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Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?

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Additionally at the time of war, every country would like to strike the enemy where it could hurt the most and in the case of Navy, AC would be the bull's eye. So even if we have one such AC, enemy would put most of its energies to neutralize it first then look for anything else. I think even in the case of war with India, India would be more worried to protect its AC and would only use it when it is out of other options and using it becomes absolutely necessary.
It can be bulls eye or a bait/trap, as it happened in 1971 News Article in Depth
Can somebody enlighten me that can this deep striking ability not achieved using air-refueling system? It is also a question that how deep one would like to strike because even the aircrafts flying from aircraft-careers would have certain ferry range and beyond which they would again depend on similar refueling while flying. So what is use of flying from the sea if they are nevertheless dependent on same refueling systems.

We dont have enemies living 5000 Kilometers away who we would need to care. Our Security Concerns start at the eastern border and end there.

Additionally at the time of war, every country would like to strike the enemy where it could hurt the most and in the case of Navy, AC would be the bull's eye. So even if we have one such AC, enemy would put most of its energies to neutralize it first then look for anything else. I think even in the case of war with India, India would be more worried to protect its AC and would only use it when it is out of other options and using it becomes absolutely necessary.

With induction of Ra'ad in Pakistan's Arsenal, our air fighters would not need to go and visit a location to attack it. We can release our love birds from the distance of 350KM or even more. So its not bad even if we dont have an AC. We can do without it.

That is why the IN has invested in the Barak and Kashtan CIWS systems for its frontline ships. Also I do not think cruise missiles are as effective against moving targets such as ships. There was a big discussion on one of the other threads regarding this. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.
I think PN does not need a/c coze it is very expansive they in LHD like mistral class which is affordable to him and come in decent price.
Well a Air Craft Carrier is not only used for defensive posture its a complete battle Island on its own , has its air plane 30-40 which give it capability to launch , attacks form a mobile source.

You can move the battle carrier from one position to another you can't do that with a airport or air bases.

Also Secondly , the carrier helps port off the trade of oil going into India form Gulf states - and frankly the best means to stop the war machine is to cut off its oil supply out. If there won't be a oil supply going to indian I am sure the war can be peacefully ended.

Also the Mid air Refeuling system while looks fancy is pain , refuel in air when you are chased by 1-2 fighter planes .... what if you have 20planes in air that are coming back form mission.

And what if the refueling craft is shot down , the 20 crafts in mission will fall in sea ....

You need a dynamic , capability to refuel in air & also have ability to land on craft, and may be rest or let another pilot go up in next mission.

Well every thing can be a bull's eye but thats why you have fighters & group of smaller cruisers and boats to support a carrier fleet.

India is on course to have 2-3 cariers in 10-15 years, and likely Pakistan should have 1 to counter things
Why to go for an expensive aircraft carrier , Why not for a long rang supersonic anti ship missile or a nuclear powered submarine having stalk and destroy capability .
Why to go for an expensive aircraft carrier , Why not for a long rang supersonic anti ship missile or a nuclear powered submarine having stalk and destroy capability .

When you live in big boy's world you have to have big toys I always say :pop:
Why to go for an expensive aircraft carrier , Why not for a long rang supersonic anti ship missile or a nuclear powered submarine having stalk and destroy capability .

Long range supersonic AShM`s wont work against moving surface ships unless you have a clear picture of the sea and survivalance.At max you can see a 60km only in all directions if you stand on the top of your ship.for the LAShM`s to be unleashed you need to know the exact co-ordinates which can only be done by early-warning systems like aircrafts that fly too high and increase their line of sight.And your cant send an aircraft/heli so far from the surface ship without escorts considering the fact that who is awaiting for you after every 60km.
this is where AC comes handy.With the aircrafts it carry being used for offensive defence while escorting the surface ships,everything is a cake walk with only few chili pots.
No one is dumb enough in Pakistan to actually want to buy an Air Craft Carrier.

Air Craft Carriers are used to project power. Pakistan has no need to project power nor it has the economy, or financial infrastructure to do so.

Pakistan's threat is India and ends there.

Pakistan cannot compete with India weapon platform with weapon platform.

Much like Taiwan and China.

China has a 2 million man Army and 1,500 missiles aimed at Taiwan. That does not mean that Taiwan should also build 1,500 missiles and draft 2 million men in its army.

Its doctrine is a defensive one.

Pakistan's doctrine is a defensive doctrine.

Pakistan should invest in more anti-ship missiles such as the Sunburn Missile, more Submarines, Frigates to keep the port of Karachi and Gwadar open and prevent an Indian blockade and really punish the Indian Navy with heavy missile strikes.

Pakistan has no need nor can afford to build, buy or maintain an Air Craft Carrier.

This thread is a joke.
If Pakistan get a carrier Now, all of their 50-70% of their present Naval Force shall b employed to guard just ONE Vessel.
Just Look at The number of Escort Ships US uses for its carriers.
If Pakistan get a carrier Now, all of their 50-70% of their present Naval Force shall b employed to guard just ONE Vessel.
Just Look at The number of Escort Ships US uses for its carriers.

Once we get a carrier we will have 20 frigates to guard it
Pakistan Navy will never opt for an aircraft carrier. not being able to afford it is a secondary reason, the primary one is that we dont need it. with all the enemy territory well with in range of missiles and aircrafts, with a small coast line with air bases never the shore from where the jet could react just in time, with a navy having the primary role to defend sea routes and with absolutely no aim of power projection and destabelizing the region or you neighbours pakistan certainly do not need an aircraft carrier at all.

