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Why do Turks Like Pakistan?

Brothers the reason why ı love pakistany people is because when our nation was fighting for our survial the ottoman empire was under masive gr8 dept a typical plot by the westerners but we had no money to defend our country soldiers with no shoes or just limited bullets food would only come once a week to the trenches can you imaging fighting a war in these conditions?
then news broke out that in a far distance country a brotherly country who gave everything it could to help us fight this war.
in our culture we owe you guys big time, so if ı need to spill my blood for saving pakistan shall be it it yours....
Also Pakistan has to learn a lot how to Handle USA.Turks are experts in handling America.
Interesting read... in anycase GOD bless our friendship long live both brotherly nations. :cheers:
Brothers let me tell you something about our culture.
İn our time of need when our soldiers had no food or almost no weapons to fight with in the trenches, we needed money to buy weapons to defend our nation against the allies and when a country a poor country then, when all the people of pakistan give so much when they had so little with no hessitation they gave all there valueble belongings to us,just so we could buy weapons to defend our nation and maybe one day this is why the ottoman empire will raise again see allah always helps in one way or another and allah doesn't have a hand to slap the wrong doers, the all mighty punishes the traitors in his own way always. see brothers because of your grandfathers practiced true islam allah will reward your country because your faith has passed the test, so therefore my land is your land my home is your home and if the day comes we will also defend pakistan and become soldiers for your great army tıll the last drop of blood in our body we will fight with no mercy to the enemy..
this is the way of our turkish culture that my fathers has taught me and ı will teach my sons the same may allah bless you all my brothers.....
Brothers,we will never forget Muhammed İkbal and indian müslims (now Pakistan) .It is not important how much aid was...one gold or one million golds.Important thing is they were poor but they helped us for Islam.When i think about this,i am being touched so much.If Allah gives me a boy,i would like to give him the name "Muhammed İkbal" with my pleasure...Allah onlardan razı olsun,mekanlarını cennet eylesin.
This is just one case where the Muslims of the subcontinent, in their belief of a border-less Muslim brotherhood, reached out to their fellow Muslims in need with all sincerity and whatever they could muster. Only this time the helped hand reciprocated. The Turks aren't blind to honor and it is thus that they still remember, acknowledge and reciprocate to what our elders did so many years ago. The Pak-Turk schools all around the 05 quake stricken areas is just one step showcasing the honesty and sincerity of the Turkish people towards Pakistan.

I've got a couple of really close Turkish friends, one's in Istanbul while the other's in Izmir. Great people, very friendly. And oh what a beautiful country. The architecture in Istanbul, the beaches in Izmir and the landscape of Cappadocia! #5 on the bucket list: See the sufi whirling of the Turkish Dervish.
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