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Why every PDF thread ends up with religious debate..?

You're no one to discuss who is qualified to discuss what and there was nothing wrong with the thread till YOU trolled it because YOUR perception isn't correct and its not the ONLY way of looking at things. I didn't mock daily prayers you are such a fibber.

Where are the blasphemy protectors?

who are the protectors that you are quoting? Also, isn't the Blasphemy law part of Constitution of Pakistan and passed accordingly?
Which ever way you slice and dice this terrible incident in Mardan we can't escape one fact. A young man was beaten to death by a mob that was equal to wild pack of animals. That this was putatively our young, bright and educated university students is shocking and distressing. Nothing this young man did deserved what was done to him. Only savage and the uncivilized take the law into their own hands. This was indeed a sad day for Pakistan.

Verry unlike of a Briton to use the word "dude". You spent time in America?
Where are the blasphemy protectors?

who are the protectors that you are quoting? Also, isn't the Blasphemy law part of Constitution of Pakistan and passed accordingly?

People often use protect this law but seek no improvements to it. Can we not be open to difference of view, that was the whole purpose of the thread. I'm not arrogant where if something makes logical sense I refute it. But so far nothing has, did I ask for an abolishment? I suggested for a reformation.
I'm annoyed because this is a cause I believe in, I also believe in the betterment of Pakistan but pointing out its flaws doesn't make me anti-state or intolerant. I feel like extremists have won and Chacha G keeps misquoting I've said bad things about the daily prayers. I am offended by that because he was the first to resort to personal attacks not just on me but other members too especially our nationality and devaluing our views and opinions or assuming we know little about Pakistan.
Dude. I'm done with you and your lies. Go get screenshots
Me too . I've seen so many like you in my life , and one more thing , If some one talk about morality , he/she should be (need to be) more moral in he/her personal life. You always find me in your way if you use any type of extremism to destroy my country peace.
Enjoy your life and believes .
People often use protect this law but seek no improvements to it. Can we not be open to difference of view, that was the whole purpose of the thread. I'm not arrogant where if something makes logical sense I refute it. But so far nothing has, did I ask for an abolishment? I suggested for a reformation.
This law is wrong but as you know,only the majority can change the law and sadly it doesnt look like it is ever going to change
Where are the blasphemy protectors?

who are the protectors that you are quoting? Also, isn't the Blasphemy law part of Constitution of Pakistan and passed accordingly?
I need to talk to you when ever you have time thanks.
One strike is enough... but it's tempting... when such ppl exist...
Control yourself ...control yourself... cont yours...
Help me @The Eagle
Me too . I've seen so many like you in my life , and one more thing , If some one talk about morality , he/she should be (need to be) more moral in he/her personal life. You always find me in your way if you use any type of extremism to destroy my country peace.
Enjoy your life and believes .

It's not just YOUR Country. I'm not an extremist LOL quite the opposite actually. Just don't engage with me or my posts!
It's not just YOUR Country. I'm not an extremist LOL quite the opposite actually. Just don't engage with me or my posts!
lol come on now you did first, And as I said if you use any type of extremism I will be there(if I read or saw ) usually I stay away from these but the title of your thread forced me.
lol come on now you did first, And as I said if you use any type of extremism I will be there(if I read or saw ) usually I stay away from these but the title of your thread forced me.

Did you even read what I wrote? What about the content? What about attacking my nationality? What about attacking others on theirs? Saying I mocked the prayers? Don't talk to me. You got what you wanted now go away.
Which ever way you slice and dice this terrible incident in Mardan we can't escape one fact. A young man was beaten to death by a mob that was equal to wild pack of animals. That this was putatively our young, bright and educated university students is shocking and distressing. Nothing this young man did deserved what was done to him. Only savage and the uncivilized take the law into their own hands. This was indeed a sad day for Pakistan.
No doubt about this , That day was one of sad and black days . That happened in Uni enough scary. But that brutality , Not allowed in Law of the land and Not allowed in Islam .
I guess our days were the last good days ........................... so sad. And I wish Govt solve this case ASAP.
Did you even read what I wrote? What about the content? What about attacking my nationality? What about attacking others on theirs? Saying I mocked the prayers? Don't talk to me. You got what you wanted now go away.
Lady where you taking this . what attacks , asking about ones intention , knowledge , faith if he/she want to talk about Islam is not attack , pointing out Religious discussions not allowed is not attack. and asking question If some one taking high Moral ground is not attack. If I have done illegal stuff (any sort ) in any country , how can I talk or take high moral ground?
And Top of all defending Islam and Pakistan from both extremists is not attack.
So its like you can talk what ever you want (good . bad ,crap) and if any one point it out or have other things to say that become attack.
Lady where you taking this . what attacks , asking about ones intention , knowledge , faith if he/she want to talk about Islam is not attack , pointing out Religious discussions not allowed is not attack. and asking question If some one taking high Moral ground is not attack. If I have done illegal stuff (any sort ) in any country , how can I talk or take high moral ground?
And Top of all defending Islam and Pakistan from both extremists is not attack.
So its like you can talk what ever you want (good . bad ,crap) and if any one point it out or have other things to say that become attack.

You are too much. I never said anything offensive. You went on with yourself like you are now. Don't talk to me. This is between me and the moderator. Goodbye.
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