Aircraft carriers are must from LONG TERM goals, really 50-100 year projection for our national interest -

a) If we had strong Navy , in 1971 we would still have Greater Pakistan
We were promissed help and support fom our - ... ehm ally who I need not name
but they never came to help us , shows exactly why we need an aircraft carrier

As far as I know we were SANCTIONED by our friends , so we could not upgrade
our airforce due to martial law was it or something like that etc but bottom line was
they did not came

A nation has to defend its own freedom you can't rely on someone who is
depandable only in being undependable

b) Also army cannot protect you from all corners army can move form one side of
country to another in matter of days

If a enemy ship docks on Karachi / Gawadar ports then they can bring in supply ships with tanks and soldiers and it will become a guerella style war - I think lessons should be learned how Iraq was taken over , due to their weak navy and weak airforce.

in 1800's when British invaded then unified India , they invaded so based on the strength of their NAVY , becasue they managed to land on ports, and once they landed they were able to bring in cannons and soliders as diplomats into nation and gradually take over the local regions.

In moderen time, a strong navy can make sure enemy missile ships stay far away from major cities and also a aircraft carrier can ensure that any Military airplanes that try to attack our frigates are taken out or neutralized -

NAVY plays a vital role in Nation's defence, why do you think Ottoman EMPIRE was the best it was becasue of their NAVAL forces - its part of history. Downfall of Ottoman was also largely becasue of their weak navy and older slower ships vs British

Back to why do we need Aircraft carrier? Simple Strategic goals , at present our only reliable partner is China , and when China is treatened by Military adventures of India Pakistan MUST protect its best ally - under all cost and that is only possible if we respond from Westen side and Pressure India

I think the answer is simple GLOBAL security for Pakistan and its Allies China

Currently SOME NATIONS are looking at china with envy and are angry at their peaceful role in world as role models , they constantly seek ways to discourage China's role in world politics so its very possible that if China does not alters its trade ration the world nations mainly the ones that don't work hard, will try to start a war with China under some false flag (as always) as they did in world war 2

So likely they will try to surround China , and cut it of from its allies and oil

This is why ITS IMPORTANT that we have a solid NAVY so if anyone tries to deny China the oil it needs for its economy ... we stand up to make sure China gets what it wants - and we being close allies of China get a strong navy in process.

Current the world nations do naval excercises with our navy to judge our reaction time every now and then - our Navy is in very bad shape

They give us outdated weapons and ships so we would not be able to help our friend or ourselves vs their newer weapons - this is how their logic works

Only 11 war ships is not suffificnt to even protet Karachi let along the whole sea area for our nation

We need a 20-30 frigate strong Navy , with Air support and at least 1 Aircraft carrier so that in time of war either us or China we can be there for our friends-

If we learn the lesson form 1971 every one attacks the weaker section of an enemy , in case of 1971 more focus was on east Pakistan as we did not had strong airforce there - or navy ...

Similarly in case of war (China + Pakistan) vs (Normal Thugs no need to name)

Likely the focus will be to blockade China to strangle China into being low on oil , and Attack Pakistan - if we intervene to supply oil and gas to china

So the only way to break the blockade will be to have strong NAVY which can support China strategically and make sure it gets the oil supplies it needs so WE NEED TO BE THERE when our friend will need our help -

Its very CLEAR ......who our friend are after some nations were given nuclear technology ... and we were given wheat crops in exchange for our F16 in 80's, friendly nations don't fly drones in your backyard and CIA agents running in SUVs as diplomats

Also Pakistan needs to protect new Iran Pakistan Peace Gas Pipe line and we need strong navy to protect GWADAR port and make sure no one comes around that place with intentions to land on Pakistan specially no ships that do not belong there either to attack us or any of our allies

Those who say that we can't afford an Aircraft carrier , its simple , we build the Gas Pipeline from Iran + Pakistan + China , and the 400 million dollars we get yearly , we invest that in getting a Aircraft Carrier

I mean the revenues from Gas Pipeline will only increase with time , and also get our Coal Reserves in Sindh province and Balouchistan for Pakistan -

We must tap into the Coal reserves we have in our nation , and use that for power generation - and reduce dependence on OIL ... we get from Middle east - the sooner we do that the MORE money we will save to afford Aircraft carriers and also sustain a growing economy

The WE can't afford is a Myth , created so our Navy will always remain backward - and we will not reach our full potential -

But for survival of our nation and our allies we need to have a NAVY a strong navy

Air Craft Carrier is a Missing Piece as it acts as a central command at sea , which can launch 10-15 aircrafts to protect Frigates and destroyers in time of battles vs enemy airplanes -

I mean really once you get a Aircraft carrier , you really have protection to your frigates from Air, and also you can use your carrier to launch , deep and dynamic offensive moves -

I don't agree that we should just stick to submarines with new technology planes like Posiden etc , these submarines are sitting ducks underwater so you need that aerial support to protect them from larger reconicence planes like Posiden , once that threat is neutralized , perhaps then the submarines can move in to tackle enemy carriers or ships
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That is why the IN has invested in the Barak and Kashtan CIWS systems for its frontline ships. Also I do not think cruise missiles are as effective against moving targets such as ships. There was a big discussion on one of the other threads regarding this. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

the BrahMos is a cruise missile that has an anti-ship variant. And there are others as well. Also all ships are usually moving targets unless they are at anchor or docked.
Wt do u guys say......Aircraft Carrier is batter or Multirole Flying boats Aircaft

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