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Why do Afghans and Taliban HATE Pakistan & The Solution?



New Recruit

Sep 30, 2008
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The Afghan Diaspora in the West clearly articulate their issue with Pakistan and the Pakistanees, are these issues genuine and what is the Solution to Terrorism from Afghan soil.

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They are landlocked and desperately want sea access through FATA and Baluchistan. That is their end game and always has been since Pakistan was born. Supporting the pashtuns in Afghanistan is the most retarded thing Pakistan could do and Pakistan has done a lot of retarded things. They literally politically supported and armed the most psychotic and violent ethnicity in Afghanistan who live next to the Pakistan border. You couldn't make this up.
Here in the USA, for afghan girls, and Pakistani men for marriage are choice !!.
In short, Afghanistan lays claims to areas of Pakistan including Balochistan, and Pakhtunkwa, which they label as "Loy Afghanistan"

They want that part of the land due to resources and access to the sea, but also because there's a cultural hate rooting back cenutires against Panjabis due to the Sikh wars, but they also view all Indic ethnicities as "Panjabi", so there's an inherent racial element to it.

On top of all of this, Afghan rulers spent a lot of time spreading propaganda about how it is their God given duty to destroy Pakistan and how they must do it at all costs. Hence even today they destroyed their country in the process but still want to destroy Pakistan.


They named entire areas in Afghanistan after these separatist blocks of Pakistan. Supported a lot of militancy.

People's natural inclination is to distrust and hate outsiders. Sure, it might be a bit more intense with Afghans, but it's the reality of all people, no matter where you go. There's no nation on Earth that likes the people of other nations by default. Rather, to get to that point, one or both sides had to work for generations to cultivate a positive perception of themselves in the eyes of others.

The Pakistani state and elite can't even get Pakistanis to love them, so why would you expect the Afghans to love us? If we want Afghans to respect us, then trust me, the only way to do it is to cross the border, win a fight, and earn their respect by force.
The truth is simple

The afghans/pashtuns have destroyed themselves because of their Haram ethnocentric jahilat/nationalism

In simple reality, we are all similar people and from the beginning all they had to do was respect our country and the borders would have been NON EXISTENT
Pashtuns on either side could have freely moved anywhere, visited family, free trade, used our ports

It could have been as if we were one country

But the backwardness and backwards jahilat amongst the pashtuns and some Baloch is so toxic, so poisonous that rather then peace and sense they have literally DESTROYED their own society, made life hell for their own women and children and instead of accepting responsibility seek to blame Pakistan/Punjab for their endless fassad and woes

Tired of Pakistan giving these idiots the benefit of doubt

They are ENEMIES

Make the borders strong, we have built a fence, now that must be strengthened, more borders forts, patrols.
Learn from the mistakes so we don't keep getting hit
Be RUTHLESS against any of the trash, make border trade incredibly difficult if not impossible if the local idiots on our side or theirs do not obey the law

Same goes in Balochistan

Bring the hammer down, the lives of 230 million people can't be risked because these idiots are drinking the ethnocentric and Marxist cool aid
People's natural inclination is to distrust and hate outsiders. Sure, it might be a bit more intense with Afghans, but it's the reality of all people, no matter where you go. There's no nation on Earth that likes the people of other nations by default. Rather, to get to that point, one or both sides had to work for generations to cultivate a positive perception of themselves in the eyes of others.

The Pakistani state and elite can't even get Pakistanis to love them, so why would you expect the Afghans to love us? If we want Afghans to respect us, then trust me, the only way to do it is to cross the border, win a fight, and earn their respect by force.
People's natural inclination is to distrust and not like outsiders - very different from outright hating them. Afghans don't mind other people, while may dislike others. They despise Pakistan and it's people.

Also the reason they hate Pakistan is not due to that - it is political and historical.

They claim Pakistani land, same way Indians claim Kashmir. On top of that historically they had wars with Sikhs - which translated into their current day cultural hatred for Panjabis (which they basically see everyone in Pakistan as, especially Indic ethnicities)

Filled with decades of propaganda of saying its their divine duty to conquer their lands back from Pakistan, and to genocide the Panjabis. There's weird political and racial elements to it.

If we want Afghans to respect us, then trust me, the only way to do it is to cross the border, win a fight, and earn their respect by force.
This part I agree with 100%, they only respect those who have power and use force.

The more Pakistanis whimper towards them about "bhai Islami bhai" - it is seen as submissive and cowardice. Defending yourself aggressively is what gives you respect.

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