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Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

The fact AfD is even a thing in first place now speaks volumes (completely unthinkable when I first saw Merkel replace Schroeder as chancellor...it wasnt that long ago).

Yes it wont be immediate kind of thing but there is a growing dissident discontent even among "Normies" in Europe now.

If this latest refugee wave hits Europe big time, what you are saying could be true. However I do think the EU has funded border defence. Europeans are still brainwashed by climate change hysteria. The thing to note is that both Green party voters and AfD voters will be 95%+ ethnic German while the centrists parties get the migrant votes. Normies are very easily conditioned by TV,
The fact AfD is even a thing in first place now speaks volumes (completely unthinkable when I first saw Merkel replace Schroeder as chancellor...it wasnt that long ago).

Yes it wont be immediate kind of thing but there is a growing dissident discontent even among "Normies" in Europe now.

Are you kidding Merkel is in power since 2005....thats 15 years now...
Hilarious....you're reporting him for saying that life is better in the West than in muslim countries while other posters in here call for European genocide and mass rapes....

Reported. Don't make false allegations.

Most european nation destroyed nothing in Syria... but Turkey did Russia did USA did..

Since Turkey agressivly invaded Syrian boarder the number of refugees increased by one million... thats not Europs problem that a self mad turkish problem... they should fix it themself...

Hopefully Greek and all other keep the boarder to Turkey shuut that the refugees stay there were they belong to be

Europeans are just content with supporting Daesh, now PKK terrorists.

Turkey has every right to be involved in Syria. It is around 90% Sunni Muslim, just like its neighbor Syria. Syria comes under traditional Turkish sphere of influence, much of its culture is Turkified like the Levant at large.

Demographically and religion-wise, it is Iran, US, Russia who are foreigners in this region.
Are you kidding Merkel is in power since 2005....thats 15 years now...

Its just drop in time it feels. Somehow I also felt it was later than 2005 though....

I just remember schroeder pretty well I guess.
I hope you know that Russia and many slavic nations are part of Europe and they are europeans...so your argument is bare any truth...

Ok so according to you, there is no racism against Slavs and Russians in Western Europe or Nordic countries, give me a break.

I lived in the UK for some time, pretty much everyone is racist against Slavs, esp Russians.

@A Pakistani Abroad Russia has it's own interests at heart, ever since Peter and other Czars abandoned traditional Russian culture to embrace imported French one, they have been trying to convince Europeans that they too are European.

Europe is just a racial construct which is messy at best, exasperated only due to anti-Muslim hate due to Crusades, Colonization, Ottoman history, and recent refugee crises.

There is no such continent as Europe, it is Eurasia, Europe and Asia are contiguous, and even Africa is also if we consider that Egypt is both an African and Middle Eastern/Arab country.

This refugee crises is a result of colonization. They have done it to themselves.
Reported. Don't make false allegations.

Europeans are just content with supporting Daesh, now PKK terrorists.

Turkey has every right to be involved in Syria. It is around 90% Sunni Muslim, just like its neighbor Syria. Syria comes under traditional Turkish sphere of influence, much of its culture is Turkified like the Levant at large.

Demographically and religion-wise, it is Iran, US, Russia who are foreigners in this region.

the ammount of bullcrap u claim is amazing... Turkey was the one supporting Desh at begin to unstable Syria ... most of European nations seriously dont care what happens down there expect UK and France who wanna stick their nose into everything. Turkey has NO right to invate a other country ...ask international law it will tell you how civilised nation has to act.. Erdogan act stupidly as usual got a bloody nose has a mess at his own door and trys to push NATO into a silly game..he is a complete morrown and it is time that Turkey gets rid of that stupid idiot playing with fire...
Ok so according to you, there is no racism against Slavs and Russians in Western Europe or Nordic countries, give me a break.

I lived in the UK for some time, pretty much everyone is racist against Slavs, esp Russians.

@A Pakistani Abroad Russia has it's own interests at heart, ever since Peter and other Czars abandoned traditional Russian culture to embrace imported French one, they have been trying to convince Europeans that they too are European.

Europe is just a racial construct which is messy at best, exasperated only due to anti-Muslim hate due to Crusades, Colonization, Ottoman history, and recent refugee crises.

There is no such continent as Europe, it is Eurasia, Europe and Asia are contiguous, and even Africa is also if we consider that Egypt is both an African and Middle Eastern/Arab country.

This refugee crises is a result of colonization. They have done it to themselves.

There is virtually no racism against Eastern Euros in the UK as they are typcially hard working and physically indistinguishable from the ethnic British population.
Ok so according to you, there is no racism against Slavs and Russians in Western Europe or Nordic countries, give me a break.

