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Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?

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During the inaugration ceremony it was reported that the third Augosta is bigger and differs from the other two. No details were given on the differences or modifications.
Could it be that Babur is being integrated into it?
The ONLY difference between the third and the previous two PN's A-90Bs is the AIP capability (which is why the third Sub is bigger than the earlier two).

After much searching and checking with sources, it has become clear that Agosta 90Bs currently do NOT support Harpoons. PN would have to modify the launch tubes by reconfiguring them to carry Harpoons instead of Exocets. This has not been done as yet.
Sid said:
The ONLY difference between the third and the previous two PN's A-90Bs is the AIP capability (which is why the third Sub is bigger than the earlier two) A-90Bs are just not technically able to be modified to launch cruise missiles as far as I know.

P.S. Let me correct myself here. A little research can go a long way in to clearing confusion. Actually, all three PN Agosta 90Bs are capable of launching the Harpoons (LACMs) and sixteeen of them, but PN has not yet tested them with regards to this capability. Hence, it remains to be seen when that takes place and when Babur LACM can be modified to be able to launch from these subs.

Sid, adding AIP to the other 2 should not be that hard should it? I know the Scorpenes have the with/without option. IN went with AIP also.
Finally its been settled. Once again, A-90Bs cannot launch missiles such as the recently acquired Harpoon Block II. They are to be used by surface combatants, Sea King helis and P-3C Orion aircraft.

Coming to AIP, yes it is not going to be difficult at all. PNS Khalid and PNS Saad, the other two Agosta 90B subs will be fitted with the AIP system soon. Yes, the IN went with the AIP system enabled Scorpenes but from what I could dig up, the Scorpenes can stay submerged for 50 days with the system but the Agosta 90Bs somehow are able to out-perform them and stay submerged for 68 days. Also, the 90Bs max. operational depth is 320-meters while the Scorpenes go up to 300-meters.
The Naval submarine Agosta is capable of being upgraded and made capable of launching cruise missiles. Agosta 90Bs have independent propulsion and firing system of longer-range missiles and could deliver nuclear weapons. They are fitted with 200KW MESMA Air independent propulsion system (ATP) equipped with SM-39 long-range anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles. These have enhanced endurance and submerged capabilities, and Pakistan Navy has included Euro-Torpedo for its three new submarines. The government has established Defence Export Promotion Organisation (DEPO) for the promotion of defence equipment. Pakistan Navy and Air force have joined to develop an indigenous airborne, early warning system, and the maritime version of Turkish CASA 235 aircraft.



Remember to look into Post # 8
There's still no 'source' given for all that analysis you point to.
Sid said:
There's still no 'source' given for all that analysis you point to.

I've got to ask webby to provide the 'source' u guyz after, cause he posted that thread there.
. . .
There are two agruments for Pakistan having an Aircraft carrier which are both equally good.

- AS taught in WW2 not having air supremacy in the sea will dash your hope
for victory.
- Air can give support as well as another form of attck
- some of the small carrier used by Spain and France are not that expensive as compare to US super carriers

- Pakistan has 1000 km of coast so wouldn't need one
- Too expensive to maintain and need more ships and subs to build in order to
protect duringduring battle
- Pakistan military doctrine is for defence not offense so Aircraft carrier are
not best suited

here's a thought why not have UAV instead of jet fighters . Launch UAV from ships instead of airplanes

No loss of pilot
less expensive
UAV will out perform Pilot aircraft
UAv will be small therefore more UAV can be stored in carries that are same size of the Spanish Carrier (small ones)
i hope china will send one of their aircraft carrier to gawadar to give a run for money to american Nimitz carrier run for their money if war goes on and which submarine china will be using with aircraft carrier fleet plz post pics tooo
i hope china will send one of their aircraft carrier to gawadar to give a run for money to american Nimitz carrier run for their money
unless you know something that even the Chinese government does not know, then I am deeply pained to inform you that China posses no operational Aircrft Carrier
unless you know something that even the Chinese government does not know, then I am deeply pained to inform you that China posses no operational Aircrft Carrier

Yes but soon they will..........
Let me put it in very simple English for you.

THE RUSSIANS AIN'T SELLING SQUAT! Get it? The Chinese tried. No go. No sale. Nada. Zilch. Empty handed. A big fat zero. The cupboard is empty.

you are very close to the point of winning a war If you truly understand this book《孙子兵法》.I am not saying the AC is useless,but we do not desperately need it.Chinese culture of having extensive knowledge and profound scholarship is actually based on war.it's pathetic for your army to be exposed under your enemies' eyes

《孙子兵法》>> 10 AC


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how much it is worth chinese aircraft carrier
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