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Why do a lot of Indian think China banning twitter, facebook, youtube etc is a bad thing

Thanks or the link.
But no i was not talking about PMs,on very profile page theres somethings called "profile postings" which i guess is visible to everyone who visits a profile.So can a senior member do that??
Just my stupid doubts.....
Anyways i can bookmark the link i suppose so i am doing that.

@levina. You are still young and pure (I have my doubts, but play along).

Many have succumbed to the Chinese hordes here.

Flee my little rosebud.

@levina. You are still young and pure (I have my doubts, but play along).

Many have succumbed to the Chinese hordes here.

Flee my little rosebud.


Why dont you post that panda pic here???

(Are you a poet too?? And see i played along :p:)
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Why dont you post that panda pic here???

(Are you a poet too??)

I write short stories as a hobby.

I am hoping that my hobby will turn into something more in the future :)
Thanks or the link.
But no i was not talking about PMs,on very profile page theres somethings called "profile postings" which i guess is visible to everyone who visits a profile.So can a senior member do that??
Just my stupid doubts.....
Anyways i can bookmark the link i suppose so i am doing that.

I haven't tried that yet, the forum has been upgraded and some features needs to be explored :tup: 
@levina. You are still young and pure (I have my doubts, but play along).

Many have succumbed to the Chinese hordes here.

Flee my little rosebud.


Indians are majority here and chinese are not good at debates. You will know for sure.
Now i am wondering
why would an "American" (supposedly) sitting in America for whom youtube,facebook and google are just a click away would post a thread on the "advantages" of banning these sites in China???
Hmmm my logic says you're chinese.And that you're jealous of us Indians for having all the privileges. I dont really blame you.

Caught you...redhanded!!!:devil:
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Go on i am listening.....
I dont see any reply,just my post reposted.:p:
@levina. You are still young and pure (I have my doubts, but play along).

Many have succumbed to the Chinese hordes here.

Flee my little rosebud.


How did i miss that???
So Mr.Nair what are you doubtful about ?? me being young??? Or pure???

(I know this very well that i am giving this thread extra mileage and now i dont want to be blamed for turning it into a chit chat thread too)

And about your stories....do post them here whenever you write one.Looking forward to reading them.........nah i am not joking.:devil:
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@WebMaster can you please confirm that my IP is from the US....
Well sitting here in the great US of A.. I see that China is using every trick in the book to promote their company to benefit China, some here think they are better capitalist than we are... Most company see China as a huge cash cow so they are will to sell the farm to get a piece... This gave China the advantage, and their government is using every bit of it to shake down our company.. For example if you are going to set up a factory in China, at least 50% must be Chinese own, and TOT is a must... They are using market competition to see which foreign company are willing to give up more IP away in order to get in to China.. Their philosophy is if the American company don't do it than the German will.

Another example is Rare earth, China reduce their rare earth export, this in effect force most if not all company that are heavy dependent on these material to move their factory to China and give up vast amount of their IP to do it.. You notice all those electronic are made in China, they are not made there base on cheap labor alone. If cheap labor was the only reason we would be making them in Mexico. China leverage rare earth to shake down to Hi tech company for their IP for years. That why out of nowhere you see Chinese company suddenly producing mobile phone equivalent to Korean, Japanese in such a short period of time.. Now they are almost at a point where they do not need foreign IP to move forward as regard to their electronic industries.
Looking at China and India you see two country with a billion plus population, but you only see China willing to do what is needed to improve the life of its populace....
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What does the OP's nationality have anything to do with the merits of his posts? Or for some reason, an American's opinion carries more weight than that of a non-American?

Ad-hominem attack just shows how desperate you are.

Back to the topic, I have always argued that protecting domestic infant companies in "KEY" industries is vital for a big country like China. Infant companies cannot compete with mature companies on equal footing. This world is never fair, and will never be fair.
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Back to the topic, I have always argued that protecting domestic infant companies in "KEY" industries is vital for a big country like China. Infant companies cannot compete with mature companies on equal footing. This world is never fair, and will never be fair.
Country like China and India if they fail to protect their key sector, the future of their populace will be limited to a third world status.. Globalization without protection is colonization in the 21st century...
The Chinese have leverage their billions of eye balls with government control censor to limit access to foreign internet company..
That means Chinese use Baidu, Renren, youko and Sino Weio, instead of Google, youtube, twitter, and facebook. This is not a bad thing for China as most un educated Indian would like you to believe.. While India praise the ability to use these western company, they are also shipping billion of ad revenue/taxes strait to the US..
While the Chinese get the taxes, ad revenue and other benefit from having home grow company. The Indian well they just celebrate their lack of common sense, some seem to think having a foreign company control such an important part of their ecomony as a good thing... WAKE UP INDIA AND INDIANS you and your billion plus are being taking advantage of...
With the current NSA scandal if I were an Indian I would use it as an excuse to push out or make it hard for foreign internet company to operate in India and give your own home grown company a chance to take over..

For an American, you are surprisingly well aware about Chinese social media sites!! :)

Now, China didn't block Google, Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube to boost Chinese companies. They did it because now they can decide what to show in their search engine, so they can block news and articles on Tienanmen Square or Liu Xiaobo if they feel the news is negative for CCP. And CCP can control people's opinion on social media sites. You must be more aware than me that Chinese users need to submit their IDs and get it verified by these social media companies like Weibo before they can post publicly!! So much for freedom of expression. :)
For an American, you are surprisingly well aware about Chinese social media sites!! :)
You must be more aware than me that Chinese users need to submit their IDs and get it verified by these social media companies like Weibo before they can post publicly!! So much for freedom of expression. :)
I'm aware of Chinese social media site because of their success, lol If Baidu didn't have 560 million user base I would have never known about it.. With regard to
Chinese users need to submit their IDs and get it verified by these social media companies like Weibo before they can post publicly
for a business that actually a good thing as the user base number can be confirm so when sina weibo state the number of their user base you known its real and not fake.. For example Yahoo has the 3rd largest e-mail user base but we don't really how many of those are fake account, with sina weibo their number are confirm by the government..

China don't have freedom of expression, but that haven't stop them from improving the life of their people..
I'm aware of Chinese social media site because of their success, lol If Baidu didn't have 560 million user base I would have never known about it.. With regard to for a business that actually a good thing as the user base number can be confirm so when sina weibo state the number of their user base you known its real and not fake.. For example Yahoo has the 3rd largest e-mail user base but we don't really how many of those are fake account, with sina weibo their number are confirm by the government..

China don't have freedom of expression, but that haven't stop them from improving the life of their people..

You want us to believe that companies like Weibo is going through the tedious process of verifying ID of each user to know exact number of users?? :lol: :lol:

Is it really that difficult for you to understand? You must be having some idea about how closely monitored people's lives are in China? Do you know China blocked all media reports on the Noble Prize awarding ceremony of Liu Xiaobo for example? Do you know CCP has paid internet watchers to monitor activities of its citizen on internet? With Weibo/Govt. knowing about your ID and activities on internet, you will not dare to post anything that goes against the Govt.

This didn't happen for nothing!!

I personally have great respect for this man, whoever he is.
You want us to believe that companies like Weibo is going through the tedious process of verifying ID of each user to know exact number of users??
Did I say that ? What I said was the result of the CPC action actually help Sina Weibo as it legitimize the number of their user base by confirming every user ID...You know what google and facebook would gives to have the kinda of data sina weibo have from their user..

Is it really that difficult for you to understand that democracy has nothing to do with development in China and their leader don't really care about it... S Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan were not very democratic when they develop and industrialized .. lol the same can be said America and the UK...
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