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Why dont India play China's own game. Give missiles and sophisticated arms to taiwan.

lol... You believe everything?

No not everthing my friend. But going through the recent track record of drdo,i find no problems in believing them. Moreover,who on this planet knows better about Indian missiles than the director of drdo?
.....but many lack the democratic means to deal with them and have to use tanks against their own people, even teenaged students.

This is my view (from the view of the Chinese).

China is a vast country with a large population. We cannot allow the student to create chao in the country.

Look at Thailand recently! Talk to any Thai and you will know they hate person wearing red shirt.
We are over worried about China, they are not doing much against India, it's all hyped. It is understandable that they will also have to sell Arms and other technology, if they do not sell to Pakistan someone else will do. Better is be friends with them and then add Pakistan to the group, End of story.
This is my view (from the view of the Chinese).

China is a vast country with a large population. We cannot allow the student to create chao in the country.

Look at Thailand recently! Talk to any Thai and you will know they hate person wearing red shirt.
There will always be reasons quoted not to be democratic. But you will be considered a very backward country if your people are not able to govern themselves. Your buildings, and shiny toys like cars and highways will never compensate for the fact that in your system a few people are higher than the rest of the population and that they are there by force not election.
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you serious?

If India sends weapons to Taiwan, it will damage India china relations which India definitely don't want.
That also explains why they will under no circumstances accept chinese junk. They should get off the launch pads first right?

Just as he challenged your Indian Pride on missiles, let me tell you one BIG reason why Taiwan won't accept Chinese Products: They are freaking in a state of war!!!!!!! Why would they buy products from each other?

That would be like USA arming it's airforce with MIG 29 and SU 30s.

Grow up kid.

And about the this thread, If India arms Taiwan, China and Pakistan would further have a common enemy. India would be isolated.

Useless thread anyway...
This is my view (from the view of the Chinese).

China is a vast country with a large population. We cannot allow the student to create chao in the country.

Look at Thailand recently! Talk to any Thai and you will know they hate person wearing red shirt.
You have your own ways of dealing things.
I know someone once said, democracy is better coz anything else is worse.

The human being is born with free rights, and every human being is not an army officer to be punished like an army officer or a terrorist.
there is something called as human values and they do deserve free rights.

Borders have made contries, but human are same every where.
patriotism is surely ahead of human values.

But its again its humans that make countries.
Just as he challenged your Indian Pride on missiles, let me tell you one BIG reason why Taiwan won't accept Chinese Products: They are freaking in a state of war!!!!!!! Why would they buy products from each other?

That would be like USA arming it's airforce with MIG 29 and SU 30s.

Grow up kid.

And about the this thread, If India arms Taiwan, China and Pakistan would further have a common enemy. India would be isolated.

Useless thread anyway...
Ya I've heard that before...India will this and that....pray expalin to me when have your prophecies ever come true in any substanial way? This is a discussion for the big boys kid.
Actually if India and Taiwan do the same what we and china are doing like weapons sales and JVs then Taiwan will be in great trouble. Taiwan don't want to wait 25 years just for one Aircraft......
Actually if India and Taiwan do the same what we and china are doing like weapons sales and JVs then Taiwan will be in great trouble. Taiwan don't want to wait 25 years just for one Aircraft......


Next wime it'll be faster...PROMISE :partay:
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