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Why do indians hate pakistan army so much ?

Hi indians ...
So it was only through interacting with you that I realised that my army is the terror sponsor millitary and that instead of protecting us our army has given funds to terror organisations to kill the ordinary citizens in pakistan.
I heard you that every terror activity happening in the world has been financed by pakistan army and that from bangladesh war to afghan war to balochistan operation , only that is guilty is pakistan army , others have been very good pure souls but it was only pakistan army , the only evil in pakistan and all over the world . You blame pakistan army for the taj hotel attack but you've zero proofs for that , from al qaeda to lashkar taiba to jamat ul ahrar to ISIS, all have been created by pakistan army .

And all you do is whine whine whine without even providing strong proofs about this all , you just omit illogical filth that you've been keeping .
So my question is why this much hate for pakistan army ? Do you hate it cause they don't let you occupy land of pakistan ? Or cause it show you the equal power and military with eye in eye with you ? Or you hate it cause they oppose you at kashmir issue ?
What's the reason , and plz talk with evidences ,
I'm eager to look at all logical proofs of indians against pakistan army because here we don't talk nagative about our army cause we're the eye witness to their goodness to us .
Like I'm from balochistan , and pakistan army is really good to us . Though I do have some concerns about their unlimited power and budget but maybe im too young to understand the defence matters .. overall , they've been good to us . Helped us in floods, saving us from terrorists, joined the operation against terrorists on police centre , gave lot of money , aid , education , they have even opened many institutions in area like gawadar and helped developing it , it's like they'll give you everything you'll ask .
I even met gen. Lft. Aamir Riaz in our university at his visit in caligraphy function , trust me he was the most pious muslim I ever saw. He talked piously good , positive, encouraging,
I see no reason to doubt such people .

Look, I will keep it simple. We have a disputed land between us. Your army fires shells across the border. So do we. Pakistanis hate Indian army for supposedly occupying 'their Kashmir'. Well, so do we. I guess its simple enough to understand.
See the mark slightly above his left eyebrow in the second video.

There are so many torture methods, that doesn't involve face or hands.

See the mark slightly above his left eyebrow in the second video.
That doesn't look like a tortured face.

This does

I can post more but that will arouse the indians on this forum.

You are more than welcome to visit a SHO of my area in India, it is very close to Pakistan. I bet you will be ready to read through the paper that he gave you in less than 30 seconds.
I am welcomed to visit a area in india? Really :lol::rofl:
How about you scan a copy of that paper,post it here so i can debunk it.
That doesn't look like a tortured face.
Lol, can't read fully? You don't need to attack one's face for torturing. As simple as that.
And you skipped the evidence part. Which is totally expected, only few people would know his charge sheet (if any) and that doesn't involve public or the government. Anyway, I rest my case.

Believe me we havent started jihad with anyone yet. answer the kid with logic dont try to be smart A$$. you cudnt do anything in 3 wars with your over 1.3 billion people who have everything more than us. so be reasonable rather than hateful.

are you sure about what you write, wondering you know nothing about your history!!!

With your knowledge on your history I will not debate with you. It is useless.
rightly said...see what type of people come to forum and start putting forward their factually absolutely wrong views ..

Hi indians ...
So it was only through interacting with you that I realised that my army is the terror sponsor millitary and that instead of protecting us our army has given funds to terror organisations to kill the ordinary citizens in pakistan.
I heard you that every terror activity happening in the world has been financed by pakistan army and that from bangladesh war to afghan war to balochistan operation , only that is guilty is pakistan army , others have been very good pure souls but it was only pakistan army , the only evil in pakistan and all over the world . You blame pakistan army for the taj hotel attack but you've zero proofs for that , from al qaeda to lashkar taiba to jamat ul ahrar to ISIS, all have been created by pakistan army .

