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Why Hindu community leaving pakistan?

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If you are talking about Gujrat, 1st read why it was started and how many people were killed from both side.
assam- every body knows about this.
and please don't give christiantoday type link.. have time to visit such site then also try to visit other site also who support particular community. Whatever my evil country has no match with your saint country.
and i'm not bashing pak country, my comment was about my government who not killing traitors in my country.. and not supporting and helping weak people.
If I tell you the percentage of Christians has remained constant in the last 25 years, do you realise how stupid your statement would seem?

On a lighter note, a Christian population remaining stagnant itself points to persecution...:lol:

BTW if I went the route of your compatriot and started posting from Pakistan Christian Post then what would be your reaction ?

Again I have nothing against Pakistan for their treatment of Hindus. It was expected out of them anyway and you ve got to be kidding me if you expected Hindus to be treated equally in an Islamic republic.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3286785 said:
Read more at Persecution in India is 'Religious Genocide,' Says Ministry

The persistent and vicious attacks against Christians in India have a Christian ministry leader who has been going into the persecution hotspot of Orissa state calling the violence “religious genocide.”
“This has been a religious genocide according to the U-N definition of genocide, where persistently and systematically it is planned and not stopped,” maintains Ramesh Landge, founder and director of Cooperative Outreach of India (COI), according to Mission Network News.
“It falls in that category of genocide, and we do agree with that.”
Landge, whose ministry works with U.S.-based Partners International, has been visiting the eastern state of Orissa, where the anti-Christian campaign is most fierce, to help the displaced Christians there.
More than 50,000 Christians have been displaced by the violence, and 30,000 of them live in relief camps while others hide in the jungles.
Since mid-August, over 4,000 Christian homes, churches and businesses have been destroyed by Hindu militant mobs. The number killed in the clashes, overwhelmingly Christian, range from 40 to nearly 100 depending on the source.
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"There has been a lot of intimidation. There has been a lot of persecution. People have not been able to go back [to their homes],” Landge said. “If they do go back, the Hindu fundamentalists parties want them to reconvert."
But the ministry leader readily emphasized that although Christians have been suffering they have not renounced their faith and are continuing to stand strong as followers of Jesus Christ.
"This is the very first time in Indian history that such a long onslaught against Christians has taken place, and in a sustained way,” he observed. “In a way, the government was part of it. They never tried to stop it. They were just silent spectators.”
The global ministry Partners International, which supports local Christian ministries in the least Christian regions of the world, is trying to help provide relief items to the displaced, especially since winter is nearing, Landge informed.
He asks Christians elsewhere to help by praying for those being persecuted, advocating on their behalf in their respective countries, and donating to help physically ease the suffering of those being persecuted.

It's mostly Tribal conflicts colored religious conflicts. Say, for example, if a tribe of community owns a particular establishment and a few of them convert to Christianity, then converts some times claim assets which is the source of the conflict. it has nothing to do with the asking People to convert or reconvert. similarly, a few radical preachers can be a source of conflict some times. In an attempt establish themselves as the top preacher in the region, he overdoes his things and treat the people of community refusing to convert to point of insulting resulting in the so called Assault on the Christian Missionaries. Some times Truth comes out and most of the times, it's blamed on "Hindu Nationalists" as if they exist in that isolated village communities. Perhaps its just convenient to blame Hindus since there's nothing like Church or central authority figure to answer and everything is blamed on Indian Govt. How can the central Govt possible monitor what goes in the villages of India. Not even the state govts can do that.
The fact that Hindus are a successful minority in Pakistan seems to escape you. They are very successful in the fashion and entertainment industries in Karachi.

We have no right to suppress people. If they want to leave, then we wish them luck. No animosity or anything from our end.

If they are willing to abandon their countrymen, then what sympathy can they expect from me?
I don't get what sources you have in the US but they're not good ones. A minority, in no way, represents the majority. A few people are successful in the fashion industry along with the entertainment industry. The most important point here is that neither of these industries are one in which Muslims are particularly interested in entering. I am talking about the majority of Hindus here. Due to the fact that the NIC now prints religion, companies are involved in behind the scenes discrimination. If a Muslim and a Hindu apply together, then no matter what qualifications the latter may have, the Muslim will get the job.

