminal. root causes, have you not heard? :)
ohh plz stop it..i m muslim women and i wear burqa no one force me..when i wear bura i feel safe in it and every one respect me..and we are muslim womens very happy and we dont want to be like western women..their fathers bro husband sell them in the name of art and culture..and thanks Allah we are very happy and dont want to show our body infront of other mens...so if u dont know how we are living and what islam is then plz stop urs comments and first read your own holy books what they say about women...

i love islam and we muslim womens love islam plz dont care for muslimahs we are very happy...:smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:

I am glad to hear that you are happy the way you are. Can’t complain. But let me clarify beforehand, that my post was not directed specifically to Islam. It was directed at a society - any society - that promotes the system of burqa. Remember, though burqa today, is associated with Islam, its origin is not Islamic. Also note that long time ago, even before the birth of Islam, system of burqa was practiced in India, by the novelties and other elites. If you do a little bit of research on the origin of burqa, you will realize that the reason behind this system was to protect women in a really volatile, violent and incestuous society. Anyway.

Let me highlight a sentence from your post:

"when i wear bura i feel safe in it and every one respect me"

You probably didn't realise, that you have actually bolstered my argument of force in disguise. That behind this so called spontaneous acceptance work multiple shades of fear psychoses (“i feel safe”) or various degrees of peer/social pressure(“every one respect me”) or both, is evident from that line. The question that you should be asking to yourself is why do you feel safe in burqa? Why is it unsafe to be not in burqa? Why is it that you are respected when you are in burqa? Why is respect associated to burqa and not the individual inside the burqa?

Religion has its own mechanism for deciding on your behalf and then making it look as if you have taken the decision, yourself. That mechanism is called indoctrination, something that Dr Richard Dawkins refers to as akin to child abuse.
And how many of the remaining 9% are actually eunuchs? Can you give me that stat also?
This kind of pride in ignorance can come from you only. First, eunuchs are males, albeit castrated. Second, eunuchs are uniquely sub-continental.
I am glad to hear that you are happy the way you are. Can’t complain. But let me clarify beforehand, that my post was not directed specifically to Islam. It was directed at a society - any society - that promotes the system of burqa. Remember, though burqa today, is associated with Islam, its origin is not Islamic. Also note that long time ago, even before the birth of Islam, system of burqa was practiced in India, by the novelties and other elites. If you do a little bit of research on the origin of burqa, you will realize that the reason behind this system was to protect women in a really volatile, violent and incestuous society. Anyway.

Let me highlight a sentence from your post:

"when i wear bura i feel safe in it and every one respect me"

You probably didn't realise, that you have actually bolstered my argument of force in disguise. That behind this so called spontaneous acceptance work multiple shades of fear psychoses (“i feel safe”) or various degrees of peer/social pressure(“every one respect me”) or both, is evident from that line. The question that you should be asking to yourself is why do you feel safe in burqa? Why is it unsafe to be not in burqa? Why is it that you are respected when you are in burqa? Why is respect associated to burqa and not the individual inside the burqa?

Religion has its own mechanism for deciding on your behalf and then making it look as if you have taken the decision, yourself. That mechanism is called indoctrination, something that Dr Richard Dawkins refers to as akin to child abuse.

first of all there is no such things before islam birth bcoz islam was present when Allah create this world...and secondly islam only tell us for covering ourselfs and we can cover with shalwar kameez and dupata...but we wear burka on our wish..
and ppls also respect us without burka and i also feel safe without burka but wearing burka is symbol of modesty according to me..and love my burka and do u know burka and hijab is fashion...not opression...

now still if u have problem with burqa then we cant do anything for u..or for west we muslims women are better bcoz every religion order women to cover but many muslim women cover theirselves...bcoz we obey creator of this world...
if liberation of women is that womens should wear minis otherwise she would be consider as opressed them sorry we dont want any liberation..islam has already given us liberation...we dont like to learn from others..
take care
and plz leave muslims women..bcoz we wat to live only according to islam..
its my humble request to all non muslims plz stop thinking about life of muslim womens..we are very happy what we are...:pakistan:
Allah hafiz
Let me highlight a sentence from your post:

"when i wear bura i feel safe in it and every one respect me"

You probably didn't realise, that you have actually bolstered my argument of force in disguise.
Hmmm not really.

