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Why Do Global Firms Prefer INDIAN CEOs ? Pakistani Reactions

So now where in the above source does it claim that the indian IQ is increasing with increasing gdp as per your initial claims? Could you specify that?
The website you shared said the same.
I did say it above.

We have learned about these numbers from 2002 to 2006 by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries. Although this work was strongly criticized, it is difficult to deny the impact of high intelligence people on the welfare state, because the country for the benefit of which employs the brightest and most creative minds, cannot move forward and develop in a better way. Richard and Tatu argue that differences in national income are correlated with differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ).

Differences in average statistical indicators of intelligence have to make up a certain opinion about the wealth and prosperity of this country. Certain results are controversial and have caused much debate.

You have to be suspicious of them. Country affects the man, but a man in turn, affects the country. The more opportunities the state provides its citizens to educate and raise their IQ, the higher the reward afterwards for their welfare.

We can say that these values are in the cyclical connection: the increase in one affects the other - this is a continuous process.
The website you shared said the same.
I did say it above.

So then it is safe to assume that there are at least 145 countries that are far more scientifically and technologically more advanced than india.
They don't need the board. The board needs them.
Tell me Satya, or Sundar "could've walked away"

Both were very anonymous engineers in the structure. A developer with 10 years work experience, and leading some units is of course valuable, but not to the point of giving such seats in the management, director,VP,GM level positions as a prerequisite to lure them in.

For them, getting into the C-suite was once in a lifetime opportunity, for which they signed onto everything without hesitation.

They were all appointed from above, rather than pushing themselves up. That's the dry truth there.

The "telephone government" CEOs are a reality of life in Silicon Valley, and moreover so with "diversity hire" CEOs.
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So then it is safe to assume that there are at least 145 countries that are far more scientifically and technologically more advanced than india.
No, it means (according the website) that 145 countries should have higher IQ than India and it is their own opinion. IQ doesn’t mean technologically advanced.

I call their opinion as BS.
No, it means (according the website) that 145 countries should have higher IQ than India and it is their own opinion. IQ doesn’t mean technologically advanced.

I call their opinion as BS.

So then what advanced sciences and or technologies have over 1.5 billion indians globally invented that members of those 145 other nations haven't?
So then what advanced sciences and or technologies have over 1.5 billion indians globally invented that members of those 145 other nations haven't?
There are only 1.4 Billion Indians, and its just the website saying it not me, if you think that country’s per capita GDP is linked with being technologically advanced then Liechtenstein should’ve been the super power with the highest IQ. Hence your IQ related bs is already done and dusted.
Do you have ANY evidence that indians invented the IT industry, invented e-mails? Also, do you have ANY evidence that top Japanese scientists and professors needed advise and expertise from indian mathematicians who are the best in the world?

Yaar save the energy.

A nation that has more starving than the whole of Africa yet the international global warriors want to come on here boasting their intellectual and superior intelligence is embarrassing.
Out of a total of 1.2 billion plus you are always going to get the odd few excelling and offering something more than the average.
However you would think judging by the "defenders of the indian faith" on here - people were flocking to India to experience the sheer wealth and high lifestyles offered by this land mass. In reality we know its slightly different.
There are only 1.4 Billion Indians, and its just the website saying it not me, if you think that country’s per capita GDP is linked with being technologically advanced then Liechtenstein should’ve been the super power with the highest IQ. Hence your IQ related bs is already done and dusted.

Funny. You were the one that was claiming just that previously. So could you now state ANY advanced sciences and or technologies that 1.5 billion indians GLOBALLY have invented that AT LEAST 145 other nations who are superior to india and indians havn't?............. :azn:

PS The population of india is 1.4 billion. If you include the numbers of indians globally than that figure goes up to 1.5 billion.
Yaar save the energy.

A nation that has more starving than the whole of Africa yet the international global warriors want to come on here boasting their intellectual and superior intelligence is embarrassing.
Out of a total of 1.2 billion plus you are always going to get the odd few excelling and offering something more than the average.
However you would think judging by the "defenders of the indian faith" on here - people were flocking to India to experience the sheer wealth and high lifestyles offered by this land mass. In reality we know its slightly different.


Bro, india's population is actually OVER 1.4 billion. If you include indians living outside of india, that figure goes up to around 1.5 billion:

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Funny. You were the one that was claiming just that previously. So could you now state ANY advanced sciences and or technologies that 1.5 billion indians GLOBALLY have invented that AT LEAST 145 other nations who are superior to india and indians havn't?
I wasn’t claiming anything, you posted link of some random website claiming to have IQ data of nationalities taken in 2005-6 and also says that per capita income is a corelation with IQ, which is their own opinion and not necessarily true. India is financially diverse country, yes there will be someone who would be homeless and there will be one working in an IT Company. And regarding PCGDP China’s is at 72nd rank that doesn’t mean that all other countries above china are technologically advanced and higher IQ. And anyways IQ is a stupid metric which no government takes seriously.
I wasn’t claiming anything, you posted link of some random website claiming to have IQ data of nationalities taken in 2005-6 and also says that per capita income is a corelation with IQ, which is their own opinion and not necessarily true. India is financially diverse country, yes there will be someone who would be homeless and there will be one working in an IT Company. And regarding PCGDP China’s is at 72nd rank that doesn’t mean that all other countries above china are technologically advanced and higher IQ. And anyways IQ is a stupid metric which no government takes seriously.

Okay then, so now name ANY scientific or technological inventions by 1.5 billion indians all around the globe that 145 countries ranked above india have not done themselves.
As I said EXAMINE the trend


India started with low numbers as China did 25 years ago. We are now picking up the pace and we will contunue to move UP THE LADDER.

