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Why do Indians expect Bangladeshis to speak in Hindi?

Never came across any Bengali or Afghan who couldn't speak urdu/hindi, and I have met lots of them.
Its true to some extent....but I also know many humble northies and Pakistanis. In fact my best buddy from Bangladesh...his best friends (along with me, some other Bengalis and some local Canadians) are from Pakistan and North India respectively.

Not one time has he told me them two have put down Bangladesh in any way......but other Indians certainly have to his face....which I think is not proper at all (though he very famously exploded on them about India several years back....the details of which he has has never shared with me given we are best buds heh). I told him I don't take anything like that personally since I know people like that deserve it.....but he still says....you don't want to know what I said. Lol!
I guess it's only the people living in these respective country that have problem with each other... Pakistanis Indians Bangladeshis in Kuwait might choose sides in a cricket match and taunt each other some times... but they never fight and feel hatred for each other like the locals do... in fact they are in most cases... buddies :)

you got wrong idea about north and south.. north indians generally behave like dic*s but once you are in their group they will treat you as part of their pack... so the initial sizing each other up bit (males do that all the time) is the difficult bit...
its much more fun to be in north indian group if you are a young male.

you will never be able to understand south indian language and so cannot really become their friends in true sense.. you will smile at them, they will smile at you.. thats pretty much is the extend you will go.
For me... it was easier since we all spoke in English all the time.... there is only this one girl I know whose accent is not Indian at all... South Indian I mean... she is an awesome and fun person to be with.
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This is very common abroad. Non resident Indians in these countries speak in Hindi with Bangladeshis even after knowing that he is Bangladeshi. Indians start talking in Hindi as if Bangladeshis can understand Hindi well.

During Gulshan attack coverage by Indian media the TV host talked live with Bangladeshis in Hindi. A Bangladeshi journalist requested him to ask question in English. Only then the Indian host asked him in English.
Silly question...
Americans expect everyone to speak English...
French expect everyone would know French...
Whats the big deal... people expect everyone to speak their language... thats' human nature....

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