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Why do a lot of Indian think China banning twitter, facebook, youtube etc is a bad thing

1) None of the so-called domestic companies that you cite is doing original work. They survive because of your government. Period. The day CCP crashes is the day they will crash.

2) You cannot substitute protectionism for lack of expression. You paranoid commies will shit in your pants the day some non-controlling media entity will give platform to the million of mutinies of your citizens. You cannot equate survival to business practices.

3) If your technology is strong enough, I don't see any reason why you should restrict global players to compete with your companies. Can you cite me one instance in nature where the gardener restricts the bees to pollinate with the flowers? Your practice is not in accordance with nature and still you have the guts to drum your ignorance with such arrogance?

I just wish that there rises a hero from the ashes of your misery and rouses the dim wick that wavers in you all. That day we will certainly be in awe of China.
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1) None of the so-called domestic companies that you cite is doing original work. They survive because of your government. Period. The day CCP crashes is the day they will crash.

2) You cannot substitute protectionism for lack of expression. You paranoid commies will shit in your pants the day some non-controlling media entity will give platform to the million of mutinies of your citizens. You cannot equate survival to business practices.

3) If your technology is strong enough, I don't see any reason why you should restrict global players to compete with your companies. Can you cite me one instance in nature where the gardener restricts the bees to pollinate with the flowers? Your practice is not in accordance with nature and still you have the guts to drum your ignorance with such arrogance?

I just wish that there rises a hero from the ashes of your misery and rouses the dim wick that wavers in you all. That day we will certainly be in awe of China.
:omghaha: you mad bro
A lot of China's company are still relatively new/young they can't compete without some kind of protection..
This quote from OKEMOS explains it all, why developing country need protection from well establish 1st world company.

Back to the topic, I have always argued that protecting domestic infant companies in "KEY" industries is vital for a big country like China. Infant companies cannot compete with mature companies on equal footing. This world is never fair, and will never be fair.
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Yeah, I am mad at your silly logic, I am mad at your piss poor blindness, I am mad at your sorry state. I just wish I could offer some decent course on imagination to your captive citizens.
Yeah, I am mad at your silly logic, I am mad at your piss poor blindness, I am mad at your sorry state. I just wish I could offer some decent course on imagination to your captive citizens.
There you go again attack the person, an ignore the subject..
Yeah, I am mad at your silly logic, I am mad at your piss poor blindness, I am mad at your sorry state. I just wish I could offer some decent course on imagination to your captive citizens.

You need some economic history lessons. Tell me which developed countries didn't use protectionism during it's early stage of industrialisation? Heck, even highly developed countries like the EU, Japan and the US are still practicing protrectionism to the disadvantage of developing countries that of course you would barely find any news in the media. Just google (un)fair trade!
I don't feel any inconvenient without twitter or FB, except Youtube.

Sina weibo is more functionally powerful than Twitter and more close to our daily lives. No doubt weibo has laid solid foundation in China.
I would rather crawl FREELY on my knees rather than some bunch of autocrats allowing me to ride on a horse,while controlling every aspect of my life,including the no.of kids I make! Freedom is every thing man,I don't want to be the exotic animal living in a highly developed,golden caged zoo.
I would rather crawl FREELY on my knees rather than some bunch of autocrats allowing me to ride on a horse,while controlling every aspect of my life,including the no.of kids I make! Freedom is every thing man,I don't want to be the exotic animal living in a highly developed,golden caged zoo.

Allu Kollamallo.

China mattoru Polandavumo? :D
I would rather crawl FREELY on my knees rather than some bunch of autocrats allowing me to ride on a horse,while controlling every aspect of my life,including the no.of kids I make! Freedom is every thing man,I don't want to be the exotic animal living in a highly developed,golden caged zoo.


too good!!
i will tell you why they banned them, as chinese government cannot tolerate opinions other than government, its not about revenue, some students were protesting in chongqing the police shot them, that video was uploaded to social media sites so they banned all,youtube,twitter,facebook etc. but i see taiwan and hongkong people on facebook and other sites, hypocrisy much eh? chinese government?
they want to control mainland with media censorship but not even touch taiwan and hongkong.
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