And all you do is whine whine whine without even providing strong proofs about this all , you just omit illogical filth that you've been keeping .
So my question is why this much hate for pakistan army ? Do you hate it cause they don't let you occupy land of pakistan ? Or cause it show you the equal power and military with eye in eye with you ? Or you hate it cause they oppose you at kashmir issue ?
What's the reason , and plz talk with evidences ,
I'm eager to look at all logical proofs of indians against pakistan army because here we don't talk nagative about our army cause we're the eye witness to their goodness to us .
Like I'm from balochistan , and pakistan army is really good to us . Though I do have some concerns about their unlimited power and budget but maybe im too young to understand the defence matters .. overall , they've been good to us . Helped us in floods, saving us from terrorists, joined the operation against terrorists on police centre , gave lot of money , aid , education , they have even opened many institutions in area like gawadar and helped developing it , it's like they'll give you everything you'll ask .
I even met gen. Lft. Aamir Riaz in our university at his visit in caligraphy function , trust me he was the most pious muslim I ever saw. He talked piously good , positive, encouraging,
I see no reason to doubt such people .

seems you are interested to read something shitty about your country by starting this thread? I read your status!
Indians hate everything Pakistani, which frankly doesn't matter. Let them do that, I'm already sensing a complete disengagement between two countries, which for some Pakistanis like me is quite welcome. It would be better for the two countries to end diplomatic rels. for generations to come.
With your knowledge on your history I will not debate with you. It is useless.

yes cuz your history is to destroy others, better not to debate.

are you sure about what you write, wondering you know nothing about your history!!!

rightly said...see what type of people come to forum and start putting forward their factually absolutely wrong views ..

seems you are interested to read something shitty about your country by starting this thread? I read your status!

Definatly not in this modern history, with Afg was just game of Thorn.
Hafiz saeed is a preacher
Yes and he preaches terrorism to your jobless youth against India.
He is no where as sadistic and evil as the indian posters on this forum and Dawood is not even in Pakistan :lol:
Really? Since when do any of the Indian poster here planned, propagated and funded a militant attacks Inside Pakistan.
Funding indian militancy is a waste of money,
Please tell that to your Army and ISI they are literally wasting millions out there.
I think India comes next. No 1 is obviously Bangladesh Followed by Afghanistan, Iran and India.
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I could ask the same about Pakistan. Why they are obsessed with the notion that every second, Indians are plotting to invade Pakistan. Why they think India is funding terrorists in Pakistan's troubled territories. Why they think that any progress we make in any field is done with the aim of weaponizing it against Pakistan?

And most importantly, before I even start answering your question, why does your status insult my country?
I don't have a status insulting yours :pakistan:

My status is currently not going to be situation in the thread . I m going to n open minded and respectful in this one .
Answering yours , there is not much dislike Ness or propoganda for indian army in pakistan, mostly it's your government and modi but in india it's opposite , every second person in india Seem to have lot of accusations against pakistan army . I've even seen them in world forums describing our army as terror sponsoring institution hiding obl , giving funds to terrorists, causing havoc in Afghanistan, sending terrorists to india and afghanistan and that all silly accusations . I wanted to know how much truth is in it cause it all lack proofs .

And thinking about india as invading our land or supporting terrorists in pakistan was first taught to me through media and TV, every anchor had doubt on india and when latter yadhav was caught , it gave power to this media's propoganda of india supporting terrorism here .
Your progress is not a problem to us but when your PM threatens to stop our water , supports balochistan bla terrorists , speaking against cpec then it gives a clear view that india is against the progress of pakistan.

Pakistan declared jihad on us and your army is busy about conquering India. After getting defeated 3 times your country opted for terror warfare and targeting innocents as well.
Why would it harm other citizens if it's own citizens are currently been butchered by the terrorists.
I see no truth in this accusation that our army is supporting terrorism in india and that our army is responsible for taj hotel attack , cause it lacks proofs and no one in the world has ever voted against our army or blamed it like they do with Iran , they instead kept it as head of a Islamic force against terrorism.
I see this propoganda coming only from India that proves to be its failure in world .
They hate Pakistan army because it is the only institute in Pakistan who are defending Pakistan against Indian desire of Akhand Bharat.
Yes and he preaches terrorism to your jobless youth against India.

Really? Since when do any of the Indian poster here planned, propagated and funded a militant attacks Inside Pakistan.

Please tell that to your Army and ISI they are literally wasting millions out there.
What terrorism? Do you sadists even know the definition of terrorism? rss is the perfect example of terrorists yet you people lionize them. Look at the audacity you have spending too much time on our forums trying to be relevant and calling our youth jobless.

Believe me if indians here have any sort of power they would start a genocide but they are just losers who fap at the pictures of dead random christians and muslims.

The only money my army wasted was on feeding chandu chavan. :rofl:. As for yours Tell them to keep investing more and more in Afghanistan and Iran.:tup:
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