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Why doesn't China formally annex Aksai Chin?

I doubt this is a big area of interest for SuperBoy, he seems more interested in the Ukraine issue.

This issue interests him because he seems obsessed with China being geographically "larger" than the US. Much like a 3 year old who values a big plastic but shiny toy truck over a smaller, monetarily more expensive collectible one, his ability to measure worth hasn't progressed beyond that of a small child.
This issue interests him because he seems obsessed with China being geographically "larger" than the US. Much like a 3 year old who values a big toy truck over a little one, his ability to measure worth hasn't progressed beyond that of a small child.

True China is larger than the US in terms of land area, but we also have a much bigger population.

We are lucky though, China has immense natural resources, for example we have the largest Shale gas reserves in the world (enough to last thousands of years). That's not counting our conventional resources which are also massive.

Or things like lithium, and rare earth elements which are necessary for the production of electronics.

Having a large territory is good, like with Russia and the US. You end up with a lot of natural resources.

This is why India has a problem. They have a similar population size to us, but their land area is three times smaller. They also don't have much in the way of natural resources, even water is being fought over as we speak. No wonder they were so upset when China reclaimed Tibet, it's the water tower of Asia.
True China is larger than the US in terms of land area, but we also have a much bigger population.

We are lucky though, China has immense natural resources, for example we have the largest Shale gas reserves in the world (enough to last thousands of years). That's not counting our conventional resources which are also massive.

Or things like lithium, and rare earth elements which are necessary for the production of electronics.

Having a large territory is good, like with Russia and the US. You end up with a lot of natural resources.

This is why India has a problem. They have a similar population size to us, but their land area is three times smaller. They also don't have much in the way of natural resources, even water is being fought over as we speak. No wonder they were so upset when China reclaimed Tibet, it's the water tower of Asia.

Spot on. China was right to reclaim as much territory as possible when it did. In the 21st century, it's next to impossible to grab large inhabited swathes of land without huge economic and political repercussions. Rocks and reefs in the middle of the ocean on the other hand... :agree:
Spot on. China was right to reclaim as much territory as possible when it did. In the 21st century, it's next to impossible to grab large inhabited swathes of land without huge economic and political repercussions. Rocks and reefs in the middle of the ocean on the other hand... :agree:

Right..While both countries claim the land under other`s control...

As far as I know the areas controlled by China are already annexed, and the areas controlled by India are already annexed by India. I never heard otherwise.
Aksai chin would have been with pakistan but they chickened out and gave it to china to insure against India ..sadly for them china played smart ...and now no one talks about pakistan in this matter ..Its India which is bargainining with AC ...
Both China and India are okay with the status quo...for now. Cold Peace.
But this area is already occupied by China...What is left for China to Occupy?...Am i missing anything?..
“Why doesn't China formally annex Aksai Chin?”
I think you must be completely trust you Western claims China territory,you only see your own mapping , because there is noincluding Aksai chin.
Lol, in fact, Aksi chin in the hands of China, how to annex?

Western news reports Chinese always one-sided, or even map are so,lol.

About foreign countries, particularly in the West, to draw the map of China, you will see an interesting phenomenon about China's territorial disputes with foreign countries,
If foreign control, Westerners map Will not hesitate to put the disputed area to the country, if it is Chinese control, it will still be marked as foreign territory, or marked as disputed area.
you can see :woot::cheesy::china:
That only matters to Superboy, who believes money is fake, magic is real, and "New Russia" (aka rebel controlled parts of the Ukraine) is the world's 3rd most powerful economy.

Also, I fail to see how the OP isn't trolling with this thread.

Somehow I am not surprised. Considering one of this earlier thread is that why US doesn't conquer the world in 1945 because it has a few kiloton range nuclear bombs.
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