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Why dont India play China's own game. Give missiles and sophisticated arms to taiwan.

Can China supply better arms to Pakistan then US??? Of course not...so why can't India share her Missiles with taiwan???

B/W that would be a big mistake

- First of all we don't even consider them as a separate nation. We support One China theory
- Secondly i do not see any benefit in arming Taiwan when US is already taking care of it...
- Thirdly what's the point in creating unnecessary attention without having good enough returns??? In short not getting enough buck for money...
- Fourthly this would ire China which would mean even more support for Pak and risk all work put in to normalize relations....

To conclude not worth the effort...
Err, US isn't always willing to supply Pakistan. The US goes out of its way to arm Taiwan.

India can, but India won't be too useful
Err, US isn't always willing to supply Pakistan. The US goes out of its way to arm Taiwan.

India can, but India won't be too useful

why not????????. India can give nuclear bomb just like china is giving to Pakistan .

And add arihant version of submarines with shourya missiles............. :azn:
What game are we playing?

Selling weapons to Pakistan? Oh so is the US. Why doesn't India sells weapons to North Korea, Iran, Venezuela etc too?

North Korea is a rogue nation. Iran is run by a holocaust-denying, democracy-stifling despot and Venezuela's Chavez smells sulfur in the UN. So we can't give them weapons but the Taiwanese are a free democratic nation facing a hostile foe - we shouldn't shy away from helping them if need be.
Taiwan will not accept India's junk! They will not accept it even it is free.

They are afraid Indian's missile will mulfunction during crisis.

Right but Pakistan has no problem accepting Chinese junk - they probably use American weapons and sell off the Chinese weapons to the local scrap dealer.
Err, US isn't always willing to supply Pakistan. The US goes out of its way to arm Taiwan.

India can, but India won't be too useful

Won't be useful for whom???? Anyways US do not supply anything and everything to Taiwan...Here is a snapshot of what they have....

Military Strength of Taiwan

Also look at the missiles they have...

Taiwan: Missile Profile

What US gives is assurance of help in case Dragon attacks....

Yes surely it will not be useful for India...I have given my reasons....However we have good enough missile technology which can give Taiwan some offensive teeth as well....How do you think an Agni-III in Taiwan's kitty will make china look like???...Our space program is also quite advanced and surely can be of help...However as said GOI would have pursued this had it make any geo-political sense......

Anyways we all are wasting our time in discussing a hypothetical scenario which has no takers in either country's establishment....
I feel that you Indians cannot play this game due to:

1) China and Taiwan are the same; same culture and similar language with only political differences

2) Recent warming of ties across Taiwan Strait.

3) Taiwan already gets help from United States when it comes to defense.

4) Even initiating ties with Taiwan at an international level would mean flattening your $60 billion plus annual trade with China mainland and severing ties with it and start from scratch with Taipei. Are your politicians willing to do it, especially since your government has historically had a Socialist approach?

5) Potential aggression from China and sourness of the ties that have started becoming better between Beijing and you.

6) Are you capable enough yet to do what the Chinese are supposedly doing in your strategic backyard? Their economy is almost 4 times yours and so is their capability.

My humble advise to you is not to get complacent about your emerging status and not attempt at something your country cannot do for at least next 2 decades.
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Guys we all know how China is playing a proxy war with India , by arming Pakistan , despite our constant objections.
I fail to understand why not India also does the same , and give china a dose of their own medicine.
I am sure a couple of brahmos to Taiwan would fix their senses at once.
Lets have some discussion about this.

Thanks for starting discussion on this. This point was in my mind for long but never came out.
Taiwan claims Indian territory..so sure go ahead and give them weapons (Oh; they don't need yours - They can get much better from other sources).To think that nationalists would work with China's enemy is a joke.If today Nationalists were in China instead of communists then India would've been toast.

Can you please give the source that Taiwan claims Indian territory?
All that they're doing is arming pakistn in a ridiculous attempt to give them parity with us. That much politics is acceptable. Could have been much worse- they haven't fueled insurgency in pak or armed maoists. Both sides are in a tense balance. It's still balance enough for us to talk.