I think what she's referring is not a threat of rape but a threat of being objectified. Anyway, not saying thats not the fault of men, but if a woman proactively takes steps to prevent it then its her choice and who are we to say what a woman can and cannot wear.
I think in this article she did not want to piss people off by saying i wore it because I was about to be raped. What reasons would you want respect in a prison cell? The truth to the matter is it is perfectly fine to wear whatever you want and no one should dictate if it is wrong or right. It is another case if that ideology has been hardwired into system for generations. And we all know the results of trying to change something like that in the muslim world.
Hmmm not really.

I think what she's referring is not a threat of rape but a threat of being objectified. Anyway, not saying thats not the fault of men, but if a woman proactively takes steps to prevent it then its her choice and who are we to say what a woman can and cannot wear.
Well, I am pretty sure that I have not implied rape only. I have said "multiple shades of fear psychoses". I figured that fear of or rather being uncomfortable with, being objectified is one of the shades of fear pyschosis. Apparently not.

Yes you are correct. We don't have a right to tell a lady what to wear or not. Apparently, this is lost on some of the members here.

Unfortunately though, you have missed the point. I am questioning the very premise of "her choice". Is "her choice" really "her" choice, or is the society or religion quietly leading her to make that choice.
Well, I am pretty sure that I have not implied rape only. I have said "multiple shades of fear psychoses". I figured that fear of or rather being uncomfortable with, being objectified is one of the shades of fear pyschosis. Apparently not.

Yes you are correct. We don't have a right to tell a lady what to wear or not. Apparently, this is lost on some of the members here.

Unfortunately though, you have missed the point. I am questioning the very premise of "her choice". Is "her choice" really "her" choice, or is the society or religion quietly leading her to make that choice.
Why do women wear clothes at all?

Why not roam naked? (Let's presume warmth and hygiene was not an issue). We live in a society and actually make up that society. Nudity concerns are very real for men and women both. Women should have the right to choose what the definition of nudity is.

Religious element is there but theres also a logic behind it. There is no point in being religious about it, if you don't believe in the logic. I think 50% of Muslim women don't and are not really covering their head and thats their choice as well.

Are you really going to force women to take off some of their clothing? It's their choice let it be.

I disagree with the Australian but I won't disagree with the millions of Muslim women who choose to wear it for really different reasons. A prison cell isn't reflective of a normal Muslim society.
Normal rapist ? Really ?

What the hell is a "normal" rapist, as opposed to abnormal rapist ?

Looking for the bone, where it don't exist?

Keep looking you may find one:enjoy:
ohh plz stop it..i m muslim women and i wear burqa no one force me..when i wear bura i feel safe in it and every one respect me..and we are muslim womens very happy and we dont want to be like western women..their fathers bro husband sell them in the name of art and culture..and thanks Allah we are very happy and dont want to show our body infront of other mens...so if u dont know how we are living and what islam is then plz stop urs comments and first read your own holy books what they say about women...

i love islam and we muslim womens love islam plz dont care for muslimahs we are very happy...:smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:

Hey madam, with all due respect, the concepts are good, you shouldnt judge a person by his/her looks but her character..!! But for a commoner like me who have been living in a free society it is difficult to understand the logic of covering themselves up from head to toe and living their entire life as a zombie for such simple reason.

However i have seen in dubai they show their face with their long robe.. well that is atleast a way of showing respect to the person dealing with her. Because i feel it is disrespectful when women talk with her face covered up..!!! Either they are not self confident..!!! They are scared of men..!! or They dont trust the person dealing with her....or they are blindly following a religious practise.. happily.!!!! whatever the case may be..!!!

And again since you are in dammam(saudi).. i dont appreciate that society where women are forced to wear a burqua.. and its a fact there..!!! what choice do you have..other than being "happy" under burqa..!!!!

So its clear that you have perception of all western women being sold.. and we do have a perception of burqa being discriminatary against women... even though they are "happy" to wear it.. its not right to create an enviornment where they have to wear it..!!!!! So.. lets leave it as it is thenn..!!!:D

PS:- We are not adovacating for muslim women...!! We are just trying to put our view point across about the entire burqua culture..!!! Because at the end of the day we all know that ultimately its your decision and and your wish.. and your faith...and your fate..!!!!
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Hmmm not really.

