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Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

If we follow this logic,what would be the benefit for an Afghan to claim to be Pakistani ? I mean,someone has more chances to get residency permit by claiming to be Afghan than claiming to be Pakistani.

I agree pakistan is a third world poor country. But Afghans who are in Pakistan legal or illegal doesn't want to go back just to get passport and ID cards etc. Everyone knows it is way easier to do it where you are living at that moment, especially in a country like Pakistan where corruption is so much everywhere.

The benefit is for them when they actually live in Pakistan and if they have to use the identity cards for any social or medical benefit in Pakistan, but when they try to go Europe obviously they take all these necessary stuff with them. Not saying there is no Pakistani trying to enter Europe illegally, but most of them are not.

If we live by past grievances Turkey should pay to for 400 years of oppression in eastern Europe....And so....where does it end?

Then one can point at crusade wars against Muslims...?

The point is in modern world as we know, all these wars and destructions are started by almost entirely by western govts including Europe. So if y'all destroy all these Asian Muslim countries, let them in.
No it doesn’t work like that. Back then the rules were different, it was open season which is why the Romans, Mongols, and British built such large empires. If we are going to follow your logic then the whole of Europe needs to pay up to Africa and Asia.

This post is a real "silencer" lol
No it doesn’t work like that. Back then the rules were different, it was open season which is why the Romans, Mongols, and British built such large empires. If we are going to follow your logic then the whole of Europe needs to pay up to Africa and Asia.

Why is it that you people professionalize in BS? Your Europe goes around waging wars and stealing resources, but just when you experience the consequences of those actions do you cry about why there are refugees? You would be no different from a Roman who would curse the barbarians for burning Rome, yet rejoice when Vincengetorix is hanged in public just for spectacle.

Is your life more important than ours? You want to build an empire and glorify a Napoleon, then don’t cry and complain when a Hitler seizes your nation.
Syria, Lybia are internal civil wars not European ones....which resources are stolen? It's all about how governments manage their wealth....The Gulf states are loaded due to their resources, Nigeria, Venezuela are dirt poor because of their governments.....You think we should pay because you have a chip on your shoulder....I think Europeans must live in their countries without being swamped out of existence by the third world
Those refugees won't be able to go beyond Greece and Bulgaria if they manage to cross the Turkish border. The mainland EU border with Greece and Bulgaria is now very tight unlike that of 2015.
Syria, Lybia are internal civil wars not European ones....which resources are stolen? It's all about how governments manage their wealth....The Gulf states are loaded due to their resources, Nigeria, Venezuela are dirt poor because of their governments.....You think we should pay because you have a chip on your shoulder....I think Europeans must live in their countries without being swamped out of existence by the third world

You deserve it eurotrash. I hope Europe becomes African or Arab.
A good decision by Turkeye. Why keep Syrian or afghan refugees in Turkeye and make a burden on Turkish economy. Send them to Europe who is in war with Muslim world apparently.

France who can fund wars in Afghanistan and Africa and Syria definitely have extra money so instead of those wars, how about France help these refugees and help them settle in France.

Same goes for entire EU and Britain.

Preach the truth brother.

No it doesn’t work like that. Back then the rules were different, it was open season which is why the Romans, Mongols, and British built such large empires. If we are going to follow your logic then the whole of Europe needs to pay up to Africa and Asia.

Why is it that you people professionalize in BS? Your Europe goes around waging wars and stealing resources, but just when you experience the consequences of those actions do you cry about why there are refugees? You would be no different from a Roman who would curse the barbarians for burning Rome, yet rejoice when Vincengetorix is hanged in public just for spectacle.

Is your life more important than ours? You want to build an empire and glorify a Napoleon, then don’t cry and complain when a Hitler seizes your nation.

The hypocrisy is evident to anyone. If you claim you stand for human freedom and barrage these people with propaganda that your countries are the best places to live, of course people who have lost everything will try their best to relocate the best place they can imagine.

No sympathy for the West, they have done this all to themselves and they are now a dying civilization.

Syria, Lybia are internal civil wars not European ones....which resources are stolen? It's all about how governments manage their wealth....The Gulf states are loaded due to their resources, Nigeria, Venezuela are dirt poor because of their governments.....You think we should pay because you have a chip on your shoulder....I think Europeans must live in their countries without being swamped out of existence by the third world

Why should other countries, like Gulf Arabs, pay for the repercussions of US, EU, NATO proxy wars?

They are content with helping you establish bases in Muslim countries and promote civil wars, as long as they can buy weapons and are left alone from spillovers.

I am sure even your tiny Romania has some forces in Afghanistan, am I right?

I have very ambivalent feelings towards this issue. One part of my mind want Europe to remain Europe - white and Christian. Another part want Europeans to reap what they sawed - those destructive fascist-style "coloured "revolutions" you helped Americans to make in Eastern Europe and Middle East, you have to feel all the pain you made to Ukraine, Syria, Libya etc. on your own skin.
You deserve it eurotrash. I hope Europe becomes African or Arab.
I know you want that,but try to mind your language on a public forum even if your mother was clearly uncapable of providing you with a minimal education in common courtesy.

I think British must live in their countries without being swamped out of existence by poorer Eastern Europeans.
Hence Brexit....I doubt we'll see eastern europeans crossing the Channel in dinggies from now on.

Basically everyone in here is cheering for a genocide against Europeans but you'll be branded as a racist or islamophobe for wanting to stop this....you people are sick
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You deserve it eurotrash. I hope Europe becomes African or Arab.
Where do you turks and all the other people that ruined their countries wanna flee to then? I can hardly imagine Australia is willing to accept more turks... xD
But anyway, it will never happen, even France has a muslim population of less than 10%, and Le Pen will happily kick them out, starting from 2021...
Where do you turks and all the other people that ruined their countries wanna flee to then? I can hardly imagine Australia is willing to accept more turks... xD
But anyway, it will never happen, even France has a muslim population of less than 10%, and Le Pen will happily kick them out, starting from 2021...

My parents migrated here they did not flee LOL

There was no war in Turkey.

Lepen the French Whore cant do shit LOL
My parents migrated here they did not flee LOL

There was no war in Turkey.

Lepen the French Whore cant do shit LOL
Ah great, where is the difference? Life in any western country is a thousand times better than in any of your Muslim countries... so sad...
I think when Europeans start to leave Europe en masse Russia will open the door for them. Federation will be enriched with German Autonomous Republic, French Autonomous Republic, Italian and so on.
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