I lived in the UK for some time, pretty much everyone is racist against Slavs, esp Russians.

@A Pakistani Abroad Russia has it's own interests at heart, ever since Peter and other Czars abandoned traditional Russian culture to embrace imported French one, they have been trying to convince Europeans that they too are European.

Europe is just a racial construct which is messy at best, exasperated only due to anti-Muslim hate due to Crusades, Colonization, Ottoman history, and recent refugee crises.

There is no such continent as Europe, it is Eurasia, Europe and Asia are contiguous, and even Africa is also if we consider that Egypt is both an African and Middle Eastern/Arab country.

This refugee crises is a result of colonization. They have done it to themselves.

Russians and ALL the Slavs are Europeans....stop peddling your nonsense
Ok so according to you, there is no racism against Slavs and Russians in Western Europe or Nordic countries, give me a break.

I lived in the UK for some time, pretty much everyone is racist against Slavs, esp Russians.

@A Pakistani Abroad Russia has it's own interests at heart, ever since Peter and other Czars abandoned traditional Russian culture to embrace imported French one, they have been trying to convince Europeans that they too are European.

Europe is just a racial construct which is messy at best, exasperated only due to anti-Muslim hate due to Crusades, Colonization, Ottoman history, and recent refugee crises.

There is no such continent as Europe, it is Eurasia, Europe and Asia are contiguous, and even Africa is also if we consider that Egypt is both an African and Middle Eastern/Arab country.

This refugee crises is a result of colonization. They have done it to themselves.

you know how many russian and slavic people life in Germany causing NO big problems and integrate perfectly

285.000 russian and 2.5million people with slavic background... have you ever heard of riots and demonstrations against them in Germany, there was NOT a single ... sure not everything is perfect but mostly it works very well...the ammount of bullcrap u pull out of your rear end is amazing
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Muslims should stop going to Europe in search of better life. Europe is the worst place for a Muslim. They better work on making their own land Islamic which are also blessed by Allah with all sorts of natural resources. When you stop believing in Allah, you are doomed from all corners.
This refugee crises is a result of colonization. They have done it to themselves.

This refugee crises is a result of Turkish Russian and US trys to get controll over the area... and has ZERRO to do with colonization from 200years ago
the ammount of bullcrap u claim is amazing... Turkey was the one supporting Desh at begin to unstable Syria ... most of European nations seriously dont care what happens down there expect UK and France who wanna stick their nose into everything. Turkey has NO right to invate a other country ...ask international law it will tell you how civilised nation has to act.. Erdogan act stupidly as usual got a bloody nose has a mess at his own door and trys to push NATO into a silly game..he is a complete morrown and it is time that Turkey gets rid of that stupid idiot playing with fire...

So you have right to claim European issues, an artificial constrict at best. Balkans, Greece, and Turkey share the same Ottoman culture. Cuisine is the same and so is dress.

Yet with the same hypocrisy, you reserve the right to interfere in Muslim countries. EU support for PKK and BLA terrorists is not lost to Turkey and Pakistan.

This refugee crises is a result of Turkish Russian and US trys to get controll over the area... and has ZERRO to do with colonization from 200years ago

Who said it's over it's still on going, WoT is its Latest manifestation
So you have right to claim European issues, an artificial constrict at best. Balkans, Greece, and Turkey share the same Ottoman culture. Cuisine is the same and so is dress.

Yet with the same hypocrisy, you reserve the right to interfere in Muslim countries. EU support for PKK and BLA terrorists is not lost to Turkey and Pakistan.

I laugh my *** off

Greece Balkan share zerro Ottoman empire culture.. the Ottoman Empire invaded Europe and get their *** kicked out of Europe after their crushing defeat at the gates of Vienna

Seriously dude stop posting more and more bullcrap
Most of those Pakistanis are actually afghan refugees who are illegally getting Pakistani cards and passports by thuggery and bribery and other ill means.

If you destroy someone's house, you do owe him. This is how it works. Afghanistan and Syria has been destroyed by wars which Europe was fore front part of. And indirectly Pakistan's destruction is linked to it cuz to save Germany Ukraine eastern Europe the war was fought in Afghanistan against Soviets which resulted in massive refugee flooding inside Pakistan and some even in Iran.

You should let them in, their destination is not poor countries like Romania and Bulgaria and Greece, but France, Germany, UK, Denmark etc. And those countries should be paying price economically for what they did in Asia.
By your same logic, turkey should take all the refugees because they have been responsible for all the terrorist groups that have destroyed the Middle East. If they don’t like it, then they can all choke on fat ones

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