Pakistanforever whinges daily about India's low IQ because he found a graph to point at India low IQ.
Remember the Germans too did all sorts of IQ tests and found Jews to be sub-human . Incapable of scientific achievements. They used the same reasoning as Pakistanforever does to prove to himself that Indians have a low IQ.
If it's so low then surely Pakistan must be producing geniuses. Where are they ???
You should spend less time pointing at Indians and wonder where the Pakistani intellects have disappeared to.

Some Indian scientists

  • Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930 for his pioneering work on scattering of light. Born in Tiruchirapalli on November 7, 1888, he was the first Asian and first non-White to receive any Nobel Prize in the sciences.
    He discovered that, when light traverses a transparent material, some of the deflected light changes in wavelength. This phenomenon is now called the Raman scattering and is the result of the Raman effect.

. Chandrashekar born on October 19, 1910 in Lahore, British India, he was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics for his mathematical theory of black holes. The Chandrasekhar limit is named after him. His most celebrated work concerns the radiation of energy from stars, particularly white dwarf stars, which are the dying fragments of stars. He died on August 21, 1995,

Homi Bhabha
He was the first person to become the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of India. Having started his scientific career in nuclear physics from Great Britain, Bhabha returned to India and played a key role in convincing the Congress Party’s senior leaders, most notably Jawaharlal Nehru, to start the ambitious nuclear programme.

Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya was a notable Indian engineer, scholar,
He has the credit of inventing ‘automatic sluice gates’ and ‘block irrigation system’ which are still considered to be marvels in engineering. Each year, his birthday 15 September is celebrated as Engineer’s Day in India.
Since river beds were costly, he came up with an efficient way of filtering water through ‘Collector Wells’ in 1895

Venkatraman Radhakrishnan was born on May 18, 1929 in Tondaripet, a suburb of Chennai. Venkataraman was a globally renowned space scientist and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
He was an internationally acclaimed Astrophysicist and also known for his design and fabrication of ultralight aircraft and sailboats.
His observations and theoretical insights helped the community in unraveling many mysteries surrounding pulsars, interstellar clouds, galaxy structures and various other celestial bodies. He died at the age of 81 in Bangalore.

Satyendra Nath Bose

Born on January 1, 1894 in Calcutta, SN Bose was an Indian physicist specialising in quantum mechanics. He is of course most remembered for his role played in the class of particles ‘bosons‘, which were named after him by Paul Dirac to commemorate his work in the field.

Bose adapted a lecture at the University of Dhaka on the theory of radiation and the ultraviolet catastrophe into a short article called “Planck’s Law and the Hypothesis of Light Quanta” and sent it to Albert Einstein. Einstein agreed with him, translated Bose’s paper “Planck’s Law and Hypothesis of Light Quanta” into German, and had it published in Zeitschrift für Physik under Bose’s name, in 1924. This formed the basis of the Bose-Einstein Statistics.

In 1937, Rabindranath Tagore dedicated his only book on science, Visva–Parichay, to Satyendra Nath Bose.

Meghnad Saha

Born on October 6, 1893 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Meghnad Saha’s best-known work concerned the thermal ionisation of elements, and it led him to formulate what is known as the Saha Equation. This equation is one of the basic tools for interpretation of the spectra of stars in astrophysics. By studying the spectra of various stars, one can find their temperature and from that, using Saha’s equation, determine the ionisation state of the various elements making up the star.

He also invented an instrument to measure the weight and pressure of solar rays.
But did you know, he was also the chief architect of river planning in India? He prepared the original plan for the Damodar Valley Project.

8. Srinivasa Ramanujan

orn on December 22, 1887 in Tamil Nadu, Ramanujam was an Indian mathematician and autodidact who, with almost no formal training in pure mathematics, made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions.

By age 11, he had exhausted the mathematical knowledge of two college students who were lodgers at his home. He was later lent a book on advanced trigonometry written by S. L. Loney. He completely mastered this book by the age of 13 and discovered sophisticated theorems on his own.

We hadn’t known before that he faced a lot of health problems while living in England due to scarcity of vegetarian food. He returned to India and died at a young age of 32.

Jagadish Chandra Bose

Acharya J.C. Bose was a man of many talents. Born on 30 November, 1858 in Bikrampur, West Bengal, he was a polymath, physicist, biologist, botanist and archaeologist. He pioneered the study of radio and microwave optics, made important contributions to the study of plants and laid the foundation of experimental science in the Indian sub-continent. He was the first person to use semiconductor junctions to detect radio signals, thus demonstrating wireless communication for the first time. What’s more, he is also probably the father of open technology, as he made his inventions and work freely available for others to further develop. His reluctance for patenting his work is legendary.

Another of his well known inventions is the crescograph, through which he measured plant response to various stimuli and hypothesized that plants can feel pain, understand affection etc.

While most of us are aware of his scientific prowess, we might not be aware of his talent as an early writer of science fiction! He is in fact considered the father of Bengali science fiction

Har Gobind Khorana

Khorana was an Indian-American biochemist who shared the 1968 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Marshall W. Nirenberg and Robert W. Holley for research that helped to show how the order of nucleotides in nucleic acids, which carry the genetic code of the cell, control the cell’s synthesis of proteins.

In 1970, Khorana became the first to synthesize an artificial gene in a living cell. His work became the foundation for much of the later research in biotechnology and gene therapy.

We could go on until the cows come home. Please Mr Pakistanforever, with a much higher intelligence than Indians,
can share with us the internationally recognised scientists from Pakistan.
You do realize that the above are not inventions but indians using the science, technology and expertise of the white race to make things. So I ask again, what have over 1.5 billion indians globally invented or pioneered THEMSELVES?........... :azn:
The thing is you’re a seasoned troll who’ll keep repeating BS.
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