If you want to see how well we treat minorities, just see how Shezan is banned in some courts
Look at this video. It's dated from April. ZOMG, the Hindus look so suppressed. Pakistanis need to stop listening to Bharti propaganda and listen to the Hindus of Pakistan themselves.

The Indians probably want them to emigrate because even the Hindu girls in Pakistan look better than Indian chicks. :lol:

Like I said, the ones that want to leave. We give them our best wishes.

And for the ones that remain in Pakistan, well they are our Pakistani brothers and sisters.
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Feel for the Hindus here, I really do. When one's major enemy is predominantly Hindu and the reason for separation is taught in classes to be Hindu persecution, these things are bound to happen. However, I think that if we actually look at this and learn from it, they can be stopped from feeling more and more alienated

and where is it taught that hindus persecuted, its mentioned maybe non muslims, sikhs werent hindus who did the persecution in punjab..

so what promotes the supposed hatred and persecution from pakistanis towards sikhs?

It's mostly Tribal conflicts colored religious conflicts. Say, for example, if a tribe of community owns a particular establishment and a few of them convert to Christianity, then converts some times claim assets which is the source of the conflict. it has nothing to do with the asking People to convert or reconvert. similarly, a few radical preachers can be a source of conflict some times. In an attempt establish themselves as the top preacher in the region, he overdoes his things and treat the people of community refusing to convert to point of insulting resulting in the so called Assault on the Christian Missionaries. Some times Truth comes out and most of the times, it's blamed on "Hindu Nationalists" as if they exist in that isolated village communities. Perhaps its just convenient to blame Hindus since there's nothing like Church or central authority figure to answer and everything is blamed on Indian Govt. How can the central Govt possible monitor what goes in the villages of India. Not even the state govts can do that.

i dont care i trust media more than you :azn:
The hindus in Pakistan should not be harmed or threatened in any way and nothing should be taken from them. They do no harm but live quietly and peacefully on their own.

Even though they continue on their ill fated path of being pagans and rejecting Almighty God on Judgement Day they will most certaintly be the people of the left.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3286854 said:
and where is it taught that hindus persecuted, its mentioned maybe non muslims, sikhs werent hindus who did the persecution in punjab..

so what promotes the supposed hatred and persecution from pakistanis towards sikhs?
I think I've quoted the Inter Pakistan Studies book before

Extract 1:
The Hindu rulers were the zealous supporters of Hinduism. They troubled and tortured the followers of Buddhism. The attitude of the ruler of Sindh, Raja Dahir, who was a bigoted Hindu was very harsh and cruel towards his Buddhist subjects

Extract 2:

The Hindu society was based on social injustice

Extract 3:

Muslim civilization held an upper status which changed the complexion of the inferior and back-ward culture of South Asia

Extract 4:

Intolerance and narrow-mindedness plagued the Hindu society

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...64-pakistanis-extremists-3.html#ixzz235GIU84o
the same pakistani media so much aired about rohingya genocide but our indians brothers dont believe it that, talk about what to believe and what not to :confused:
I don't get what sources you have in the US but they're not good ones. A minority, in no way, represents the majority. A few people are successful in the fashion industry along with the entertainment industry. The most important point here is that neither of these industries are one in which Muslims are particularly interested in entering. I am talking about the majority of Hindus here. Due to the fact that the NIC now prints religion, companies are involved in behind the scenes discrimination. If a Muslim and a Hindu apply together, then no matter what qualifications the latter may have, the Muslim will get the job.

If you want to see how well we treat minorities, just see how Shezan is banned in some courts

What is Shezan.
Dude my Muslim friend from India said that it's normal in India to go communal bashing. I have never heard from anyone in Pakistan saying hey let's go target Hindus.

My city has a big minority of Christians and a lot of us are friends. My good friend Sagar is a christian and we used to play cricket every day. He has never been bothered to this day.
Pakistan was created for Muslims, specifically because Muslims and Hindus can not live together. This is FACT. So it does not even make any sense for Hindus to live in Pakistan.
alot of hindus are leaving for better opportunities in other countries- give me a break-

I saw an interview of a pakistani Hindu who said "In Pakistan Hindu means Dushman."
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