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Why dont India play China's own game. Give missiles and sophisticated arms to taiwan.

Why dont India play China's own game. Give missiles and sophisticated arms to taiwan?

Ans: We only take positive things from China and need not follow whatever it is doing on a reciprocal basis.
Guys let's not become like the BD section where everything India is supposed to be bad and evil. Sure we have our problems with the chinese but what makes (should make us) us different from our neighbors is INTELLIGENCE. Let's not get carried away and get down to cheap shots. We've gotta win this thing. In fact, we've gotta win EVERYTHING
I'd like to hear that from the INDEPENDENT citizens of the INDEPENDENT & SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC of TAIWAN, not some chinese. So now can you please take your rantings elsewhwre and keep this thread clean?

Faithful guy will agree with me!

Anyway, Chinese origin country (Taiwan and Singapore) will not buy any Indian weapon.

To be frank, not now but who knows in future?
Guys let's not become like the BD section where everything India is supposed to be bad and evil. Sure we have our problems with the chinese but what makes (should make us) us different from our neighbors is INTELLIGENCE. Let's not get carried away and get down to cheap shots. We've gotta win this thing. In fact, we've gotta win EVERYTHING

I do not know why India got such a bad reputation in S Asia. Seems that every country in S Asia hate India.
Taiwan weapon needs are more defensive in nature. If she wants it, she will buy from the best but not from India.
Remember,India\'s Missile tech is ahead of china\'s. So,compared to chinas missiles,India\'s missiles are best.

As for Agni 5, I will be worry if i am Chinese leader. This missile will cover all of China. However, this doesn\'t prove that this missile is superior. Remember, China had ICBM long time ago. Agni 5 is a kids play.

Oh...a nuclear capable missile with MIRV tech is a kids play?? Dunno what potent defence china has to counter this poor lil agni-5!! And btw,i didnt say only agni-5. we can even offer them defencive ones like Akash SAM!
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Why dont India play China's own game. Give missiles and sophisticated arms to taiwan?

Ans: We only take positive things from China and need not follow whatever it is doing on a reciprocal basis.

some time you have to be practical we have to do something to counter pak-china equation

it not just Pakistan china is increasing its influence on Nepal ,S.L,BD and these are dangerous for our interest

if you want peace then keep your enemy busy with them problem
sir , i dont neccessarily mean that india must do this.
its just that india should give an indication to china that we can also do the same with them.
everytime they think of selling weapons to indian enemy they should have this in thier mind that they could also get the favour back.
my 2 cents

I can understand your concern. India has been giving clear indications to China and China is fully aware of our capabilities. We are rapidly expanding/modernizing our armed forces with "real" technologies and not reverse engineered and stolen technologies of early 90s.

We are soon going to have the best in the form of
Apaches, C-17 globemasters, C-130s, rafales/EF, tank buster light tanks, mountain howitzers, APCs, Agnis, Brahmos, aircraft carriers, and most importantly friends like USA, Russia, and france.

We are also engaging many countries like singapore, indonesia, vietnam strategically.

We have a huge population of tibetans.

So, let china cross a limit and we will be morally free to get out of all the self-imposed restrictions and teach china a lesson for life and believe me china knows it well.
Remember,India\'s Missile tech is ahead of china\'s. So,compared to chinas missiles,India\'s missiles are best.

Oh...a nuclear capable missile with MIRV tech is a kids play?? Dunno what potent defence china has to counter this poor lil agni-5!! And btw,i didnt say only agni-5. we can even offer them defencive ones like Akash SAM!

Explain? What parts of missile technology is India ahead in?

So, let china cross a limit and we will be morally free to get out of all the self-imposed restrictions and teach china a lesson for life and believe me china knows it well.

What lesson? Invade Tibet?, the IA won't last more than a month, two maximum.
Remember,India\'s Missile tech is ahead of china\'s. So,compared to chinas missiles,India\'s missiles are best.

Oh...a nuclear capable missile with MIRV tech is a kids play?? Dunno what potent defence china has to counter this poor lil agni-5!! And btw,i didnt say only agni-5. we can even offer them defencive ones like Akash SAM!

MIRV is already a mature technology in China. India had yet to get it inducted. I am just stating that MIRV technology is a kids play for China but not that MIRV technology is a kids play.

I think Taiwan already opt for Patriot missile instead of Akash.
Do you really believe that our enemy has no problems internally. Only difference is their problems are under iron curtain, but you know there is a limit to how far you can supress something with force.

Everyone got their own problems!
I do not know why India got such a bad reputation in S Asia. Seems that every country in S Asia hate India.

Because it is the only successful democracy from south asia that is the largest democracy of the world and is the only democracy in south asia that is becoming a major global power economically, strategically, and militarily and you know all these qualities are bound to create some jealousy among the failing nations or dictatorships.
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