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Why I decided against covid vaccine shot

Oct 15, 2017
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We Chinese have an old saying. 是药三分毒. All drugs are harmful to body. Especially modern drugs which have ingredients that can damage brain and cause memory loss. In the US, half of the people take prescription drugs. In China very few people take drugs. Considering I never took a flu shot before, I decided against taking a covid shot which I hear has much stronger effect than flu shot. So to be on the safe side I decided not to take covid shot. Considering covid has death rate less than 1%, I thought it's not risky to get covid in the first place.
According to John Ionnides, proffesor of Stamford university, this virus is only slightly more dangerous than the regular flu.

It depends on your age, the younger you are the more immune you are to the virus.

Also it's a kind of coronavirus which is common. Pretty much every person has already caught coronavirus which causes flu, so everyone should already have immunity to it.
Also it's a kind of coronavirus which is common. Pretty much every person has already caught coronavirus which causes flu, so everyone should already have immunity to it.

The initial assumption was based on 'it's a totally new virus', now that is pretty much debunked. The fact that many people had existing immunity to it was ignored.
The true reason is that you think too much about yourself. Vaccination isn't just for the person vaccinated. It is also about the people you contact.
I went and got the Pfizer vaccine, b/c I'm not an idiot and understand how inoculation works and the risks associated with transmission especially seeing the thousands dead around the world.

Technically it is BioNTech. It is branded Pfizer in the US and Fosun in China.
According to John Ionnides, proffesor of Stamford university, this virus is only slightly more dangerous than the regular flu.

It depends on your age, the younger you are the more immune you are to the virus.

Immune system would have handled the virus if it was a natural one.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 is a man made Bio weapon which Human immune system cannot handle.

Having said that COVID vaccines are as dangerous if not more as this virus it self.

The best thing is to void both the man made virus and man made vaccines.

French virologist and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier said “It’s unthinkable to vaccinate during a pandemic. They’re silent. It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable the infection to become stronger. It is what we call antibody-dependent enhancement, which means antibodies favour a certain infection. It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination,”

Luc had called the idea of vaccinating masses during the pandemic an unacceptable medical error and raised concern about antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE),

Sadly everyone accepts the narrative that this is the most 'damgerous disease known to man'. Consquently any vaccine, even an untested one will do.

In the UK, 1600 people die of all causes every day. Today, 29 died of covid.

Sadly everyone accepts the narrative that this is the most 'damgerous disease known to man'. Consquently any vaccine, even an untested one will do.

In the UK, 1600 people die of all causes every day. Today, 29 died of covid.

The more fear you drive, the more money you can make.

More variants every couple of months and more booster shots or yearly vaccines will follow.
The more fear you drive, the more money you can make.

More variants every couple of months and more booster shots or yearly vaccines will follow.

Nobody has questioned the finances behind this. This is a massive boost to 'Big Pharma'. They knock out any vaccine and it will sell. They and their allies are behind this 'feardemic'. First shot, booster shot, and then a 'top up' shot every year or six months. Nobody questions the financial motives behind this. Fauci, like many key US government officials, have financial stakes in these companies.

Yes, let's make vaccines compulsory, Big pharma needs the money.

I went and got the Pfizer vaccine, b/c I'm not an idiot and understand how inoculation works and the risks associated with transmission especially seeing the thousands dead around the world.

' There are well-founded suspicions that these vaccines can insert themselves in our DNA, causing mutations whose impact is unknown and that could even be transmitted to our offspring. We explain how the mRNA existing in the cell cytosol can enter the nucleus both during cell division (mitosis and meiosis) and at rest (interphase). In addition, the possible routes of integration of DNA and RNA in our chromosomes through reverse transcripases (RT) are discussed, especially in sperm where a specific endogenous RT has been identified.'

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