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Why hasn't Pakistan named any Missile or Naval Ship after Emperor Akbar?

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sha jahan and akbar atleast born in pakistan. Others are afghans and indians LOL

By the by i was once banned for telling this. So I expect a murder soon :-) Time for booting up my virtual machine and alternate def.pk id.
how many ids you have?
Akber has more value in India than Pakistan. May be India should name one of its missile after his name. Kesa Idea?

Yes, we Indians respect him a lot, that's why we call him "Akbar the Great"
its obvious

Akbar was a secular ruler whose principles were closer to india than that of pakistan. His reign is known as India's second Golden Age, (after the guptas)
I believe all of our Missiles should be named Hindu Kush and distinguished by numbers.
attaching word "hindu" to missile.............shrik..........................u can be wajib-e-qatal for doing that :hang2:
You have to be a bad character ,bigot or ruthless evil or drunkard to qualify
All of these qualities are part of Akbar's life. Then he was the man who did many wrong things according to Islam,he married a non-Muslim women and did not change her religion afterwords(that is not allowed for a muslim),he gave his new Islam(fake Islam) which has nothing to do with original Islam.He imprisoned Shah Waliullah(the mujadid Alif sani)( for indians who dont know meaning of Mujadid they can understand it as saint or Wali) So he never earned any respect from muslim society.

Your hero Aurangazeb didn't do Shirk but the Mughals collapsed after him.
Looks like Shirk's are better.
today most of the musilm countries are facing a lot of troubles this dos not mean if the will do Shirk the problems will be gone. The collapse of any state has nothing to do with religion but to administration. Even India faces many problems(not saying collapsing) and majority of people in India are non-muslim so do Shirk. But their Shirk did not help them to resolve problems.
I thought this thread must have been started by an Indian bro, vow i see the same. :D

It's two nation theory...what you like, we don't ...
hence proved!

You have a great option to name like Zardari missile...:D he is not liked in Pakistan...
Akbar was indian citizen with indian passport. He wanted peace between india and pakistan. He wanted democracy.
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