I think what she's referring is not a threat of rape but a threat of being objectified. Anyway, not saying thats not the fault of men, but if a woman proactively takes steps to prevent it then its her choice and who are we to say what a woman can and cannot wear.

Asim, i agree with you, but with a little difference.

Here it is:

Though it is the choice and right of every human to chose what he or she eats, wear, drink, think etc etc, BUT, in Islam there are certain parameters which are to be followed.

Now this does not mean that these are required to be forced upon!

You and me are Muslim, we like to keep a beard we do so, if we don't like it we don't, but it is what our religion tells us to do. If we don't follow or abide by the instructions it's our baby, it is a matter between us and the Creator, no one force it upon us. But yes! we can always ask or request someone to follow some certain things.

Now there are different ways to 'ask or request', they can be, you can ask your roommate to go for prayers when you yourself are going, if you are frank enough you may like to pull him out of his bed away from his laptop and take him along or you can do what we call 'sharam dilwana'. Another way can be that you keep mum and just do the right thing and you may find him following you, because you he ultimately feel that it is the right thing to do.

Lastly, another way, which is not advisable and which have no place in Islam is using 'force'. If your friend, roommate, neighbor, colleague etc don't follow the teaching of Islam you are not supposed to pick up a stick or a gun for that matter to 'make' him keep a beard, go to the mosque or wear a turban. This is just WRONG!

Now there are certain 'responsibilities' which Islam asks you to perform in the context of being a Father, Brother, Husband and Son.

You may like to 'instruct' your kid to go pray with you.

You may like to groom your daughter to cover herself properly (not necessarily with burkha).

You may like to tell your brother to go to the mosque with you.

Now most in the West would be considering this as intimidation and use of 'force', BUT it is not.

Freedom and choice of life is ones own headache, but this doesnt entails being 'free' enough to cause contradiction with the Islamic values (in a Muslim country) and the law (in most Western countries).

i wonder why the West stops public nudity, or for the matter public intoxication, why do they feel bad about incestuous behaviour, or why are they against adultery?

Let me explain it to you, it is because 'THEY' consider is harmful for the society and it contradicts the normal human behavior! If they the 'humans' can make laws and allow or stop certain actions of other humans, why do we feel that if the Divine instruction (the Islamic teachings) stops us from certain actions (covering up properly, keeping a beard, not taking alcohol etc etc) is a threat to freedom?

Remember, the responsibilities that Islam entrust you upon, would be answerable by you and me. It includes: if my wife don't cover herself properly it comes in my domain to 'instruct' her to do so, without use of force, if my daughter is alcoholic, i must stop her from that evil.

Not this doesn't necessarily entails use of force, a guud grooming and a personal example would do the job!

P.S. i am not a burkha fan, nor do i have a beard, neither i am a punctual prayer, BUT, i try not to cross the limits and at the same time also try to 'influence', one more time-influence people around me (both family members and friends) to do the same, BUT without FORCE!

i hope point is home:pop:
O Enigma you said it all....:enjoy:
Islam says no exposure , no relevation of body in an absurd manner that may lead others to think in a negative way...whatever type of clothes serve the purpose we should opt for it...Islam at large does not define or specify a certain type of dress since dress code changes from time to time but whatever change it maybe we ought to dress up with decency and modesty..
Burqa gives protection and respect..I agree but strictly speaking People who judge women by their clothes and think that women who wear burqa has all the character in the world and others have not, are in deep denial.
It happens everywhere..Some people just hide their bad deeds under the veil or within the obscurity of a burqa...A woman who wear a burqa might turn out to be a seductress and another woman who just covers herself properly may have an immaculate nobility and vice a versa.So a superficial judgement does not make sense and its not always right.
To all those women who have lost their sense of shame and feel good in exposing themsleves(confusing modernity with obscenity)...wait!..I have no issues lol..but please DO NOT think less of women who cover themselves or wear Hijab or a Burqa because there's this possibility that they feel good too.
as for those who think that Burqa has been inflicted upon Muslim women, are absolutely wrong.There's no such thing and it's one's personal choice.BUT I still maintain that there's nothing like "exposure"in Islam either.I can name a thousand type of dresses/attires other than burqa that provide protection.
Besides all women are respectable:P regardless of what they wear.Your perfect appeartance does not make you worthy of respect and paragon of virtues...its your character.

P.S.Asim close the thread:D
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