We can provide bulk of missiles at very cheap rates to taiwan. This can help Taiwan to counterbalance China missiles. If China ask us to stop that, we can ask them the same for Pakistan and moists. Whats wrong in this. Why should we wait for US and European countries to do this favour to us. Are not we claim to be one of the most powerful country and want a permanent seat in security council?
Can you please give the source that Taiwan claims Indian territory?

You must be joking! So much land! 50 Switzerlands could come inside that! Though I am not a fan of Communist governments, I'd like to say that Taiwan better keep that map to its present levels unless it wants to start an all-Asia war in an already unstable region of the world. :lol:
You must be joking! So much land! 50 Switzerlands could come inside that! Though I am not a fan of Communist governments, I'd like to say that Taiwan better keep that map to its present levels unless it wants to start an all-Asia war in an already unstable region of the world. :lol:

Well, that's their "official" stance, though that map is almost never actually used in Taiwan for obvious reasons :D That map covers basically the whole Qing dynasty lol.
India has tons of weapons and every ton is directed towards Pakistan , they are world biggest buyers of arms and I don't know why they make so much noise if Pakistan gets some thing ?

Second , They call Chinese things as junk and why to make noise if Pakistan is getting that junk ??

I think its cast system on global level
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Is that a joke???? :pop:

Are they living in 21st century or 5th century BC??!!!! I think Taiwan came out of such imperial mentality long ago and that was taken over by PRC.

According to this India's map should be... :bunny:


If anyone want to fight with its neighbor that country can only accept such medieval mentality!! Same had been done by the Nazis!
Let me make it clear that i am against GOI help to Taiwan because it do not give us any significant advantage....Moreover it would be foolish for oth India and China to lock horns....However your reasoning needs a reality check so sharing my thoughts....

I feel that you Indians cannot play this game due to:

Yup lets see your reasons....

1) China and Taiwan are the same; same culture and similar language with only political differences

2) Recent warming of ties across Taiwan Strait.

3) Taiwan already gets help from United States when it comes to defense.

4) Even initiating ties with Taiwan at an international level would mean flattening your $60 billion plus annual trade with China mainland and severing ties with it and start from scratch with Taipei. Are your politicians willing to do it, especially since your government has historically had a Socialist approach?

5) Potential aggression from China and sourness of the ties that have started becoming better between Beijing and you.

6) Are you capable enough yet to do what the Chinese are supposedly doing in your strategic backyard? Their economy is almost 4 times yours and so is their capability.

1) Very wrong example....Can you please elaborate what happens to this same culture, similar language when Taiwan take help from US??? This one reason does not hold ground...If India can provide credible defence to Taiwan there is no reason they will not take it from us....Just look at India and Pakistan...Same culture ...same language and yet so much rivalry because of political difference....

2) However that warming of ties did not stop taiwan from going ahead with a $6.4 billion arms deal with US..right??? This news is just a month old

China urges US to end arms sales to Taiwan

In fact so much lobbying has been done by China against this deal

US arms sales to Taiwan on hold - People's Daily Online

So yes warming up is going on...but that does not mean Taiwan will stop arming herself...

3) Yes...However how will it hurt if India can provide them something which can add more teeth to her defence capabilities??

4) Buddy this trade is both ways....You are making it sound as if $60 trade loss is pea nuts for China but a huge loss for GOI... b/w you know that there is a huge trade deficit in China's favor as far this $60 billion is concerned...right???

5) Yes you are right...However you are again making it sound as if its only GOI's loss...It is a two way street my dear friend...Any potential agression b/w two giants is going to harm both and west will cash in the most...

6) What?? I am sorry what exactly are you doing in our strategic backyard??? Secondly yes we are very much capable however our current priority is to take care of IOC...As of now we are doing great...We can't go to South China sea in anger and you cannot come to IOC in anger...We are happy with it....

My humble advise to you is not to get complacent about your emerging status and not attempt at something your country cannot do for at least next 2 decades.
Well wait just for this decade and you will see how your humble advice will fall flat....It is better for China and India not to cross each other lines but if you think that China can keep arming PAk and expect India not to reciprocate then you are mistaken....Sooner or later you will see what i am talking about....
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